Li Xinran was looked up and down in his eyes, and immediately shrunk his neck and hid behind Qin Tian. Qin Tian quietly hugged Li Xinran's shoulder and comforted her in a low voice: "it doesn't matter. With me, no one dares to bully you."

Li Xinran nodded. Of course, she believed Qin Tian, so they sat face to face. Li Xinran leaned against Qin Tian's arms and looked at Zhang Chenguang.

This man is only about 50 years old, but the maintenance is still good, but the vicissitudes and haggard in his eyebrows can not be covered. It seems that even if he is a big family, he may not be happy.

Zhang Chenguang took the lead in opening his mouth, "Mr. Qin, I didn't know that it was Mr. Qin who had offended me that day. I didn't know that it was Mr. Qin who came here, and I didn't know that his wife had taken a fancy to that dress. So there was some misunderstanding. Please don't take it to heart. Today, I specially brought a gift to apologize to you."

Qin Tian smile, "this is a small matter, and that day has been taught a lesson, so the master of Zhangjia do not have to worry about."

"No, the little girl has annoyed Mr. Qin for many times. She was in the box last night. So I have taught her a good lesson after I go back. She will not come out again in the future."

Zhang Chenguang's words did not surprise Qin Tian at all. As a businessman, he is very clear that Zhang Chenguang must weigh the pros and cons. Compared with Zhang Lingling, the latter is obviously not important.

Now, seeing Zhang Chenguang come to make amends, Qin Tian smiles, "it doesn't matter. It's normal for little girls to like to play, but it's necessary to have a degree. Since Mr. Zhang has taught her a lesson today, I won't say anything. If I see her again in the future, I'll ask Miss Zhang to stay away from me spontaneously. I'm not a good-natured person, especially I'm very protective of the people around me. If anyone offends them, it's tantamount to touching my bottom line. "

Zhang Chenguang's eyes stopped. He didn't expect Qin Tian to be so direct.

"What Mr. Qin said is that Mr. Zhang admired Mr. Qin for his attention to the people around him. If I had been replaced, I would not have been able to do it."

"That's not the same. These people are brothers who I had a life to make friends with. Besides, the wife is his own. Naturally, he should be protected. If he can't protect his own woman, is he still a man?"

"Mr. Qin said with a dry smile," Mr. Qin said that today I brought a gift to Mr. Qin. Please accept it with a smile. "

Zhang Chenguang clapped his hands, and the bodyguard behind him immediately lifted the box up. It was not big, but it seemed to have some weight. They put the box on the table in front of them.

Zhang Chenguang reached out and motioned Qin Tian to take it. Qin Tian looked at the box and lifted his hand to open the box. It was an old and simple agarwood box. Close to it, you could still smell a faint fragrance on the box.

After opening it, Li Xinran took a breath of air. Inside the box, there was a white jade Buddha statue. It seems that it has been some years. It is heavy and valuable to hold it in your hand.

Qin Tian looked at it carefully and knew that it was genuine, and the appearance was good. It's about 20 million.

"I dare not accept such a valuable gift. Mr. Zhang is very polite."

Smell speech Zhang Chenguang waved his hand, "if Mr. Qin doesn't accept, he won't forgive us."

Qin Tian frowns. This gift can't be accepted.

"It's just a little misunderstanding. How can you accept such an expensive gift? You'd better take it back! I've forgiven you. I'll turn it over. "

A glimmer of light flashed in Zhang Chenguang's eyes and changed his words:

"since Mr. Qin has already opened his mouth, we will expose it. This gift is given to Mr. Qin mainly for the purpose of cooperating with Mr. Qin. "

Finally revealed his true face, Qin Tian deliberately pretended to be puzzled and asked, "cooperation? If I remember correctly, it seems that we have fought several times. I've played several times in Zhangjia. Are you sure you want to cooperate with me? "

Zhang Chenguang nodded and said, "I don't care about Wanheshan any more, but I used to have business there in Shanghai. Now it's you. Please help Mr. Qin a lot. "

Qin Tian guessed it. Zhang Chenguang still didn't dare to offend himself easily. He pretended to be cruel before. He was just afraid that he was bluffing.

Now that Zhang Chenguang said it, Qin Tian stopped beating around the bush. After pondering for a moment, he began to say, "Mr. Zhang loves you. In fact, Qin Tian just wants to be a stable businessman. As for the underground forces, they are also prepared for business. The brothers in Shanghai city have their own affairs to deal with. To be honest, I don't manage them very much. However, I don't know exactly how much Zhangjia's industry is. Please tell Mr. Zhang one by one, and I can also say hello to the brothers below. "

When Qin Tian said this, Zhang Chenguang understood. He took out an envelope from his arms and handed it to him.

Qin Tian didn't speak. Seeing that he didn't speak, Zhang Chenguang continued: Mr. Qin, please consider it. Mr. Zhang is very sincere. If he is not satisfied with the figures, Mr. Qin can bring it up

The envelope contained a check. Qin Tian touched it and opened it. It said 50 million yuan.

What kind of business can make Zhang Chenguang so generous?Originally Qin Tian was only guessing that, now, it is more determined that all businesses that Wan Heshan can't do are supported by Zhang Chenguang. He has gained profits from it. Now Wanheshan is not in, Zhang Chenguang thinks he took over, so he wants to be the same as before.

It's just that he's wrong.

"Mr. Zhang is a great hand, Qin Tian has no merit."

Qin Tian, quietly, packed the envelope and returned.

"Mr. Zhang still said how many industries there are. After all, I am very busy and can not look at them all. If Mr. Zhang can't tell you all today, I dare not ask if there are brothers in Shanghai city who offend you in the future. "

Qin Tian's words made Zhang Chenguang look not worried, but he still said with a strong smile: "if so, we can say something, in fact, there is not much industry, mainly so few places to pay attention to. For example, some special industries, "

if it is a prohibited product, please ask Mr. Zhang to say nothing. After Qin Tian took over the Qin palace and Shanghai City, the first thing was to eliminate the prohibited goods. Don't say anything about brotherhood. Even my relatives and brothers, if I did the contraband, I would not be able to beat them correctly. Mr. Zhang is not to blame for this. "

Hearing the words Zhang Chenguang's face suddenly changed, he couldn't help it.

"Qin Tian, don't give face to face. I have already said this, and I want to be low-level please

Zhang Chenguang's patience has been exhausted, and he can't take care of his face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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