Qin Tian thought for a moment and added, "if those gangs are willing to identify him, I will let him go after he comes out. Otherwise, his family will be destroyed and his family will die!"

"Qin Tian, you dare to threaten them!"

I can't believe Qin Tian would do this. Qin Tian sneered: "yes, I'm a threat. If they don't identify you and come out and die, you want to have a try? Let's see if Zhangjia's threat works or mine works. On this land, I guarantee that no news of your family will be sent to the imperial capital! "

Qin Tian snapped. Hearing this, the tall man immediately counselled him. He knew that Qin Tian had done what he had said. Now they were arrested. So far, the people in Zhangjia have not come to rescue them. It shows that Qin Tian does block all the news. As long as he is in Songshan, there is nothing he can't do.

The tall man immediately softened and pleaded: "boss Qin, in fact, our two families are not a big deal. Isn't it all because of Wanheshan? He is now in. As long as you cooperate with Zhang Jia, Zhang Jia will protect you. "

Qin Tian laughs out, Zhang Jia protects me? Ridiculous!

"I don't need to be protected by Zhang Jia. I can do it by myself. Zhang Jia is a bit of a thing, dare to compete with me! Listen to me, I, Qin Tian, is the boss here. All the business of Qin Tian and all the people around me are not allowed to intervene in it, or I will directly kill him! "

Is not the emperor's capital Zhangjia, not flesh and blood of the body, difficult to become also long three head six arms?

After hearing this, the tall man tightened his pupils, and the short one shivered in one side: "we'll go back to report the news, and we won't embarrass you in the future, OK?"

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows, put his hand around his neck and said in a deep voice, "do you think I am an idiot? I just said to the police station, you will wait for your life to go through the prison, don't want to come out again. I think the people in Zhangjia will give up you in order to protect themselves. Why? Do you feel reluctant? It doesn't matter. As long as you have a life, it's not too late to fight against me again. But I don't think Zhangjia will let you go. After all, you know so many secrets about them. "

After listening to Qin Tian's words, both of them were shocked and trembled all over. Seeing this, the monkey immediately asked people to tie them up and send them to the car. They kept yelling. The monkey was annoyed. They blocked their mouths with broken socks. They drove all the way to the police station and threw them down.

When Ding Hanxue came out, she saw that the two men were tied up in all kinds of clothes. She was puzzled. The monkey explained, "this is from our brother Tian. The two of them are the people behind those gangs. Please accept them."

Ding Hanxue, looking at the monkey leaving, sighed in his heart and asked them to be sent to the interrogation room for strict interrogation. After these, Qin Tianli felt relieved and sat down on the sofa and said to Jiao Cheng, "in a few days, I will go to the imperial capital to do business, and then Songshan will depend on you and Mr. Gu. I will allocate money to you to repair the club, and then reopen the business. You can do everything by yourself. "

Jiao Cheng nods, but still worried about Qin Tian's safety.

"Brother qintian, you go to the imperial capital alone and bring more brothers. But Zhangjia has been waiting there for a long time."

Qin Tian nodded, "I will take the monkeys to their past, the rest of the brothers rely on you to manage, and you should also pay close attention to Shanghai."

"Don't worry, brother Qin Tian, you won't be disappointed."

After cleaning up these people, Qin Tian told Jiao Cheng and Gu Yue some other things. When it was almost noon, Qin Tiancai left.

When he came to a travel agency by the road, Qin Tian looked at the colored pages and asked, "is there a route to the imperial capital?"

As soon as the staff saw that there was a customer coming, they introduced him enthusiastically and took out all the road maps.

"You see, sir, these are all going to the imperial capital. They come and go back to Shuangfei, a five-star hotel on the 7th. What's more, if you do activities now, you only need 5000 yuan per person. "

"You can book the round-trip air tickets and hotels for me. I'll go with the rest myself. I'll give you the money. You don't have to ask about the rest?"

"This We have not operated on this

The staff are in a bit of a quandary. It's reasonable to say that they don't do the work for nothing, but what if there's something fishy about it?

"It doesn't matter if I haven't operated. I just want to apply for a tour group. As for whether I go or not, it doesn't matter to you, but my name and money should be on the list of League members. I'll give you all the money, OK? What's more, if I order two people, you can still make money with two less people. Are you sure you can't operate it? "

At his words, the staff immediately nodded. "Of course, no problem, sir. Just a moment. We can go through the formalities now."

"OK, you can help me as soon as possible. The time is set in three days."

Qin Tian handed over the certificate and asked them to buy the ticket. He did this just to confuse the audio-visual of Zhangjia. If they stare at themselves, they will definitely send someone to watch them when they see the flight information. The so-called covert Chen Cang, Qin Tian in the travel agency reported group, back home, and Li Xinran online to buy tickets, so that they can avoid their ears and eyes.Li Xinran looked at Qin Tian, puzzled and asked, "husband, didn't we agree to go to Hainan? How can I go to the imperial capital? "

"It's just that there's something for me to do over there. We'll stop by and play all the way. Tomorrow, we'll go to Hainan for three days, and then we'll go to Dijing. Anyway, it's a honeymoon tour. You can rest assured that I'll arrange it properly."

Listening to Qin Tian say so, Li Xinran was relieved. He kissed him on the cheek and said, "honey, you are so kind. You arrange everything. I'll take care of the luggage."

Looking at Li Xinran's luggage, he could only smile when he was about to leave for a trip.

It seems that in the future, he will give Li Xinran more time. Qin Tian thinks of this place, and decides to book the air ticket online and handle all the procedures. The next morning, they went to Hainan by plane, and after two days of shopping, they flew to the imperial capital. On the way, Li Xinran leaned by Qin Tian's side and slept soundly.

When Qin Tian saw Li Xinran like this, he felt a little uneasy. Li Xinran was her weakness. She relied on herself so much. When she arrived in the imperial capital, would she be exposed to danger? After all, there was a kidnapping before.

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