After coming out from their parents, Qin Tian and Li Xinran returned home very late. Two people wash and go to bed directly, but Qin Tian turns around and can't sleep. He remembers what his parents said, so he calls out his aunt Qin Yue.

Qin Yue saw him, with a touch of sadness in his eyes. Seeing this, Qin Tian couldn't help asking, "aunt, is something wrong?"

Qin Yue was eager to speak, but after seeing the expression on Qin Tian's face, she decided to say it.

"Xiao Tian, the Qin family has something to do. You may have to take time to go back."

Qin Tian could not help asking, "what's going on?"

What does Qin family have to do with him?

"You may be the only one left in your father's party. Now, the Qin family holds a competition meeting every five years to see if its disciples are suitable for the position of master, so you must attend. "

Qin Tian can't help being shocked! "And this? So are those people coming to my parents for this? "

Qin Yue nodded, "but I didn't expect that they could really find their home."

Qin Tian thought: "what kind of meeting is good for me? Can I not attend it? I'm not interested in the position of the owner

Qin Yue shook her head. "Xiao Tian, you have to remember that you are the strongest in the Qin family. If you don't inherit this position, then your father's family will completely decline. In the future, it will be more difficult for us to go back."

"If you don't go back, is Qin Tian not strong enough here? Need to be recognized by them? " Qin Tian didn't think so.

Qin Yue shook her head, "you can't say that. You have to know that a strong family is behind the support, which is certainly helpful for your future development. What's more, if you win, you'll get a reward. Those things are helpful to your practice. Are you clear? "

"I can't understand what you're saying, aunt. What's good about it? What kind of world is this world now? Is it the true world or the real world I see? "

"In fact, I don't know, but if I can go back to the Qin family, it's the best. You will have both financial and military support. If you think about it, you are fighting against the imperial palace. It's impossible to rely on the Qin palace alone. Your company and the hospital are not enough to compete with them now. "

Qin Tian did not understand, "my hospital is not an ordinary hospital, so many high-ranking officials and dignitaries are begging me, these can be my contacts."

"So what? Compared with the imperial capital, what are your contacts in Songshan? "

Qin Tian didn't expect it to be like this. His aunt wanted to go back. So it seems that this trip to the imperial capital is essential. So he nodded and said, "OK, auntie, when I clean up, we'll leave in a few days."

Qin Yue nodded and reminded him: "Xiaotian, after arriving at the imperial capital, you must keep a low profile. There are many branches of the Qin family. There are also some people who worship high and trample on low ones. You should be careful."

Qin Tian understood that he had seen many people of this kind. He said that Songshan looked down on him, and there were some people who looked down on him.

At first, he looked down on him, then he was afraid. He was very good at playing pig and eating tiger.

After seeing off his aunt, Qin Tian sat cross legged in the living room to practice. Li Xiaoshuang was worried when he saw him like this.

The trip to the imperial capital is very dangerous. She must protect her master.

She looked at the direction of the bedroom, Li Xinran was sleeping soundly inside. Li Xiaoshuang thought, or decided to protect Li Xinran, as long as she is safe, Qin Tian is also at ease.

Qin Tian didn't expect Li Xiaoshuang to think so much about it. At the moment, he was at ease practicing, but there was constant howling in the Qin palace. Jiao Cheng caught the two people of Zhang Jia back and interrogated them with the monkey in turn, but he didn't ask anything. Only to learn a news, they have to Gu Yiming's company set.

Knowing all this, monkey quickly calls Gu Yiming. When he receives the call from monkey, Gu Yiming is very surprised. Before Lin Wanru has told him to be careful about Zhangjia, he doesn't think so. He thinks that he has nothing to worry about. Both the formula and the sales volume are normal.

But I didn't expect that they would have a hand in the raw materials. Knowing all this, Gu Yiming and Cheng Yi rush to the factory overnight and dump all the raw materials. And the people who provided the raw materials were sent to the police station. This time, although Gu Yiming's company suffered heavy losses, if it made skin care products to sell, word-of-mouth would plummet. Although he lost millions, it was worth it.

until the next morning, Jiao Cheng called him. Qin Tiancai clearly regretted that he should not have let the people of Zhangjia go back. Fortunately, he found out in time, otherwise it would be miserable.

Now, knowing that the two people in Zhangjia have been repaired by the brothers of the Qin palace, Qin Tian greets Li Xinran and goes to the Qin palace.

After this time, Qin Tiancai understood that Zhangjia had already begun to deploy forces in Songshan. If he had not unified the underground forces and recaptured Hucheng this time, I am afraid that the whole Songshan mountain would have been controlled by Zhangjia, and Qin Tian could not help but be shocked.When the Qin palace saw two people tied to the pillar, Qin Tian's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness.

He walked up to the two men and snorted, "I have warned you not to meddle in the affairs of Songshan, but you still can't listen to it. From today on, you will regret it. "

The two men looked up and saw Qin Tian. They were shocked and scared at the same time.

"Qin Tian, don't mess around! Now it's in Songshan. If something happens to us, you can't bear it! " When it's time to threaten him.

Hearing this, Qin Tian couldn't help sneering, "can't you think I'm afraid of Zhangjia! Or in Songshan, the influence of Zhangjia is big enough to compare with me? "

There was a flash of fear in their eyes, and the tall man trembled and said, "Qin Tian, as long as you let us go back, the imperial Zhangjiakou will take back all the people and won't embarrass you any more."

Qin Tian shook his head: "it's too late. You Zhangjia will not let me go. I know that. I intercepted your goods and recovered Shanghai city. Can he let me go? Don't make a fool of me. It's bad luck for you to be planted in my hands today. I've always been a revengeful person today. It's possible to pick your tendon according to the rules of the road. But I won't embarrass you today. "

Qin Tian said, looking at the monkey, he said, "give them to Ding Hanxue and tell them that it is these two people who instigated them to disturb Songshan city." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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