The monkey asked, "brother, are we going straight to the hotel now?"

"Yes, go to the hotel and let them all see what happens to the disobedience of these three gangs! What I said is absolutely true. "

Monkey understood, and Yang Bing together, the three people and Yang Cheng together into the car, all the way to the hotel.

Chen Dake and his wife have already arrived at the hotel. Although it is not dark and it is not six o'clock, Chen da'er always likes to arrive in advance to prepare. He is very surprised to see Qin Tian come in.

"God, why did you come so early?"

Qin Tian said with a smile, "I'll come here and bring some brothers by the way."

Chen Dake looked behind him and saw monkeys and Yang Bing dragging several people in.

Chen Da Ke has a close look and takes a breath. Isn't this the boss? What the hell is going on?

Although Chen Dake didn't ask, his doubts were all written on his face.

Qin Tian just laughed and asked them to tie people to a chair beside them. Then he said to Chen Dake: "brother Chen, today I went to the wharf, but these boys didn't agree and wanted to hit me. I'm not polite. This is the end of the disobedient people. Today, all the brothers are here. Let them know. I'm sure Qin Tian's words count!"

Chen Dake laughs, but he did.

After a while, other people came in one after another. Everyone came in and saw the sand show. They were all stunned.

The sand show was flushed and looked at the people who came in one after another. Everyone looked at them up and down. The strange eyes made several of them blush.

They know that their current situation is very bad, and it is inevitable that they are black and blue, but tied to a chair, such treatment is never before.

Sha Zhan took a look at Qin Tian, but the latter laughed but said nothing. Sha Zhan had no light on his face and could not help but say: "Qin Tian, if you want to kill, you should give me a happy one!"

Qin Tian walked over to him with a smile and said, "it's too easy to kill you. It's too painful for you to cut you. I don't want to be so bloody. Today I want to show my brothers. If you don't obey the orders, you have to pay the price for eating alone for so many years."

Sha Zhan got angry. "What the hell does it matter to you! Wanhe didn't speak at that time. Who are you? "

"You're all in my hands now. What the hell do I say now! I just don't like you. For so many years, I've made my brothers cheat women's money. Today, I'm going to abolish you! "

Qin Tian turned around and said, "I Qin Tian said that if you have money, you can make it together. You can share happiness and share difficulties together! Now these three people have monopolized the wharf business for so many years. If you want to make a fortune with the brothers below, you can't help them to eat alone! Now, I have brought them all. My brothers have vengeance, and there is injustice

Qin Tian's voice just fell, immediately someone jumped out, rushed up to sun Hu is a slap, pa a crisp ring, hit sun Hu's eyes widened, "damn you dare to hit me!"

"I've endured you for a long time. Today I beat you!"

"His name is Li Chen."

Chen Dake introduced him. Qin Tian looked at him and saw Li Chen's eyes aglow,

"at that time, our two families were in charge of the street. You were in charge of the east side and I was in charge of the west side. You said that you would give it to me. After Laozi's unified management, you would take all my achievements and all the guests with you, and you broke my leg I've been lying in bed for half a year!

Wan Heshan is partial to you and asks me to guard the western part of Shanghai city. He is a slum! The people who live there even have problems with food and clothing. Lao Tzu lives with the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled every day. The money they earn is not enough to supplement them! I've had it for years

Qin Tian listened to the side of the sob, did not expect that Wan Heshan actually for so little money put the brotherhood aside.

Then he kicked sun Hu a few feet, which relieved his anger and limped back. Then someone ran out to the sand show, and Huang Bin slapped him a few times. On one side, Yang Cheng was in peace. He sat motionless in the corner, watching in horror the big boys were beaten, shrinking their necks for fear that they might implicate him.

Qin Tian saw that these people were full of resentment and complained excitedly for fear that they would kill people.

So Qin Tian quickly stood up and said, "brothers, you can keep on fighting. Let's discuss the business ownership of the wharf side, and how do you want to deal with these three people?"

This is not Songshan city. According to Qin Tian's past style of doing things, he naturally made his own decisions. But now the situation is different. This is Shanghai city.

Chen Dake hears the speech and thinks about it for a while. If you want to say that the wharf business is a piece of fat meat, Qin Tian throws it out so that they can make their own choice, which makes the people below can't believe it.

In fact, Qin Tian understood that we must first appease the people and let them fight for it by themselves.

Of course, wharf business is not everyone can do, if it is Chen Dake, naturally, but if Qin Tian gives it to him, he is afraid that all brothers will gossip.Of course, people also know what Qin Tian meant. Understand the relationship between him and Chen Dake, for a while, no one even took the initiative to stand up.

Although they envy the profit of wharf business, they can't afford it without two brushes.

In the past, Wan Heshan was in charge of it, but now it's Qin Tian. Although his fists are hard, they don't know about the rest. So after Qin Tian raised this question, there was no sound at the bottom.

Seeing that they did not dare to answer, sun Hu and others laughed.

"A group of bullies! Qin Tian, do you see it? This is the man you're bringing

Sun Hu was black and blue, and his mouth was bleeding. He did not forget to laugh at them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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