Qin Tian see Li Xinran after 20 minutes did not come back, immediately anxious up, call her no one answered.

Xinran, can't something happen? Looking at the anxious appearance on his face, the girl on the side joked: "how big brother, I don't see my wife for a while and then I think about it? We come out here to play. It's like a family party. "

Qin Tian was cold. She got up and was about to go outside. The monkey quickly responded and asked, "what happened to brother Tian?"

"Xinran hasn't come back yet. Where is your bathroom?"

He turned around and looked at the girl who had just said, "she went out of the door and walked to the right for about ten meters."

Qin Tian opened the door and went out. Ten meters later, there was a bathroom, but there was nothing here. Regardless of the opposition of the women around him, he rushed in and opened it one by one, causing countless screams.

But still did not see Li Xinran's figure, the waiter rushed over, respectfully asked: "Sir, what's wrong, what can I do for you?"

Qin Tian said coldly: "my wife is missing. I'll take your monitoring right away and check it out for me."

The waiter's face flashed a little embarrassed, "sorry, the bathroom is a dead corner of monitoring, so we can't find it. It's also for the privacy of the guests, so there's never a monitor here!"

Qin Tian looked around, but there was no surveillance on the corridor. So he pointed to one of the surveillance probes and said to the waiter, "I'll give you three minutes. I'll take out the monitoring here immediately."

After that, the manager took out the mobile phone and ran to the police. After the manager came, he heard that someone was missing and didn't dare to be careless. He immediately transferred the monitor to Qin Tian.

From the monitoring screen, Li Xinran was indeed abducted, but the two men were wearing masks, and they could not see clearly.

And Li Xinran seemed to faint at that time. He was carried out by people. Qin Tian pointed to the picture and asked, "can the information of these two people be found out?"

The manager shook his head. "I'm afraid it's impossible. They should be the service men in the clubhouse. But now we have people in all the venues. They are all walking around at any time. It's estimated that they are sneaking in and pretending to be. Please understand, we can't look for every box again. What's more, the monitoring shows that they have gone out..."

Qin Tian put his hands in his pocket and looked down at him, "I don't care what method you use, give you ten minutes, I don't care if you find it or not. People come out from you, and they wear your clothes, so you must give me an account!"

The manager wiped the cold sweat on his head and nodded, "this is natural. We will try our best. Just a moment, please. I need time. "

Qin Tian nodded, "only ten minutes. I need all the information of these two people."

One side of the girl saw this, suddenly surprised to call up, Qin Tiantian looked back at her, flashing a trace of displeasure on her face.

"What's your name? Who let you in

This is the monitoring room. How does the girl follow the monkey and come in together? Qin Tian is a little upset. The girl just pointed to the shadow that flashed by the screen and called out: "just now, there was a dark shadow flashing past here. I seem to see a face."

Qin Tian frowned, "what do you see?"

The staff in the monitoring room quickly switched over the screen and played it forward for a few seconds to check the shadow just now. After carefully zooming in, Qin Tian took a breath of air-conditioning, and it was Li Xiaoshuang!

The girl screamed and Qin Tian glared at her. The girl quickly covered her mouth and muttered: "you can see, how terrible, is this still human?"

In the picture, Li Xiaoshuang is dressed in white, pale, and there seems to be a trace of dark black blood around the corner of his mouth.

Is Li Xiaoshuang injured? But it seems that they are not the top experts.

What's more, Li Xiaoshuang is a ghost. Those two are so good? He didn't believe that Zhangjia people would suddenly become so tough.

What's more, they don't know Li Xiaoshuang's existence at all.

The girl next to me is still chattering about being haunted.

If the rumor that Qin Dao doesn't make you dizzy, you will be stunned by the manager

The manager nodded again and again. After Qin Tian called the police, the police came to get the card and said that they would help him look for a woman. However, Qin Tian knew that it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack for such a big imperial capital. He released ghost Dou Dou Dou Dou Dou Dou Dou Dou and Qi Xia, and asked them to help them find it together. There was also Li Xiaoshuang, but there was no news at present.

Qin Tian couldn't help worrying. If he hadn't met a strong opponent, Xiaoshuang would have come back to report the news. At this time, Qin Tiancai realized that the imperial capital was too big for him to control at all!

The monkey was very guilty and said in a low voice: "it's all my fault. If I didn't insist on coming here today, my sister-in-law would not have an accident."

Qin Tian shakes his head, "you also don't go to own body to take, even if it's not you, they will think of a way to abduct Xinran."The monkey was startled. "Do you know who it is, brother Tian?"

"Apart from Zhang Jia, I can't imagine that there is a second person who has the courage to attack my people. You think about it, Zhang Chenguang was rejected by me, can not be angry? I finally came to the imperial capital. In the territory of its tower, he could not give me some color to see. "

The monkey thought of it and said excitedly, "brother Tian, we can kill Zhang Jia directly!"

Qin Tian waved his hand, "there is no evidence. Even if you go to Zhangjia, Xinran may not be there. Instead, he will beat him upside down. That would be bad. Now let's settle down and let the police look for us to see if there are any clues. This is not Songshan. I can't mobilize so many people, and you are not very familiar with the route. Let's wait for the news first. "

Qin Tian said that, in fact, ghost pocket and Qixia have begun to track! Li Xiaoshuang came back two hours later, covered with injuries. It seems that she met a very strong opponent. Her face was livid and she kept shaking.

When she was brought back, Qin Tian looked like this, and immediately released the ghost spirit to let her heal. She had a rest of almost half an hour before Li Xiaoshuang recovered.

See Qin Tian's first sentence is: "master hurry to save her, she had an accident."

"Don't worry about what's going on. Speak slowly."

In fact, Qin Tian's heart has been very anxious, but still comfort Li Xiaoshuang, let her clear her mind again.

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