Qin Tian never thought that one day his woman would have such an idea. Li Xinran thought that even the practice was not necessarily useful. After all, everyone's talent was different, so she might not be able to complete it. So when Qin Tian went out this time, did Li Xinran feel that it was more effective to sign up for adult Taekwondo?

Thinking of this, she put down her travel plans for the time being and had better see Taekwondo first.

Qin Tian didn't expect that she thought so.

After getting up early in the morning, seeing the breakfast that had been made on the table, Qin Tian was very satisfied. How many good things he had done in his last life could he meet such a good wife as Li Xinran.

"Honey, I made my own steamed buns, and this is the soybean that my mother brought last time. It's just squeezed into soybean milk. It's delicious!"

Li Xinran's words let Qin Tian have a quick taste. He nodded and praised: "my wife's craftsmanship is good. I don't want to eat anything outside after eating your breakfast. Wife, I have to go on a business trip in a few days. Can you stay at home yourself?"

"Why not? If you are not at home, I will go to my mother's place, or else there will be Lin Xiaoyao? "

Qin Tian nodded and said the same thing. He planned to go for a day or two to see the situation. Now is not the time to start. Wait until the time is right.

Qin Tian accompanied Li Xinran these two days. On the day of departure, he personally sent Li Xinran to Li Cheng, and he was relieved to go out.

Qin Tian takes the old moon and the monkey Zhou Qianming and Yang Bing. The others will come later. Otherwise, people from Shanghai and the sea will suspect him.

It turned out to be the case. When they first arrived in Shanghai, it was already at night. Several people were far away from the big stall near the station to fill their stomachs. As soon as they sat down, they heard several bald heads talking about them. Qin Tian and others immediately raised their ears.

"It's said that the ring is in Qin Tian's hand, but none of our people have seen Qin Tian. How can we catch him?"

"Catch him? Even if he's in front of you, you can catch him? In the past, the general ladle handle was just a chicken in front of him. He pulled out a few times and beat the man down.

now do you think you can compare with the general ladle handle

"What can I do? We don't know people, but we can't beat them. How can we let them pass? "

"Let him grandma!"

All of a sudden, there was a rough voice. Qin Tian looked at it, but a strong black man came with a group of people. The people who started to talk slowly stood up.

"What do you mean?"

"It means that you, the garbage, want to find Qin Tian to support you. Do you want to see how much you weigh?"

Strong man mercilessly ridiculed them, those several people were red eyes, around people have to avoid Qin Tian, they also retreat to one side.

"God, shall we do it?"

Yang Bing asked him softly beside him, and Qin Tian shook his head, "don't worry, let's have a look."

He didn't know the specific situation. Besides, who were these people and why did they invite him?

Qin Tian felt that there was something strange. At this time, people on both sides had already faced each other.

"Go back and tell Chen Dake, just tell me what Wang Hu Hu said. Let all of you stay far away from me. Even if it's the general ladle handle, it's no use. I'll fight you after seeing you!"

"Why don't you think I'm dead! You know the rules? Don't interfere with each other! "

The strong man, that is, the king tiger, is very disdainful. Raising his hand is a slap to the side.

His hand was as big as a futon, which knocked people down in such an instant.

"Damn it, go on!"

As soon as the knocked down man's voice fell, he picked up the chopsticks on the table and inserted them into the strong man's arm. The people on both sides quickly started fighting.

Qin Tian looked at him helplessly. This group of people said it was because of him that they would fight. However, Qin Tian could not dissuade him. He could only watch them fight with each other.

"Crash" a sound, the strong man will each other's leader into the side of the swill bucket, more than a burst of stench hit.

"I'll go to your uncle!"

He crawled out of the barrel and grabbed some bones in his hand. He hit the strong man head and face. The other party should be afraid of the rotten smell on his body and hurt his arm. For a while, he beat him back and forth.

Qin Tian can't help but help but help his forehead. He is a talent and can't think of such a disgusting person.

"I'm grass mud horse, you're enough. Don't let me alone. It's so smelly!"

The strong man couldn't stand shouting and was chased all the way.

At this time, the battle is over, swill bucket defeated the strong man.

"Who dares to touch my brother!"

This will open a van, get out of the car, a smart little man, see them, especially the smelly hands, can't help but give a thumbs up.

"It's a talent, you boy!"

"Big brother, let me wash it first. I'm going to throw up the stink."

"Go ahead, go ahead. I'll give you two hundred dollars to clean up. Do you see the rest of the people?"His subordinates remembered their task and shook their heads one after another. He was so angry that he said in a cruel voice: "Damn, I know to do the right thing with Chen Dake. If I find Qin Tian first, I must have a good relationship!"

With that, Chen Dake stood at the gate of the stall with his waist inserted. Qin Tian and others also sat down again. The boss began to clean up the mess and serve him food by the way.

"God, what are they looking for you for? They don't want to kill you yet?"

Qin Tian shook his head and knocked on Yang Bing's head, "are you stupid? They want a ring, but obviously they don't have enough level. If they could, they would have been the boss by themselves. It seems that Zhang Jia has told these people about me. Otherwise, it would not have happened today. "

Qin Tian's analysis makes them nod. Gu Yue reminds them: "this Chen Dake seems to be the boss of the axe gang."

Axe Gang?

Qin Tian didn't expect that there were still such gangs.

"God, why don't they use axes when they fight?"

Yang Bing asked again. This time, without waiting for Qin Tian to speak, the monkey said, "aren't you afraid that they can't afford to pay for medical expenses if they cut people down? Now there are risks in gang fighting. "

All of a sudden, a sneer came from the side. Chen Dake looked back at them and said: "you don't have any medical expenses. Our Axe Gang has changed its ways now. We don't need an axe at all. We just need to scare them!"

Qin Tian and they realized that Chen Dake had been eavesdropping on their speeches, so they simply stood up and invited him to come and sit down.

Chen Da didn't refuse. He went over and sat down opposite Qin Tian. Qin Tian asked, "excuse me, elder brother, why do you want to look for Qin Tian? I heard him clearly just now. It seems that you are all looking for him. What's the origin of this man that you should pay so much attention to?"

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