His words made his parents and Li Xinran laugh, "you stay, you stay, anyway, I'm ok with your father! After dinner, we went to the shopping mall again. It happened that the nearby shopping mall opened. I heard that the discount was very strong. It happened that you came to buy you two clothes. "

No matter when it comes, parents are always for the good of their children. His mother's words made Qin Tian laugh.

"Mom, what are you talking about? When I come, how can I ask you to buy clothes for me? It's my turn to buy clothes for you. After some time, Xinran and I are going to travel. After so many years of marriage, we hardly ever go out. During this period, you should take care of yourself. When you choose a place next year, I will take you out. All of us will go out. "

Qin Fu nodded, "good, good, at this stage, you two good is the most important, we do not matter. No matter when you arrive at any time, you will be my child. In the afternoon, I will pay for your clothes. Don't refuse me. "

With a big wave of his hand, his father took out his passbook from his pocket and clapped it on the table. "Look at the money you gave us, we haven't spent it. We'll keep it. Now it's for you. When your child is born, it's for your child! We don't have much money for the old couple. Xiao Tian, you can rest assured that since we are father and son in this life, we will treat you as our own son, and we will certainly treat you well. "

Qin Tian didn't know why his father said this. Looking at him, he looked strange and asked, "is something wrong?"

Qin's father shook his head, and his face showed a strange look. "No, it's just a matter of feeling. I can't see you when you come here for such a long time. Of course, I'm not happy in my heart. Come and have a drink with me."

Qin's mother was reluctant to speak. Qin Tian's eyes swept back and forth between them, feeling that something must have happened. But now is not the time. When he goes shopping, he talks to his mother alone.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian filled himself with wine, stood up and said in a deep voice: "Dad, over the years, you and my mother have worked hard to raise me. No matter who I am, I will always be your son. I swear today that I will never forget my roots. You two can rest assured."

Qin Tian finished drinking. Qin's father motioned him to sit down and patted him on the shoulder. "You're my son. I'm sure I'm relieved. Don't say anything else. Eat quickly."

Qin's mother said angrily: "it was you who started it yourself. Now you blame him! Xinran, you eat more! Girls don't want to lose weight. It's true to keep good health! "

Li Xinran quickly nodded and ate the dishes that Li's mother gave her. She was very pleased. After a few people had dinner, they went directly to the mall opposite.

This residential area of Qin Tianjia was a building he bought later. At that time, he thought that the location was better and the transportation was convenient for the elderly. At that time, their family was poor, let alone the community. His father lay in bed and could not get up. He became the son-in-law of the Li family. After three years, he finally made him suffer.

Now his parents live in the place he bought. Originally, he wanted to buy a villa, but the old couple didn't want to spend the money. Fortunately, they refused to spend that money all their lives, so they chose the place with good reputation and environment in the community.

Now several people went to the mall together. Qin Tian looked at it and felt that something was wrong with the store. Li Xinran looked around him and asked him, "what's the matter? Husband. "

"It's said that it must be hot when it's just opened. How come there seems to be no one here, it's cold and quiet."

"You don't know. Three days before the opening, there was a lot of traffic here. Now, once the heat is over, the price is high, and soon there is no one. But some stores are still very cost-effective. I've seen all of them. I went around with your father two days ago when I opened the business. I know the discount of every store here. I'm looking forward to your clothes and waiting for you to buy them. "

Mother's words surprised Qin Tian.

Isn't it the cheapest time to open a business? Is there any activity to buy now? But he didn't say it. Anyway, I don't want to argue with them tonight. I just want them to be happy.

After Qin Tian stepped into this shopping mall, he found that the name of his shopping mall was international building. The name of international building is arrogant, but the things sold inside are very international, all of which are brands. Li Xinran was attracted by skin care products as soon as he entered.

Qin Tian never thought that this would be the industry of Zhangjia. He went to the floor index and saw the introduction of the shopping mall, because it was just opened, because it had just opened, and there were many posters about the promotion of the mall in it. A few days later, I took a color page and looked at it. Only then did I find it belonged to Zhangjia.

He rammed Li Xinran's arm and said, "look, it's true that enemies don't get together. This shopping mall is actually the property of the imperial capital and Zhangjiakou. I said that how could I make such a big sum of money? I did such a big activity in the three days after its opening, but I didn't expect it would be Zhangjia. It seems that they have already been involved in the economy of Songshan city. No wonder it can affect Wanheshan. "

he should have thought that since the imperial capital Zhangjia could use Wanheshan to infiltrate into Shanghai, naturally Songshan was not a problem. However, he didn't expect that Zhangjia's action was so fast that he did not know that Zhangjia still had an industry here.Li Xinran couldn't help being surprised, "so what should we do? Do you want to stay away from their home? There won't be any problems in the shopping mall? Let's go! "

Qin Tian shook his head." what's wrong with opening the door to do business? Besides, the staff here are not local. This is just one of the industries of the imperial capital and Zhangjiakou. There is nothing to be afraid of. Go! We went to buy clothes, afraid of what he would do. Besides, the person in charge of Zhangjia here has been arrested by brothers, and it will be OK. "

Qin Tian's words reassured Li Xinran. A family of four was wandering in the mall. Although he comforted Li Xinran, Qin Tian was still somewhat resistant to the industry of Zhangjia. What does it mean to open a shopping mall here? Zhang Jia's involvement in matsushan investment made him very unhappy.

So Qin Tian secretly sent a message to Lin Wanru to ask her about this shopping mall. Lin Wanru frowned and looked at the information sent by Qin Tian in her mobile phone. She quickly searched the shopping mall on the Internet. Only then did she find that Lin Wanru had sent the information she had found to Qin Tian A year ago. By the way, she sent him a message and told him that the emperor was Zhang His family entered the shopping mall a year ago, and the person who received him was the leader of the Municipal Bureau. Secretary Zheng also knew about it.

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