Lying on the ground, Zhang Chenguang couldn't move, and he called out, "you're back, Xiaoshan. Come on! Call the Qin family! How much money I still have in hand, I will give them all, let them avenge me

Zhang Xiaoshan saw him so excited that his eyes were full of disdain.

"Forget it, you don't have enough money. How can Qin family look up to it? Now I have a property in the imperial capital and will be married soon. I asked you for money before, but you didn't give it to me. Now you can use this money as a gift for my marriage. "

Hearing Zhang Xiaoshan's words, Zhang Chenguang was surprised. He didn't expect that at this time, he really understood what betrayal was. No one pitied him, and no one wanted to be with him.

Zhang Chenguang was completely disappointed and watched Zhang Xiaoshan go to his study and transfer all his last little money to his own account.

After finishing this, Zhang Xiaoshan left without hesitation, and Zhang Chenguang was the only one left in such a large Zhangjiakou. This is Zhang Chenguang's last feeling before his death.

Soon there was no one to take care of him. Zhang Chenguang was found dead at home. When the police arrived, only a corpse was seen. All the people outside the door could walk with each other had already left. As soon as the bodyguard left, no one cared about Zhang Chenguang. He was so depressed that everything was gone. Zhang Chenguang cut his wrist with the iron part of his waist belt and committed suicide.

When he heard the news, Qin Tian didn't think so. When the imperial police found Qin Tian, he gave all the things to Ding Hanxue.

Ding Hanxue felt uneasy after receiving his message, so she rushed to buy the ticket.

The imperial police just brought Qin Tian in for interrogation, and Ding Han's back foot arrived. Fortunately, the monkey has been guarding outside all the time. Seeing Ding Hanxue, the monkey gave her all the evidence.

When the imperial police got the evidence, they were surprised.

In fact, they also know that Zhang Chenguang is doing these shady business behind his back, but there is no evidence. Now they are shocked to see this.

Qin Tian doesn't believe them. Zhang Chenguang can do such a big vote because there must be someone behind him. Maybe there is his umbrella. But because Ding Hanxue is here, he is not sure.

However, there is no direct evidence to prove that Qin Tian killed people. In addition, they reported to the police that Li Xinran was kidnapped. Now it is just a fight. With the help of Ding Hanxue, Qin Tian will soon come out.

It's almost early in the morning.

Ding Hanxue stopped him.

"Qin Tian, you wait!"

Qin Tian looks back to see Ding Hanxue tired, and a burst of guilt surges in his heart. It's him, not because of him. Ding Hanxue doesn't have to come here at this time.

Qin Tian looked back at Ding Hanxue: "what's the matter?"

"Nothing, just to ask what you want to do next?"

Ding Hanxue takes care of her. She is still a person when she comes to the imperial capital. Some things are not clear. She wants to talk to Qin Tian.

"My wife is still in the hotel. She was kidnapped by them and was greatly frightened. Now I want to go back. For the next part of the journey, I will go to the Qin family. I also have relatives in the imperial capital. So I'll go over and have a look in the next few days. If there is any new news about Zhangjia, please contact me by phone at any time."

In fact, Ding Hanxue knows that he is out on his honeymoon, but this makes Ding Hanxue smile bitterly. She understands that someone doesn't want to be a light bulb.

What kind of relatives, Qin Tian is not willing to say, she also does not expose. Qin Tian's parents are in Songshan, the imperial capital is eight pole son cannot hit the side, still have relatives?

But Qin Tian didn't say it, and still didn't disturb their husband and wife's world.

Ding Hanxue let him go without saying anything. Qin Tian still had a conscience. After thinking about it, he wanted to say, "it's so late. You can go to the hotel with us. Anyway, there are many rooms. We can take care of each other if you live there."

Ding Han doesn't refuse to see the situation. He is really unfamiliar in the imperial capital. It's better to have him.

After finishing the procedures, Qin Tian returns to the hotel. Li Xinran is already asleep. Seeing her sleeping face, Qin Tian feels guilty. How can all the people around him get hurt because of him? If he is strong enough, such an accident will not happen again in the future!

Touching Li Xinran's red and swollen face, Qin Tian was deeply distressed. If he hadn't arrived in time this time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

To tell you the truth, although Zhang Lingling is hateful, she is also a poor person. Qin Tianxin has softened her heart and let her go. She hopes that she can correct her evil in the future!

Li Xinran felt the warmth around her in her dream. She hugged him with her back hand. Suddenly, she felt an arm in her hand. She was surprised. When she woke up, she saw Qin Tian's face enlarged in front of her eyes. She immediately reached out and hugged Qin Tian tightly.

"Husband, you come back, you finally come back!" Qin Tian patted her back and comforted her: "it's OK. It's all right. I'm here, wife. I'm sorry to frighten you!"

Li Xinran shook his head, "it's OK. As long as you're by my side, how's your friend, husband? Thanks to her help this time, or I will be bullied to death by them! "The friend she said was Li Xiaoshuang. Qin Tian didn't expect that she knew Li Xiaoshuang's existence.

Li Xinran sat up and pushed his arm. "I saw her. She was dressed in white and had long hair. She was pretty pretty pretty, but her face was a little pale. She said that she was afraid of the divine light of Bodhisattva and did not know if she was hurt?"

Li Xinran's face darkened. Qin Tian didn't come back. She was always worried. Now thinking of Li Xiaoshuang, Li Xinran couldn't help worrying.

In fact, Li Xiaoshuang has always been around Li Xinran. When she heard that she was so worried about herself, a warm current rose in her heart. It seems that she did not choose the wrong person.

Qin Tian looked at the floating Li Xiaoshuang and said with a smile, "no, you can rest assured that she is OK. She said that she is very grateful to you and thank you for thinking about her. She has been protecting you by your side in this life."

Hearing this, Li Xinran was deeply moved and thought of a question, "in fact, she is a ghost, isn't she?"

"Are you afraid of the difference between man and ghost?"

Li Xinran shook his head, "how can you be afraid? She is so good, although she is a ghost, but ghosts are not necessarily bad, just like people, there are also good and bad points

Li Xinran's words made Li Xiaoshuang very moved. If she was someone else, she must have been scared to scream. But Li Xinran said these words instead of being afraid, which made Li Xiaoshuang more sure that he was not with the wrong person.

Qin Tian looks at Li Xiaoshuang's direction, and a wave of comfort rises in his heart.

"Xiaoshuang will appreciate you. You are the only one who doesn't have so much prejudice against her except me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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