"I don't want any of the industries in Shanghai, but this trading chain can't fall off!"

At last he spoke his heart.

Qin Tian sneered, "I'm afraid Mr. Zhang doesn't understand what I mean? As long as I'm in the sphere of influence, all contraband business can't be done. I don't care who you are. If I find out, I'll kill all of them. If you don't believe it, try it! "

Zhang Chenguang naturally knew that Qin Tian was true. But if you show weakness at this time, you will lose face.

So he clapped his hands on the table, startled Li Xinran and shrunk his neck. Qin Tian patted Li Xinran's shoulder and comforted him: "don't be afraid of my wife. He doesn't dare to come here at random."

"Qin Tian, we'll see."

Zhang Chenguang can't help, see him soft and hard do not eat, oil and salt do not enter, can only threaten a turn to walk.

Of course, the box also took away, went to the door, Zhang Chenguang's eyes across a sharp, soft voice: "men's solution, women's stay."

If Qin Xinran can't catch Qin Xinran's head, she can't turn her head!

Li Xinran saw the eyes of those people, and suddenly shrunk his neck and hid in Qin Tian's arms. Qin Tian knew what they wanted to do, so he snapped his fingers, and Li Xiaoshuang appeared in front of him in an instant.

Qin Tian picks up his eyebrows to squeeze Li Xiaoshuang's eyes. Li Xiaoshuang understands that he will stay by Li Xinran's side and will not let anyone get close to him.

Zhang Chenguang did not expect that he was facing not one person, but a group of people and soul.

The last time Li Xiaoshuang hit Zhang Lingling, she had already let them suffer. Now again, Zhang Chenguang still has no memory.

In this case, don't blame Qin Tian for being rude.

Li Xiaoshuang is at Li Xinran's side, and the people in Zhangjia have no chance to attack these days.

Until Wednesday night, the monkey did not know where to find a club, and wanted to go shopping. Qin Tian asked him to go by himself, but he couldn't stand the advice of monkey and others, saying that he wanted to see and see, and to take Xinran with him.

Qin Tian couldn't stand their persuasion and could only agree.

Several people came to a new club. This time, monkey did a serious job. The club did not need membership fees, but the consumption was marked. Qin Tian looked at the price on the brand, which was just like a club. A bottle of wine was more than one hundred and twenty thousand, but the service was still high-grade.

So he patted the monkey on the shoulder and said, "monkey, you can."

The monkey said with a smile, "God, don't laugh at me. I've been run to death by them. I finally found a decent club. Let's study hard. We'll have a try in Songshan later! "

"Then you should have a good look at how other people operate. If you want to copy it to Songshan City, you can't miss it. "

Qin Tian's words let the monkey nod, he has decided to open a decent club in Songshan city. These days, they have also made a lot of money with Qin Tian. After a few brothers sum up, they are able to set up their own small industry.

The monkey's brain is flexible, immediately thought of a way, will see one by one in mind.

Li Xinran looked at the tall and sexy women who were walking around her. Then she saw how conservative she was. She couldn't help but tightly wrapped her neck and pulled Qin Tian's sleeve. She was worried.

"Husband, look at them. This is not a place like that?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian laughed and nodded her nose to comfort her: "you come to such places to have fun by yourself. It's no surprise to have these people. Don't be surprised. Li Xinran feigned anger on his face and punched him hard on his body.

Monkey they laugh, Li Xinran red face, the total effort to twist Qin Tian's arm, pain qintian begged for mercy.

The crowd came to the box and just sat down. The waiter came over and showed them a stack of wine lists. Qin Tian looked at it and estimated that if they spent money here, it would be millions of yuan this evening. But money willful, Qin Tian did not hesitate to throw the list on the table, "we are the first time to come, you see how to do it."

"Yes, sir. Do you still need company, sir? "

He saw that there was only one lady present, so he suggested that Qin Tian whether they would like to come with some young ladies.

Qin Tian looked at the monkey and nodded and agreed.

Although monkeys and they are all family members, Qin Tian has never thought about letting them mess around outside. A decent club will not have these messy things, so Qin Tian is happy to rest assured.

Monkeys, they seem very excited, but everyone's eyes are clear, Li Xinran looked at this to rest assured that there should not be an accident.

The waiter saw this, and soon brought seven or eight people to come over. They hugged the monkeys one by one.

Li Xinran can't help frowning at the appearance. These women are also wearing too muchShe looked down at her dress and the little cardigan she was wearing.

This is the first time she saw this kind of scene. Qin Tian laughed, "wife, what are you afraid of? You should come to see it. These clothes are working clothes, and they won't wear like this when they go out the door. "

Qin Tian met too many such girls, and some of them were forced by their families.

On hearing this, a girl next to him immediately poured him a glass of wine and said in a soft voice: "the elder brother is right. It seems that the elder brother knows our profession very well. He goes out with his wife. He is really a good man!

Here, I'd like to propose a toast to big brother

The girl skillfully poured a cup to Qin Tian, waiting for Qin Tian to open his mouth, he looked up and drank up.

Qin Tianzheng was about to hold up his glass, and saw the displeasure in Li Xinran's eyes. He laughed and put it down again.

The monkey here took the initiative to break the siege and said, "if you don't drink, if you have a wife, I don't care. You can drink with me tonight."

everyone laughed. Zhao Donghui said, "monkey, you're not afraid to go back to your house. The tigress smells the perfume on your body. When will you kneel and wash your clothes?"

"You are not afraid of what I am afraid of. Besides, we are in the imperial capital, and they are far away! Our mouths are full of flowers, but our hearts are full of worries! "

Smell speech everybody ha ha smile, Li Xin Ran made a big red face, think oneself really should not follow out tonight.

She pulled Qin Tian's sleeve and whispered, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Qin Tian nodded and asked her to be more careful. She had thought it was only a few minutes, but she didn't find Li Xinran. She didn't come back for 20 minutes.

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