Chen Dake was the first one to jump out and curse: "Sun Hu, close your stinky mouth. You've become a cat when you see our Tiange. You've been beaten down! I don't think you should call sun Hu, you should call sun Xiaomao! "

His words made people laugh, and Chen Dake continued to roar: "you don't have to laugh. If you have the ability to envy others' business, you have the ability to take this matter down."

The crowd was silent, and one of them whispered, "brother Chen, you are so powerful. You can go to the wharf business. We are not envious at all!"

"Yes, brother Chen, you can do it. We can watch it from the side. Although there are so many businesses, we have to have that life even though they make money."

Qin Tian can see that this is indeed a group of counsellors. He is envious to see others make money. As a result, when it is his turn, one or two of them are not willing to take the first step.

With a trace of anger on his face, Qin Tian said in a loud voice: "I don't know how they did business before, but from now on, since they want to make money, they should do it well! Isn't it money to transport by cargo ship? Why not?

Today, all of you are brothers of your own family. If you have something to say, you may as well speak up! "

Li Chen stood up and said, "brother, it's not that we don't take over the business. It's really that we can't pick it up. You know, the wharf docks so many cargo ships every day. In the past, the three of them were not busy. Now we are all small pies with limited manpower. If we want to pick up the business, we can't do it alone. If you allow us to pick up the goods together, we or we can Maybe you can take care of it. "

Qin Tian heard the speech and was silent for a moment. Then he opened his mouth: "if the number of people is too large, it will be troublesome. In this way, I'll let people take over. In the future, 80% will be given to you. How about it?"

80%? The wharf is at least 10 million a month, 80% is 8 million. They have 400000 every month, which sounds good.

Qin Tian said this, they are excited, if so, they do not have to worry about business.

"In addition, brother Chen, you help to supervise. I know that you have a set of business experience. My people come to contact with you. Please help me a lot."

"My God, you're out of the ordinary. You're all my own people, my good brother!"

Qin Tian said that, everyone was relieved, and other people had no opinion.

There is no need to worry about management. Every month there are hundreds of thousands or even millions of profits. Why not? Sun Hu and Huang Bin and others listened to a cold hum, "Qin Tian, you can swallow this wharf depends on your ability, don't say it's me, it's Wan Heshan when he dare not eat it himself. Do you think the people above are vegetarian?"

Qin Tian smiles, "you don't have to worry about it. Of course I can solve the problem. It's you. In a moment, you can choose your own way of death and see how you can avoid suffering. "

His words made several faces flash a trace of Jing panic, sun Hu growled: "Qin Tian, you dare! Are you not afraid that someone will trouble you, and Zhangjia! "

"How dare you? Zhangjia? I'll clean it up then! I'd like to see how long the zhangjias can hop after the unification of Shanghai and the city! "

Qin Tian's words made these people's faces sink. In particular, Yang Cheng quickly called out, "brother Tian, I'm wrong. In fact, I didn't do anything! I didn't get any money, just follow me

As soon as his voice fell, the monkey went over and kicked him and said, "you don't want to be shameless. You don't even want your own women to abandon their children. You still have the face to say that you take the woman's house as your own! I forgot to tell you that you have more than eight million yuan in your account. I have distributed your brothers for you. You have nothing to worry about. Follow your boss on the road

"No, I don't want to go! I don't want it! You help me to call the police

Yang Cheng suddenly sees the people on one side and shouts. It's a pity that they don't lift their heads. Yang Cheng looks at the other brothers and their faces are cold.

Yang Cheng Tan sat on the chair and murmured: "no hope, no hope at all."

The whole hotel hall has been contracted by them. There are elevators leading to the underground garage. Qin Tian recognizes all these people and asks Chen Dake and Li Chen to sit here. He will send someone to manage the hotel.

He decided to let Li Zheng come to the wharf business, and let Chen Dake and Li Chen do the rest.

As for sun Hu, they were dealt with in accordance with the internal rules. Qin Tian didn't really kill them, just mutilated them.

According to the law, they carried so many contraband goods, but Qin Tian thought it was too cheap for them to let them die so easily.

In addition, the brothers agreed to let them live rather than die, so Qin Tian let them deal with it by themselves.

After dinner, Qin Tian called a meeting of several leaders to preliminarily confirm the management line. As for those who betrayed, Qin Tian allowed them to manage themselves, but no contraband was allowed. This is the bottom line.

"God, our people have been waiting outside all night..."

The monkey stopped talking. Qin Tian understood, "I know, when they are gone, I will take Mr. Gu and they will have another meal, and you will follow. No matter what, we can't separate."Some monkeys don't understand why they don't know

"It's not like to go back on one's word. It's just that the boys are not good at fighting against each other. If we take the opportunity to stab us, we can't take this hidden loss."

The monkey understood Qin Tian's words immediately.

"God, I understand, but they didn't show up these two days. It should be OK."

If they don't show up, it doesn't mean nothing will happen. These two days, however, Songshan city has been disturbed by them, and Qin Tian's reputation has been damaged by them, but Qin Tian is still in the dark.

When Chen Dake and all of them have left, Qin Tiancai comes out and joins Gu Yue with monkey and Yang Bing. A group of people come to another hotel.

Seeing Gu Yue, Qin Tian found that he had a dark face and seemed to have something wrong.

"Mr. Koo."

While the brothers eat, Qin Tian signals Gu Yue to come out. Gu Yue knows that he can't hide it from him.

"Mr. Qin."

"What's the matter?"

Qin Tianchen asked in a deep voice. Gu Yue didn't dare to hide it.

"Jiao Cheng called and said that in the past two days, there was a group of people on the other side of Songshan Mountain who had committed crimes under the banner of Qin palace, had made disturbances in various fields and injured passers-by."

Qin Tian's face sank!

"Did you find it?"

Gu Yue shook her head. "They are very cunning. They run away every time they are about to catch them."

Gu Yue seldom gets angry, these tortoise sons!

Qin Tian is very interested. These people are aiming at him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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