Hearing that Zhang Lingling excused those people, Zhang Chenguang said in a deep voice: "you have to remember that you are an adult and should be responsible for everything you do. They are the same. As the servants of Zhangjiakou, you should serve the zhangjias! They are responsible for the fault of the master. Do you understand? "

Zhang Lingling's face suddenly sank. Zhang Chenguang hooked her fingers, and the people behind her immediately came up and dragged her down.

Zhang Lingling knew that after going back this time, she had to have skin and flesh torn. Her heart was filled with hatred. Why can't Qin Tian, a man, go to see the owner of the house and make herself so embarrassed now that she has to be punished after she goes back. Everything is because of him!

When Zhang Lingling arrived at home, she suffered from a flesh and skin pain. While lying on the bed crying for pain, she dialed a phone call. I don't know how Qin Tian felt when she saw these people again, but Zhang Lingling felt that she must get back from Qin Tian!

Qin Tian also thought of it. Zhang Lingling is not a simple girl. After such a big loss, she must find her own account.

After several people returned to the hotel, Qin Tian comforted Li Xinran to sleep, and then gathered with the monkeys.

The monkey didn't think so. He called out, "brother God, what are you afraid of? Anyway, the brothers are here for a dozen. But I don't think that Zhang Lingling can't be treated in an ordinary way. She has been living in the imperial capital for so long, and she has connections. Moreover, if a little girl wants to act, it's easy to find the boss to cover her. Why don't we do it first? "

Qin Tianchen said in a voice: what are you afraid of? Even if she has more contacts, she is not an ordinary person. Besides, she has no Kung Fu. If she relies on her face and her body, Zhang Jia will not let him go. After all, Zhangjia is still a big family. If you know that the young lady of their family has done such a thing, I think the master of Zhangjia will not spare her first!

Now we should worry about how many industries Zhangjia has in the imperial capital. Maybe the hotel we live in is their family's. In this way, they will know what we do, and look at Zhang Chenguang's meaning, it seems that they would like to reconcile with me rather than meet in war. If I have a chance, I really want to sit down with him and talk about it. After all, all the contradictions between us are around the territory. "

Shanghai that piece of qintian has been recovered, now it is a foregone conclusion, Zhang Chenguang also can't help him. Now he is in the imperial capital qintian also came, the purpose is not to want to solve this matter? If they can shake hands with each other, that's the best. If they can't, they'll have to fight.

Qin Tian is right. Zhang Chenguang did mean to win him over, not for anything else, only because he is now the general manager of Shanghai.

If he is the enemy of Qin Tian, let Songshan and Hucheng merge into one, even if he has power and power, there is no way to fight against it.

So Zhang Chenguang thought that Qin Tian didn't have a big holiday with him, but he didn't care about a batch of goods, some antique calligraphy and paintings.

But now because of Zhang Lingling, Zhang Chenguang lost the right to speak. I didn't expect that this stinky girl broke her own business.

Originally wanted to have a good talk with Qin Tian, that is because Zhang Lingling, she could not get Qin Tian's trust. Zhang Chenguang thought more and more angry. After returning home, he saw the bodyguard standing outside Zhang Lingling's door and asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter?"

"Master, the eldest lady is seriously injured and is resting now."

"Rest? She still has the face to rest, open the door for me

Zhang Chenguang a Li drink, inside Zhang Lingling heard the voice immediately pretend to sleep, afraid to start.

The bodyguard opened the door and Zhang Chenguang went in. In the spacious room, the girl lying on the bed was motionless. Zhang Chenguang took a whip from the door and jerked it down!

"Ah," a scream, Zhang Lingling jumped to her feet, covering the whip wound on her shoulder, and tears gushed out.

"Master, what are you going to do

What to do! You idiot! Because of you, we have lost a great opportunity today. If I have a relationship with Qin Tian in the future, I will be ridiculed by him. Dead girl, not enough to succeed, more than enough to fail. How many good things have you done to me! I will clean up the mess for you when I come back. You and your brother are not fuel-efficient lamps. From today on, you can either stay at home for me, don't go out and make trouble, or you can get out of Zhangjiakou and never come back! I don't need such rubbish as you

Seeing the owner's face angry, Zhang Lingling was scared and nodded, "don't worry, I don't dare any more."

"You'd better be like this, otherwise I'll let you have a taste of what life is not like death. If you can't play any role in Zhangjia, don't hold me back. If not, it will ruin my good fortune, and you will have a good time! "

This is the first time that the master of Zhangjia is so cruel to the people below. It is also because Zhang Lingling and her elder brother are not competitive. They always know how to play the authority all day long, which makes Zhang Jia have to be a man with his tail between his legs. The reason why so low-key, but also forced helpless!

Zhang Lingling looked at the back of the master of Zhang, and her tears could not stop flowing out. This is her father, but she is not as good as her servants to their brothers and sisters, so Zhang Lingling rebelled again and again. But this time it was also a real disaster, Zhang Jia punished her to the extreme.

As a matter of fact, Qin Tiancai is right. Their Zhangjiakou is really beyond gold and jade. Among them, there are only a few industries in which the business is not very good. Take the emperor as an example, although there are special services to do gimmicks, in the final analysis, they are also vulgar and interesting, which can not be put on the stage at all.But where there is a little capital, people will not spend in the emperor, only those who attract upstarts.

Therefore, Qin Tian also saw that Zhangjia was just a strong external force, not enough for fear.

Zhang Chenguang wants to win over Qin Tian, naturally, he wants to talk to him.

However, Zhang Lingling made such a scene, which completely embarrassed Zhang Chenguang, but he still made full preparations.

The next morning, Qin Tian and Li Xinran just went out to have breakfast when they saw Zhang Chenguang standing at the door of the hotel. Seeing them come out, Zhang Chenguang's face showed a smile, and the people behind him still had a big box in their hands.

"Mr. Qin, we've met again."

Qin Tian was silent, but Li Xinran pulled his sleeve,

"husband, this is a public place, don't make such a fuss

Hearing this, Qin Tian patted the back of her hand and said in a deep voice, "don't worry about my wife. I have my own discretion."

So he looked up at Zhang Chenguang and said, "my wife said, I want to give you face. Go over there and sit down."

Zhang Chenguang felt relieved and looked up at Li Xinran. The woman was beautiful. No wonder Qin Tian was obedient.

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