Listening to Qin Tian's question, Chen Dake looks at the stranger in front of him with doubts in his eyes.

"Who are you and what are you doing in Shanghai?"

Seeing that Chen Dake is so vigilant, Qin Tian doesn't hide it, and simply states his identity. "In fact, we know Qin Tian and we are looking for him. If we join hands, will we be much faster than you to fight alone? Elder brother Chen is such a smart person, I think we won't refuse. We have some festivals with Qin Tian, so this time we heard that he came, we followed him 。”

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Chen Dake's vigilance relaxed a little, and suddenly patted the table and said, "if you said it earlier, I don't have to spend so much effort. Now our people are looking for this man at various stations and docks, but there is only one picture on hand that is still unclear."

Chen Dake took out a photo to show him. Qin Tian saw his back in the picture, and almost a mouthful of old blood gushed out. No wonder these people didn't find themselves after searching for a long time. Originally, they didn't know what they looked like. If they only relied on their back figure, they could not find them in their lifetime.

So Qin Tian said with a smile, "brother Chen, if you don't dislike it, we'll cooperate. In fact, I know Qin Tian and know what he looks like. If you take a picture of your back, you can't find it all your life. Why don't we cooperate?"

Chen Dake thought about it and nodded, "OK, let's cooperate, but you boy, please remember, don't play any tricks, or I'm not easy to be provoked!"

Qin Tian promised, "what elder brother said is that we came from other places, and we have to listen to him. However, can you tell me what's wrong with Qin Tian?"

Chen Da sighed and said, "where is the festival? It's just that the underground forces in Shanghai and the sea area have to obey his orders, and some gangs are not convinced. But although we are big gangs, the situation is not as good as before. We must find a supporter. So we only want to surrender to Qin Tian. As for you, we can't beat him if we find him Come on

As soon as Qin Tian heard this, he knew that things were not so simple. The whole area of Shanghai and sea was not supported by the general ladle. There must be chaos. Now is a good opportunity for him to take advantage of these gangs.

In fact, there is a hidden danger in Qin Tian's mind, that is, Zhang Jia is behind to add fuel to the flames. If it wasn't for Zhang's voice behind his back, these gangs would not have stopped him so early.

But now it's time to try their reaction.

Qin Tian asked again: "elder brother Chen, I heard that they talked about the ring. I also heard about it in Songshan city. The ring of the general ladle handle in Shanghai and sea area can command you. Does elder brother Chen want to rob the ring?"

Chen Dake immediately laughed, "grab the ring? That's not easy to wear. You know what it means? "

Qin Tian shook his head, "I would like to hear its details."

With a smile, Chen Dake took a bottle of beer from the table and poured it into his glass. Then he began to say:

"putting on the ring means that you can organize all the people, not only in terms of force, but also lead the brothers to divide territory and negotiate with various forces. You say that if we rob the ring, we can do this Order?

My elder brother Chen's military value is not weak, but my brother is not necessarily. There are tens of thousands of people in the whole Shanghai and sea area. Can I use a small axe to help suppress so many people "

after hearing this, Qin Tian realized that these gangs also had concerns. Chen Dake knocked on the table and warned Qin Tian," if you just want to share a share of the share, or see Qin Tian's strength I can take you there. If you want a trick or something, I think you'd better leave as soon as possible! "

Qin Tian can see that Chen Da is a real man. He can be a brother, but he is too beautiful to be a boss.

"Brother Chen, let's not wait here. My news is that Qin Tian has arrived. Let's go. He must go to the Shanghai base camp. We'll wait there."

Qin Tian suggests that Chen Dake thinks about it or agrees, so he calls on his men to drive a van.

Qin Tian was helpless. The monkey asked, "brother Chen, are we selling vans?"

"How do you know that? Oh! Business is not easy, we are difficult! "

Chen Da Ke sighs, the whole person is not good. Qin Tian doesn't understand.

"Why, don't I give you any money?"


Hearing his words, Chen Dake sneered: "it's good if you don't ask for money from us. Every time we have a task, our brothers give us money and help. As a result, we have to find our own way out. Do you want a gang like us to be so subdued, let alone other people's gangs? Now is the most difficult time for us. Maybe Qin Tian can help us. "

Chen Dake's words made them all silent. Qin Tian couldn't believe it. How could such a thing happen.

But reality told him that everything was possible.

When out of the main urban area, the van all the way to the outskirts of a waste car yard.After getting off the bus, Qin Tian saw a factory full of used cars in front of him, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "brother Chen, you're not a small area!"

In Shanghai, to have such a venue shows that they still have some strength.

Smell speech Chen Dake smile: "this is nothing, so many brothers under my hand always want to eat, do not do can't ah!"

Chen Dake asks them to come in. Qin Tian walks in and finds out that there are all the equipment for repairing cars. If you drive down at this point, there will be millions in a year at least. However, the ax Gang is a big gang. There are many people, and on average, there are not so many.

"God, you see there are racing cars over there. These people usually make a lot of money."

"They pretend that we don't know. Let's have a look."

Qin Tian comforts the monkeys. Gu Yue and others don't talk. They just follow and watch around.

"Brother Chen, where do these brothers usually go? Why didn't you see anyone? "

Qin Tian couldn't help asking, and Chen Dake said with a smile: "of course, it's going to run for a living. Can't you sit here and wait for ready-made food? We axe gang are all talented people. With them, I can support until now. "

Talent! Hear him say these two words, Qin Tian thought of that hogwash bucket, immediately have a kind of funny feeling.

"Brother Chen's men are really talented. We have seen it just now, but I don't know when we will go to the base camp."

Qin Tian doesn't want to delay any more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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