When everything is ready, we will wait for Chen Dake to call. After about half an hour, Chen Dake calls and says, "brother Tian, they all agree. We will gather at the Hucheng hotel at six o'clock in the evening. As long as you arrive, we will have dinner."

Qin Tian was relieved after hearing this, "OK, I'll be back on time at six o'clock."

Elder brother Chen's phone call completely reassures us today. It's OK.

When the time is settled, Gu Yue goes ahead and arranges people to go to Shanghai hotel in advance. Monkey and Yang Bing follow Qin Tian to buy something and send them to Bai Jing's home.

Bai Jing was shocked to see Qin Tian go back and return. Bai Jing recognized that they were the two men sitting in the coffee shop. So she asked them to go in. Qin Tian put down her things and said, "can you take us to Yang Cheng?"

Bai Jing Leng for a moment said, "but Yang Cheng will not be at home at this time."

"It's OK. You tell us where the others are. We'll go by ourselves."

Bai Jing nodded and said: "usually at this time, he will be in his own shop, which is near the nighttime bar in the southeast corner of Shanghai city. He usually takes a rest there."

Qin Tian and they turn to go to the bar. Bai Jing calls out in the back: "you must pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry, we have our own way."

Qin Tian comforts her, turns around and takes the monkey and Yang Bing to leave. Bai Jing is worried. Why does Qin Tian feel so different when she meets for the first time?

Thinking about Bai Jing patting her head and laughing at herself: who is interested in a woman with children? Don't think about it.

Bai Jing turns around and enters the room. Qin Tian and others head for the night bar in the southeast corner. Speaking of the name of the bar, it's disgusting. It seems that there is a night in Zhongshan pine city. It's not careful to name it.

Qin Tian could not help but make complaints about what the two families had.

When the bar was only two o'clock in the afternoon, of course, the bar did not open. Qin Tian went in through the main door, the door was locked, and the back door was also tightly closed.

The monkey went over the wall and looked at it. There was no one around. He was about to go in when a voice came from above: "thief, you dare to come in and break your leg!"

Then a brick fell from the sky and just hit the monkey's feet. The monkey looked at the position on his head in horror. A man with yellow hair looked down at them from a high position and could see all their actions.

"Who are you?"

The monkey's eyes turned and said with a smile, "brother, we want to go in and meet Yang Cheng. Is he there?"

"Get out of here. Is this where you come from? Yang Cheng is not here! "

Huang Mao is very fierce. The monkey is about to make a mistake. Qin Tian appears and stands outside the door and shouts at him: "we are Bai Jing's friends. We want to see him and talk to him. Tell Yang Cheng that you don't want to spread out that he depends on women, so come out and see us!"

Mention Bai Jing Huang Mao hesitated for a while, this just opens a mouth: "wait!"

Qin Tian was not in a hurry. He waited outside the door. After ten minutes, Huang Mao came back and opened the door to let them in.

"Don't talk nonsense later. Brother Cheng is not in a good mood. If you really want to be nice to Bai Jing, you'd better not upset elder brother Cheng."

"Thank you, little brother."

"Don't thank me. I know Bai Jing and I know that she's not very good and borrowed money from me, so you must not annoy brother Cheng."

Huang Mao repeatedly told them, Qin Tian nodded, "you don't worry, we won't talk nonsense."

Qin Tian can see that Huang Mao really cares about Bai Jing, so if he really fights later, he won't embarrass Huang Mao.

Even in the daytime, the bar was very dark. Huang Mao took them to walk around for about five minutes.

"Brother Cheng, here they are."

Huang Mao's words let them look over. At this time, they were standing at the door. Inside was a boss's table. Behind the table, there was a man sitting with a cigar in his mouth. It was Yang Cheng.

"What's the matter, Bai Jing's son of a bitch has found her son so soon?"

"She's the mother of your child. You shouldn't have said that about her."

Qin Tian opens his mouth, and then walks in. Yang Cheng disdains, "are you Bai Jing's lover?"

"No, we are all her friends. We came here today just to get justice for her. You should give it back to her."

"Ha ha! It's meaningful. It's really interesting. It's the first time I've heard that a divorced person needs money. At first, she wanted to have a child by herself, but I didn't agree. She divorced when she was born. Brothers all know that. Now ask me for money? No way

As if hearing a joke, Yang Cheng burst out laughing. Qin Tian was not angry, but said in a deep voice: "even if it is like this, she bought the house and she is paying the loan. You are a man. How can you take her things with ease?"

"Fuck you! That's what Bai Jing is willing to give me. It's none of your business? Bai Jing is not your mother, you care so much

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