"Mr. Gu, don't worry. When we go back, the truth will be revealed. I guess those people came to me for the purpose of disturbing Songshan city. What do they want?"

Gu Yue didn't understand. After thinking for a while, she said, "ruin your reputation and make them not tolerate Qin palace in Dingju?"

Qin Tian shook his head, "not all of them. If I have not guessed wrong, these people are afraid that I will have too much influence after Shanghai City, and then they will be very difficult to deal with me. Who else, you think, looks down on me now? "

Gu Yue thought for a while, and then suddenly realized, "imperial capital Zhangjiajie!"

Qin Tian nodded.

Gu Yue was not happy. "Zhang's hand is too long. He even provoked us, so we can't show our timidity."

"Yes, but I can't make it back at the moment. It will take two days at the earliest. You can take some brothers back to see the situation first."

Gu Yue nodded, and now it can only be like this.

Qin Tian thought about it and added, "if you can catch it better, if you can't catch it, you can go to find Ding Hanxue in person and take Jiao Cheng to explain the situation. In addition, let the brothers of the Qin palace guard every territory. If they find any new faces, they will directly seize them and don't kill them. If they can't tell the news about our hall, they'll shut them up and don't let them go until they're judged. "

Gu Yue agreed that it was not the time to fight and kill. Now they can only do it in secret.

After that, they went back to the table, and the brothers had almost finished eating.

The monkey came up and said, "brother, what's next?"

"Go back and have a rest. I'll go by myself. You and your brothers will stay in a hotel nearby. Pay attention to your safety."

"God, what about you? It's impossible to have no one around you!"

Monkey worried, Qin Tian slapped his shoulder with a smile, "don't worry, your brother, I'll be OK, but it's you, with brothers, you must pay attention to safety, something to call me."

"I see, brother."

Qin Tian arranged the brothers, and then he left with them separately.

Chen Dake's factory building is a little far away from the city. By the time it was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

At this time, Chen Dake is still busy, and there are several trucks coming. It seems that there are money makers coming.

Seeing Qin Tian, Chen Dake told his men to be careful, and then trotted over.

"God! Come here so late and don't make a phone call, so I can pick you up! "

"What's the matter? I know you. Brother Chen, I can't sleep. Let's talk about it."

Chen Dake promises that two people go into the house. Qin Tian wants to know about the situation of the three families. Sun Hu and his brothers are abandoned. Qin Tian wants Chen Dake to take charge of it. The axe gang is a team that can't be underestimated in the power map. Only he can eat so many brothers.

However, it is not good for him to arrange so many people.

Seeing Chen Dake's face, Qin Tian knows that he is in trouble.

"Brother Chen, I understand your concerns. But in Shanghai, I trust you most. It's really difficult to bring these thousands of people along. However, I have a preliminary idea. Like Songshan, I will set up a security company, and I will send people to train them. Do you think it will not be so difficult?"

Qin Tian's words let Chen Dake agree, "if so, then there is no worry. But God, are you sure it's all for me? The others... "

"It's no use giving it to them. Can't you see it at dinner tonight? There is no way to solve the wharf business. I think it has lost its blood under the management of Wanheshan for so many years. I don't have much fighting spirit. "

Chen Dake still agreed with this point. He sighed: "indeed, we were used to suppressing Wan Heshan when he was there. Although we were dissatisfied, Wan Heshan's methods were cruel. He would crush him if he wanted to get ahead. Li Chen is an example. So for a long time, we are numb. We can live safely in the future I don't think much about it. "

Qin Tian shakes his head. So many people are managed by Wan Heshan alone. If it is not for his own help, I don't know when they will wait.

"Brother Chen, it would be a good thing if Shanghai city could continue to calm down in the future. But you should think clearly, unless you have strong strength, once it is silent, it will be eliminated. I don't want Shanghai to become a stagnant water."

Chen Dake did not know, but now it has become like this. It is good to maintain the status quo. I hope the participation of thousands of people will not cause any disturbance.

"That's it! God, don't worry. If something happens, you'll have to show up. "

Chen Dake decided to hold Qin Tian's thigh tightly, no matter what happened, he would let Qin Tian take the lead for himself.

Qin Tian nods, this is natural, otherwise he also does not need to say this with Chen Dake at this time.

They chatted for a long time, and didn't rest until it was nearly zero.

After answering the phone, Li Zheng set out early the next morning, arrived in Shanghai three hours later, and went straight to the wharf.Qin Tian and Chen Dake meet with him. Li Zheng is a little confused when he sees the bill like a hill in front of him.

"My God, is this not a joke? Do you really want me to take this? "

Qin Tian patted him on the shoulder, his face full of trust.

"Apart from you, I can't think of anyone else. This business is our most important business in Shanghai. It's related to the food problem of so many brothers. Li Zheng, don't let me down. Brother Chen is the person in charge here in Shanghai. If you have any problems, you can go to brother Chen and give it to the brothers every month."

Li Zheng understood, "I know, Tiange, don't worry. I can handle it here."

Li Zheng said that, Qin Tian was relieved, and he had no problem.

At present, Chen Dake and Li Zheng had a thorough understanding of the situation of the wharf. Qin Tian had a thorough understanding of the underground forces in Shanghai these two days. It seems that he was right to fight those three homes first. When things were all over, Qin Tian was about to leave.

Before leaving, Qin Tian went to get together with Li Chen and other eldest brothers, mainly to establish Chen Dake's position in Shanghai. Of course, they would not object to it.

When parting, Chen can be very reluctant, with his brothers personally sent him to the car, this left.

Qin Tian sat in the car, looking at the scenery outside the window, took a deep breath, Songshan City, Laozi is back!

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