After staying at home for a while, Qin Tian and Li Xinran soon received a call from Jiao Cheng, and monkey. They are in Qin palace now to discuss how to treat zhangjiaese in the future.

Qin Tian was surprised to receive a call from Jiao Cheng, because he asked the monkey to check the whereabouts of zhangjiaese. As a result, Jiao Cheng Qi was unable to check his own past, and met monkey in the same place. Two people immediately met to find out the hotel of zhangjiaren. So Jiao Cheng immediately told Qin Tian about the rest.

"Tiange, we have found zhangjias two people. They are the two people who met you at the auction that day. They are tall and short. Now they are in the Wenhao hotel. They have long opened rooms for the instructions of zhangjias in Beijing. Now that the gang has been abandoned, they dare not move. They have not moved in the two days. Listen to the hotel attendant said that they haven't been out for several days, and stay in the hotel all day long. Tiange, we should go and end them all right now. Anyway, there are several people. "

Jiao Cheng can't wait. They smashed the club. It hasn't started to open yet. It has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars a day. How can Jiao Cheng be angry?

Qin Tian thought about it and said, "OK, all is for you. You used to take them to Qin palace. Don't kill them. I'll talk to them well. "

After hanging up, Li Xinran looked at Qin Tian, and when she woke up, she heard Qin Tian calling, and when she saw Qin Tian let people say what Qin palace, she understood.

"Husband, are you going out?" Qin Tian shook his head. "I won't go for a while. I don't need to go now with the help of monkeys. What would you like, wife? We cook together. "

Li Xin Ran shook his head. "Let's go to my parents for dinner. We have promised them that day, and we will eat when you come back." Qin Tian just remembered that he had not returned to see his parents for a while. He nodded, got up and washed up and took Li Xinran out. They bought something in the nearby supermarket and took them.

Qin Tian sighed at the village. His son was really incompetent. He had not seen his parents for a long time before he was a son-in-law. Later, with a new encounter, I was busy working after I started. I didn't have time to accompany my parents. I felt guilty when I thought about Qin Tian.

But soon he adjusted his mood and forced his face to smile.

Think about parents, it's good to be with them at such an age. So Qin Tian and Li Xinran went upstairs with things. The second day, they were very happy to arrive. Li Xinran had called them in the car and said that she would come over to dinner later. Qin father Qin mother was busy preparing a large table of food. When Qin came to Qin, Qin father flashed a little excited. "The stinky boy knows that he is running around the world all day, and he doesn't know to come back to see us!"

Qin mother then smiles and greets them in. Qin Tian said with a smile: "are we here?"

Put down things, Qin Tian took the initiative to go into the kitchen to see what his mother was preparing. Qin took a pat on his hand and said, "go wash your hands quickly, help your wife arrange dishes and chopsticks, and then accompany your father to talk."

Qin Tian should have a sound, washed out to help, a family sitting together Qin father face and constantly smile.

"Little God, how is the relationship between our father and son after all these years?"

Qin Tian suddenly heard this sentence, I feel very strange, how did you suddenly say this today? Seeing a touch of moving face on his father's face, Qin Tian nodded, "Dad, how do you treat me, I know in my heart, no matter where I go, it will be your son."

Qin Tian heard this sentence, tears were long and wide, eyes immediately red, he wiped an eye, and said: "with you this sentence is enough." Qin Mu patted him aside and said, "what are you talking about somehow! Son daughter-in-law is not easy to come back to eat dinner, you are in this bullshit, hurry to drink your wine to eat! "

Qin Fu smiled and said, "I am not happy. My son and daughter-in-law have come back. They have a chance to have a rest. I am happy in my heart. My only dissatisfaction is that they have not been able to give birth to me a grandson! You say when they will be able to let me enjoy the joy of heaven. When I go out every day, I see the old and old women at the door, holding them in their hands, and I envy them! "

Qin mother listened to it and patted the old man and said, "you can't open any pot and lift it. Don't give the children such a big pressure. They are still young! No hurry! " Qin Tian laughs and doesn't speak! Li Xinran blushed and said to his parents: "parents, we have been planning all the time. Don't worry, or we are really under pressure."

Wen Yan Qin's father smiled and said, "I just said it. Don't put it in your heart. Actually, I know you are busy in your work, and you have your own plans. You are assured that we will not push you any more. "

Qin Tian can't bear to bear. It is only the most normal communication among the family. But when he arrived at his parents, they were careful. It made Qin Tian very uncomfortable. So he said, "parents, you know I am happy. We both have no children since they married for so many years. At first, because of my physical reasons, thanks to the joy, she also didn't dislike me. Now we want to live a good life in the world of two people. I am too busy in this period. When I finish, I will make great efforts to add a grandson to both of you! "

Qin Tians said that made both people laugh, Li Xinran blushed, pushed his arm, looked at him with a strange look, Qin Tian laughed and didn't think of it. "What is this, this is normal, we are husband and wife! What shame is it to have children? ""Stop talking and eat! Li Xinran put a spare ribs into his mouth

Qin Tian smiles and eats the spareribs. Then he says to Li Xinran, "OK, OK, I won't say, let's eat."

The family sat around to have a meal when Qin Tian's mobile phone vibrated. At home, he set the mobile phone to vibrate, also in order not to let them disturb himself. Seeing the information on the mobile phone, Qin Tian understands that Jiao Cheng and Jiao Cheng have already got hold of them. It is estimated that both of them have been pressed to the Qin palace. The brothers of Qin palace will let them understand how to behave as long as they don't play dead.

See Qin Tian see mobile phone, Li Xinran asked him: "is there something else, if you have something, you can go to busy first, we have nothing to do with it." Qin's father and mother also nodded.

"No, my time today is yours. I will accompany you. There are brothers over there. They can solve the problem. Don't worry, wife. Anyway, I won't leave after killing me today. I'll stay here with you and your parents. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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