Thinking about it, Qin Tian still can't help getting off the plane, turning over his mobile phone and looking at the information. The monkey has arrived and lives in the same hotel. Qin Tian is relieved. If something is wrong, the monkey should be able to help.

Qin Tian left the Qin palace in Songshan, just to avoid the imperial capital to catch his handle. He did not come to make trouble, but only travel, even if the accident could not be relied on Qin palace.

As for monkeys, they have come out of the list of small groups, they are not in the Qin palace list, Qin Tian did so to prevent the unexpected. On the one hand, Qin family people he did not know, if they privately to their own hands is not impossible. On the other hand, Zhang is afraid of Zhang. If zhangjiaese want to deal with themselves, Li Xinran is the first to take the brunt. When they go to Qin's house, they can't take Li Xinran to take risks. She is also in danger to stay in the hotel, so they will let monkeys come here.

And Qin Tian thought that they would all come out when necessary. Actually, Li Xiaoshuang is ready, and he can't leave. After coming out from Qin Tian's jade pendant that day, Li Xiaoshuang had been hiding beside them. He saw Qin Tian and Li Xinran in love with me. Li Xiaoshuang felt sour in his heart, but then he was confident. Since he wanted to protect Li Xinran, he must do it.

Otherwise, Qin Tian was sad and had no face to see him. Li Xinran and Qin Tian went to the hotel and packed them up after they arrived. Li Xinran said happily, hugging Qin Tian's arm and saying, "husband, I saw your mobile phone just now. They accidentally looked at the monkey. Did they come to you?"

Qin Tian nodded, "indeed, for safety, let them come and live first, and now they are in the hotel."

"So you can get together with them. Can I go to the opposite mall to buy something and add some necessities?"

Li Xinran was very understanding. He knew that Qin Tianlai was in a situation. Naturally, he would not be stopped. Qin Tian was not relieved. But at this time, Li Xiaoshuang appeared from the dark and nodded to him.

Qin Tian had to agree, "well, you should be careful. And the jade I give you must be brought with me. "

After that, he made an eye at Li Xiaoshuang. Li Xiaoshuang understood that he made a black air and went into Li Xinran's jade. The jade was found by Qin Tian on the stall. Li Xinran saw that he was so concerned about himself and knew he was worried. He raised three fingers and assured him, "you are relieved. I just buy some personal items and I will be back in a minute. We'll have to eat together by noon. "

Qin Tian nodded, patted her on the shoulder and sent her out, and went to the monkey's room.

Seeing Qin Tian, the monkey was very excited and hurriedly said, "my God, you are here. We have been waiting here for two days."

"It's hard. What's the matter? "

Zhou Qianming said: "we went to the night after we arrived in the capital, and we haven't found Zhangjia's trace for the time being. It is said that they are very low-key, basically our family will not come out. But some of the others were jumping, and the bar was what they used to go to. But we were in a hurry that day, and we came out in just an hour. "

Qin Tian was relieved, "it doesn't matter. It's good to do a lot of good things. There are opportunities to meet in the future. Since Zhangjia wants to start to me, then I have come to his site, and he will know it."

"By the way, my God. The news from the tour group said that someone called and asked about your journey. The other party was a man. He asked her what she didn't say, just wanted to know the journey. Do you mean Zhangjia people want to know where you are? "

The monkey asked, Qin Tian sneered, "as expected, they didn't expect me to travel with the group, but flew directly from such a long and long-distance place in Hainan. In this way, you asked them to send the phone number over there, and we'll check it out again."

Actually, it is not difficult to check, think about it. Now, besides Zhangjia, who cares about his trip so much?

Qin Tian looked at the route left by the travel agency at that time. After all, he should be at the palace museum today. As for Zhangjia, if he pours into the air, he should know that he did not follow the route.

The monkey should go to the travel agency to check the information immediately. Zhou Qian Ming was worried about it.

"My God, what do you mean Zhangjia wants to do? For no reason, it is not a batch of goods that are so hard to pursue. Do you really want to beat us down completely? "

"Get down. Zhangjiawu has no such skill, I am sure that their family is rich and hostile, with profound strength or has been lost in the outside of the Golden Jade. There is no big problem. Just look at the two people sent out by Zhangjia, you should know that they belong to the latter. "

Qin Tian analyzed that Zhangjia has been so low-key for so many years. No matter what she does, he doesn't show that the mountain is not dew. He turns over the boat in Songshan. They are angry. They just want to bully people when they are young. Actually, they don't expect their strength to be stronger than they think.

So Zhangjia will be in a different way to fight with himself.

In a word, a big family like them should also be fighting?As for whether it will be as wonderful as TV, Qin Tian didn't know and didn't want to intervene.

However, Zhou Qianming and his colleagues reminded him that the fact that they didn't see them in the nightclub didn't mean that they were clean and clean. It was just that these grades were too low for them to look up to. If they changed to a high-end club, it might be possible.

"Donghui, Qianming, have you ever been to a high-end club?"

"God, do you want to take us to the world?"

Zhou Qianming reacted all of a sudden, and Zhao Donghui and they were happy.

"Oh, that's very kind of you. Let's go and see and open our own home."

"If you think it's a small workshop, it's not something that can be taken down by dozens of people."

Several people noisy smile open, Qin Tian pats Zhou Qianming on the shoulder, everyone quiet down to look at Qin Tian.

"Knowledge is OK, but the key is to find out the people in Zhangjia. You are strange to Zhangjia. They may not know what you look like, so I didn't let the brothers of Qin palace come here."

Next week, they all understand that they have a heavy responsibility.

"God, don't worry, we will finish the task."

Zhou Qianming's right way, Qin Tian of course rest assured, they are well-trained people, the task will be completed.

Qin Tian and they made an appointment to go out in the evening, and turned to think of Li Xinran. It's better to take her to play. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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