Qin Tian leaves the hotel and turns to call Li Xinran. "Wife, where are you?"

Li Xinran whispered on the phone, "I'm in the mall. What's the matter? It's on the third floor of the shopping mall opposite our hotel. Do you come to see me

"Well, you wait for me there. I'll be right here. It's over here."

Li Xinran a listen, happy, "good, I'll wait for you here, in the elevator on the third floor."

The two men made an appointment and Qin Tian went there directly.

At this time, Li Xinran was waiting at the elevator entrance. Suddenly, he saw a bright red coat by the counter not far away. He thought that he would be able to wear it this autumn. So Li Xinran walked over and pointed to the coat, "please take this one down, I'll try it!"

The shopkeeper looked at Li Xinran's figure and height, nodded, turned and took it to her and said, "this is our limited coat this year. There is only one coat!

Miss, you have such a good figure. You must look good in it

Li Xinran was very happy with the shopping guide's words. She tried it and it was really suitable. She just matched the white dress she was wearing today and looked at herself in the mirror. Li Xinran was obviously very satisfied. She nodded and said, "this is it. Wrap it for me."

"Wait a minute. I like this one. Give it to me!"

All of a sudden, a voice interrupted her. Li Xinran looked back and saw a girl in her twenties come in.

Look at the head with their own almost high, but a look of domineering in the eyes, let her very uncomfortable.

Li Xinran shook his head and said, "this lady, I came first. Are you mistaken? "

"So what, you haven't paid yet!"

The girl's face was disdainful, and she had never missed anything in it.

Li Xinran could not help feeling angry, "this lady, this dress is my first choice, I also came first. If you want one, you have to come first

"I have plenty of money. Give it to me at a price."

The girl's face doesn't matter.

This makes Li Xinran feel insulted.

"Sorry, I don't sell it! I like this coat. How much is it? I'll pay by card. "

"How much? You know it's a limited edition. Tell her how much it is

The girl pointed to the shopping guide and asked her to speak. The guide saw two people for a time and was very embarrassed. She mumbled: "238000."

Li Xinran was surprised! Two hundred and thirty-eight thousand? Can be in Songshan city down payment to buy a house!

Seeing Li Xinran's face startled, the girl sneered, took out the bank card and handed it to him. Li Xinran was not convinced and took out the bank card with a ruthless heart.

"No, it's more than 200000 yuan. This, this, and this are all wrapped up for me to settle the bill together."

Qin Tian gave her this bank card. All the money at the auction was here. She could afford all the expensive clothes.

When the girl looked at it, she became angry!

"What a shame! I am the daughter of the imperial family. You dare to do this to me! And you, aren't you afraid that I'll find someone to smash your counter! "

Shopping guide a listen, immediately withered, very embarrassed to look at Li Xinran, just the girl's words she heard clearly.

Zhang Jia, isn't this the person Qin Tian is looking for? Li Xinran also knew that it was not easy to provoke, but she liked this dress very much, so Li Xinran hesitated.

"Do you have any idea? What trouble

The girl's words let Li Xinran displeased, "even if it is like this, you can't buy everything with money. If you want to, you can tell me well. I don't accept such arrogance!"

"What do you mean?"

The girl took out a stack of money from her bag and threw it on her body and fell to the ground. "I'll give you any price I want."

Li Xinran shook his head. "I don't lack money. I'll order this dress."

She wanted to make peace with the girl, but seeing the girl like this, she suddenly changed her mind.

The girl is also angry, did not expect Li Xinran so uncooperative, she has never been so rejected, a time no face, immediately angry.

"It seems that you will not be able to see the coffin and cry! You don't want to know what kind of people Zhangjia is like in the imperial capital. If you dare to argue with me, you can name it if you have the ability. I will give you this coat today. But in the future you have to think clearly, as long as you are in the imperial capital, I will definitely make you worse than death! "

The girl's words let Li Xinran Leng hum: "what is Zhangjia, what happened to Zhangjia in Songshan City, you don't know when you are an outsider? Go back and ask your adults, who gives you the courage to brag about the market and commit crimes? You didn't give this dress to me. I refused to give it to you. Don't think about anything I like. I'll buy it! "

Li Xinran bullied the bank card in the hand of the shopping guide, "swipe the card!"

The shopping guide didn't dare to delay, so he swiped the card as soon as possible, for fear that two people would pinch again later.

The girl looked at the side, her face flushed, speechless.She knew that the emperor's family suffered a great loss in Songshan city. But how does this woman know?

She pointed to Li Xinran and said, "you wait for me!"

She said to the two people behind her: "put her and me down. I'd like to ask, how did she know about Songshan city?"

Two bodyguards immediately asked her, Li Xinran's face showed a trace of fear, but the mouth was: "who dare you! This is a shopping mall. Call the police immediately. "

She turned her head and ordered the shopping guide. As soon as the shopping guide was about to take the phone, one of the bodyguards smashed the phone. She was immediately shocked and said in a trembling voice:

"don't conflict here. We all have monitoring here. The security guard will come immediately when something goes wrong."

But the girl didn't care, "it's just a fight. It doesn't matter. I put it flat. If you don't want to hurt you, you'd better not mind your own business

The shopping guide looked at Li Xinran, and his face was very embarrassed. Li Xinran clenched his fist and thought that Qin Tian would come soon. Now he should hold them back. So Li Xinran tried to calm down her voice and said, "why do you have to do this? The size is also a public figure. You say that you are the daughter of Zhang Jia. If Zhang Jia knows that you are in the police station because of this, it is not very good? "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The girl laughed and seemed to hear something funny, "police station? How many people have I beaten since I was so old? I've never been in a police station. You know, there's only one thing that comes up against me, and that's how ugly you die! Just now I saw that you have sharp teeth and sharp mouth, and you are also good. You are cheap. My two bodyguards are not married yet. You two should go together! Take her away and treat her well

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