Zhang Lingling folded her chest in her hands and begged him, "please don't do this. Please, I know I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong!

In fact, I'm just a young lady. I don't want to hurt you. They all spoil me and follow me. That's why I develop such a temper. Please, don't be like this. I really don't want to be like this! "

Zhang Lingling said, she even cried out!

Qin Tian saw that her tears didn't look fake, and her expression was really scared. The man in suit on the ground slowed down and heard her crying and biting his teeth to threaten her: "Zhang Lingling, I was killed by you this time! You wait for me

Qin Tian snorted: "do you still want to go? If you offend me, Qin Tian won't want to fool around here, dare to beat my woman's idea

Qin Tian walked past, a foot on the man's kneecap, the man screamed a sudden pain fainted in the past, knee bone visual inspection has been broken.

His subordinates trembled into a group, afraid that Qin Tian would come to them, so he pointed to Zhang Lingling and said, "no, don't come here. It's her idea. It's all about what she asked us to do. Please don't hurt us!"

Zhang Lingling, who was trembling just now, was pale, which told the truth, "I know that I was wrong. I was forced by the owner of the house. He is in another box and wants to see you. You hurry over, or we will all suffer."

Zhang Lingling's words make Qin Tian cold hum!

"If he wants to see Laozi, I have to go to see him. Are you so arrogant and arrogant as you are? Who do you think you are? I'm here to solve these people today, but not to help you! Zhang Lingling, now you and these people get out of here. Don't delay my drinking and spoil my elegant interest. Otherwise, I can lift the emperor. Do you believe it or not? "

Zhang Lingling was so frightened that she rushed out and left with those people. She also dragged away the man in suit who fainted.

The private room was calm. Qin Tian pressed the button on one side, and the waiter came in. Seeing Qin Tian's cold face, he hurried forward, "what's your dissatisfaction?"

"I'm not satisfied with anything. How can I enter my box at will? And how do they know I'm here? Look at these places. It's a mess

Qin Tian threw a stack of money on the tea table, and left with Li Xinran and monkey.

The waiter was in a daze, at a loss, and didn't know how to offend them. But thinking of Zhang Lingling's group of people, he immediately understood and quickly followed up.

"I'm sorry, sir. Because of the influence of Zhangjia here, we have no way to stop it. The emperor Zhangjia has half of the industry. So don't embarrass us. "

"I don't embarrass you. I just want to tell you that you should be honest and honest in business. You can't do it for a long time."

"Is it? A little brother is responsible for what he says. How to say can't do long? Our emperor has been in the imperial capital for 20 years and has never lost. How could it be so unbearable in your mouth? "

A rough voice came, deep with a trace of dignity, Qin Tian turned to see a middle-aged man more than 50 years old. He was tall, with a small beard on his lips. He looked very tasty, but there was a faint duck between his eyebrows and eyes.

Seeing the man standing behind him, Qin Tian sneered and knew that he was the leader of the family, but he didn't point out his identity.

"When the guests come to you, you're looking for fun. It's not for the sake of hard work. It's useless for me to play heroes and save beauty. Your thugs run into my box and run wild. If I give you money, it's good. That's your service!"

Zhang Zhang's face sank as soon as he heard it. He turned his head and looked away from the bodyguard around him. The bodyguard lowered his head and did not speak. He immediately understood that it was Zhang Lingling who made up her own mind.

"Little brother, take a step to speak. Today, my little brother has been wronged here. I'll make amends here. I don't know what to call brother?"

Qin Tian sneered in his heart, "why pretend? I'm Qin Tian, the person you've been looking for. Didn't Zhang Lingling say you were waiting for us in the next box? Yes? Forget it so soon? "

Smell speech Zhang Chenguang understood, gnash teeth way: "bring that dead girl to me!"

The bodyguard answered, turned to leave, and soon dragged Zhang Lingling to come over and pushed her violently. Zhang Lingling fell on the ground with a thump. Seeing the people in front of her, Zhang Lingling tightened her pupils and sat down on the ground.

Zhang Chenguang said in a deep voice, "did you bring someone into Mr. Qin's box just now?"

Zhang Lingling nodded, but she did not dare to look at him.

"It's me. I brought people in."

"Dead girl, you..."

"But But don't you want to meet him and see what he is? I wonder if I can let him out

Qin Tian looked at them playing double roles and disdained to say, "you can handle the affairs of your own family by yourself. I won't accompany you. Goodbye."

He hugged Li Xinran and was about to leave, but Zhang Chenguang called out to him behind his back, "since it's here today, why don't you sit down and talk about it?""There's nothing to talk about between you and me, and we don't talk about business today. I'm here with my friends."

Qin Tian slightly turned his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and Zhang Chenguang nodded, "in this case, all your consumption in the club today is in my body, and I will make amends."

"No, I can afford to spend this money. However, the master of Zhangjia, the eldest lady of your family is really very angry. It's time to discipline her, so that she won't have time to go out and be taken turns. "

Qin Tian glanced at Zhang Lingling. The latter shivered, thinking of what had happened just now, and what Qin Tiangang had just pinched his neck and threatened him. He immediately trembled and sat on the ground and did not dare to make a sound. She had never been so embarrassed.

How to Qin every day here, but he saw through the same, Li Xinran in one side slightly frown, did not expect the girl's heart so heavy.

Zhang Chenguang can't hang on his face any more. He can only bear this breath and watch Qin Tian go away. Then she glanced at Zhang Lingling, who was sitting on the ground, and said in a sharp voice: "cheap girl! Is it too kind to you? You made trouble for me. Who else let you out? After going back, break his leg and throw him out of the family! "

Zhang Lingling flopped down on her knees. "No, don't be angry with them. It's me. I ran out of the window. Don't blame them. They didn't see me."

"It's their fault that they didn't see you!"

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