It's too easy to think. If it was so simple, why didn't Wanheshan swallow it?

Taking advantage of Chen Dake to contact them, Qin Tian takes the monkey Guyue and others out for a stroll. After all, he wants to know about it by himself.

Gu Yue took out her mobile phone and showed it to Qin Tian.

"Tiange, you see, this is what our people found in Shanghai, basically the same as what Chen Dake said."

Qin Tian looks at the mobile phone, it seems that Chen Dake also conceals a lot, but it doesn't matter, as long as there is no harmful thought, he doesn't mind.

"God, where are we going now?"

Gu Yue asked him, Qin Tian thought about it and said, "it's still early. Let's go and have a cup of coffee. By the way, we'll also inquire."

They don't know anything when they are new, so going out is the right choice.

Several people went out with him. The coffee shop was full of people. Qin Tian sat down in a corner with several candidates.

No sooner had I sat down than the waiter came.

"Four coffees."

Qin Tian opened his mouth. Four people sat here and looked around. They were just about to speak when they heard a roar coming from behind: "what are you talking about? Why should they make trouble in Laozi's place? You all eat excrement? Wait

Man full of dirty words, Qin Tian slightly frown, this man he knows.

"You can't leave now. You've agreed to pay maintenance fees this month. You have money to spend two million yuan on investment in bars. Why don't you even give a monthly maintenance fee of 1000 yuan? If you don't give it to you today, don't want to leave! "

There was a trace of weeping in the woman's voice.

Qin Tian listened and looked back. He was a white man, but his eyes were fierce.

Hearing the woman's entreaty, the white man was angry and raised his hand to slap her face.

"What's the matter! It's not that I've invested more than two million yuan and I don't have any money. You need more! "

The blushing woman who was slapped by this slap was not willing to be outdone, "I don't believe it! You have the money to buy jewelry for that cheap woman. Our children have no money to drink milk powder. You are not willing to give it! "

The woman dragged him is not to leave, the man's phone rang, he became angry and raised his foot to kick her several feet, the woman's weak body shrank in the corner, until the man had enough to go, she could not help crying out.

Seeing this, Qin Tian turned to look at the woman and helped her up to see that there was blood on her forehead. Qin Tian couldn't bear it. He indicated to Gu Yue that they were waiting here. He sent the woman to bandage first.

Clinic, women insist on coming to the clinic.

"Thank you, but I don't have any money. Can you lend me some?"

Seeing Qin Tian's clothes, the woman knew that he should be able to take them out. Thinking of the children at home, she opened her mouth.

Qin Tian took out thousands of yuan from his pocket and gave it to her.

"Three thousand dollars, not much. You need it first. That man was your husband

The wound on her forehead had been bandaged, and the woman nodded.

"My name is Bai Jing. He is my ex husband. Originally we met in a bar. I also asked for it. I would go to a bar when I was free. I met Yang Cheng. As a result, you can see, we divorced less than half a year after we got married. Our children were four months old. We didn't have money to buy milk powder. I asked him for it. He didn't give him a beating. I..."

"I'll help you with everything you deserve. Where does he live?"

Qin Tian couldn't listen to it. Although he didn't stipulate that he must be single-minded, he had to have the minimum moral principles to be a man. His children didn't care whether he was a human being?

"You? How can you help me? Forget it. Don't bother you

Bai Jing smiles bitterly and doesn't want to implicate him. Qin Tian doesn't agree.

"Since I have to deal with it, you can rest assured that you will have money. How much property should that scum give you?"

Bai Jing thought for a while and said, "almost two million yuan, including the house discount, is my down payment, or I sell wine to make money to repay the loan, the result has become his."

Bai Jing said it was all tears. Qin Tian sighed and finally understood that he must have been calculated. Otherwise, he would not be able to leave the house.

"I'll help you. Where do you live?"

Bai Jing looked outside, "it's in the low rent house across the street."

Qin Tian decides to send her back first and take a look at her residence. Bai Jing agrees. She leads the way ahead and buys milk powder to go home.

When Qin Tian saw that the house was only forty Ping, and there were two people, one old and one young, he finally believed.

"Come in and sit down."

Bai Jing greets him. The old man in the room looks more than seventy years old. When he sees someone coming, he quickly gets up to give him his seat. Qin Tian takes two steps to help him.

"You're welcome, uncle. I'll just stand."

Qin Tian insists on letting him sit down. Bai Jing quickly boils water to make tea, and then makes milk for the child to feed her.

The child is probably hungry, Gulu Gulu did not drink for a while, this just sweet sleep in the past.

"The child is four months old, I rely on borrowing money from my friends to survive. This is my grandfather, who has never enjoyed happiness, and now I am still implicated."Bai Jing said crying, Qin Tian sighed: "I have 10000 yuan you use first, give me a few days, I help you to return those money."

"Thank you, I don't know your name yet."

"Qin Tian, my name is Qin Tian. They call me Tiange. You can rest assured that I will help you."

Qin Tian paid her another pile of money, asked her number, turned and walked out.

With the clue of Bai Jing, it should be no difficult task to find Yang Cheng.

Back in the cafe, the monkeys all waited for a while.

Seeing Qin Tian, the monkey quickly met.

"My God, the man who was just now from those three families?"

"It's true, we've caught up, let's start today!"

Monkey nodded, see Qin Tian face on the look, it seems that today's meal is not easy to eat! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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