The people clamored to go back. The two people in Zhangjia were in a hurry. They grabbed their whiskers and advised him: "you go back now. Qin Tian will doubt you. Will he ask you if you contact us? Anyway, you've all left. Now it's a shame to go back like this. If you want to go back, it's Qin Tian who comes to invite you. I look down on you when you go back like this. "

After listening to his words, his beard hesitated. Seeing that his face was a little dark, he began to say, "well, you should show us something. We are already like this. You are just using your mouth?"

The tall man and the short man exchanged their eyes and shook their heads at the same time.

"Naturally, you will not be ungrateful to you. You can rest assured that the money of Zhangjia will be transferred to your account after you go back. If you do well in the future, there will be additional rewards. Zhangjia will never be stingy about these things."

After hearing this, he was satisfied and took the people away. After they left, the two people in Zhangjia looked at each other in the room with a look of contempt in their eyes.

"Ah Dou, who can't help up the wall, will only look at the money. If Qin Tian finds out from now on, these people will not be able to use it."

"Anyway, there are so many people. As long as they have money, they can buy them. Do you think they really follow Qin Tian? It's not because of money. Those people in Songshan city are just for money. Wait and see. What else can Qin Tian do without money!

It's not fists, but brains these days. Can Qin Tian's brain be as many as those of God's Jingzhang? "

They were relieved.

Qin Tian didn't expect that the people of Zhangjia were still unwilling to let him go. He even extended his hand to Songshan City, and even olan international fell into the water.

When Qin Tian gets up in the morning, Chen Dake has already been active.

Qin Tian opened his eyes and saw that it was already nine o'clock. Looking out of the window, several large trucks pulled the scrapped cars in. Chen Da was ridiculous and couldn't close his mouth and ran towards those cars. In his opinion, it was all money!

Qin Tian couldn't help laughing. Chen Dake is really smart. He has a business mind to have such a factory in a place like Shanghai.

Qin Tian suddenly thought that it would be bad for elder brother Chen to make them rich?

Qin Tian got up and went downstairs to find him. "Good morning, brother Chen."

"Good morning. You went to bed too late last night. I didn't call you in the morning."

"Brother Chen, what's the use of collecting these things? In my opinion, a group of broken iron is not worth money at all?"

Chen Dake waved his hand and said, "you are a layman. The car is scrapped, but some parts in the car can be taken apart for resale. You can see that the frame, tires, engine, steering wheel, and some fragmentary gadgets are taken out for him to categorize them into different categories, and then they are taken to the second-hand market. Many repair shops are needed. The inside is full of twists and turns More than that, I can earn more than 100000 yuan for one car. I can sell more than one million yuan for these ten cars alone, which is more than money for selling cars! "

Qin Tian was shocked when he heard the speech. He didn't expect that he could pick out the gold here.

Qin TianChao gives Chen Dake a thumbs up, "brother Chen really has you!"

Chen Dake said with a smile, "I can't help it. I don't have any culture. I can only do this. But it's very hard to do this. Sometimes the bus comes in the middle of the night. No matter how late or cold it is, you have to get up from the bed. If you get out of the car, you will be sent to another home. I have persisted for so many years, and my brothers have suffered a lot with me, so I said we can It's also a miracle to hold on to now. It's just that you're here to work with us! "

Qin Tian Wen Yan sincerely admired him, "brother Chen, I have to rely on you to help me. I'm a newcomer here and don't understand it. You're my predecessor."

"Hey, what can I do for you, just a big man, but if you need anything, just ask me, and I'll never refuse it!"

"Brother Chen, you are so polite. What's wrong with you, big old man? I really admire Qin Tian for being able to support this factory. Last night I told them to make money together. Today I saw you, elder brother Chen. I would like to ask elder brother Chen to help me to see what kind of business this city is going to do to make brothers really have something to do. "

Chen Dake thought for a while and said, "if you want to make money, it's even logistics business on the wharf, but it's controlled by other people all the year round. However, it's absolutely impossible to talk about business. They've been holding it for so many years. They'll move their whole body. If they do, it'll be a complete mess. So, brother Tian, let's look at other things, maybe I You can still help. The wharf business is not going to work. "

Chen Dake's words surprised Qin Tian.

"Well, did they come here yesterday?"

Chen can shake his head, Qin Tian guessed that they would not come.

"If I can expand my repair shop by more than ten rooms, it will probably..."

Qin Tian shook his head, "more competition will lead to more money, and Shanghai city is so big, I don't believe that they will not have a business to make money?""They do have their own business, Casino hotels and night clubs, saying that it is false not to make money, but who thinks the money is too much?"

Qin Tian thinks about it too. They just want to be embarrassed.

"God, if you don't say this, you can't be led by him to go!"

Qin Tian remembered that he had made an appointment with them yesterday. So he asked Chen Dake to help book the hotel and talk to them later.

Qin Tian explained the general situation of Shanghai.

"Elder brother Chen, those people on the wharf must come. Please help them."

Qin Tian's words shocked Chen Dake. Although he didn't know what Qin Tian wanted to do, he had to make great moves according to his current situation analysis.

So Chen Dake promised to come down.

"My God, I will go to them!"

Actually Qin Tian is not sure. It is right to do this, but how can I know if I don't try it? Besides, he has this ring, can't he still move them? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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