Li Shuang is very afraid to see her for many years, even if she is not willing to see her for many years, she is also very afraid to see her.

But think of Li Xiaoshuang is also poor, so Li Xinran hugged Qin Tian and said, "then we can help her well in the future, such as reincarnation or other things?"

Li Xinran suddenly interested, Qin Tian patted her shoulder, "you don't have to worry about this. Xiaoshuang she has adapted to the present life, I will help her, she will guard by your side, protect you. It's not early now. Go to bed quickly. Ding Hanxue is here. We'll meet with Ding team tomorrow morning. "

After listening to his words, Li Xinran did not ask any more questions and fell asleep in his arms.

Although experienced so many things, but Li Xinran is still full of confidence in the future, with Qin Tian together with risk, but more is sweet.

Looking at the woman in his arms, Qin Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Li Xinran was not too frightened, he was relieved.

At this time, Li Xiaoshuang also floated into Li Xinran's jade pendant. Although she changed her master, she was also the one Qin Tian cared about. She was willing to be with those people and felt Li Xinran's kindness. Li Shuang volunteered to protect her.

The next morning, the monkeys had already got up. When Ding Hanxue got up early and went back to his room for morning exercises, the door was knocked. When he opened it, Qin Tian and Li Xinran stood at the door.

Ding Han is stunned for a moment, but then she leans to let them in.

"Team D has breakfast together. I've already brought the breakfast."

Ding Hanxue saw that Li Xinran was holding a plate in his hand, so he nodded, "please, I came back so late last night. I almost can't get up today."

Li Xinran came in and put the breakfast on the table. Then he said with a smile: "no, team D, I really want to thank you this time. Otherwise, Qin Tian doesn't know when he can come out."

"You are so polite to me. You are all old friends. We need Qin Tian's help in some things. This time, the evidence he brought back helped us a lot. I also want to thank Qin Tian."

Two people exchanged greetings, but Qin Tian was left in the cold.

Seeing this, Qin Tian said with a smile, "don't talk, hurry to eat!"

Hearing this, Ding Hanxue glanced at him and asked, "don't you have relatives here! No more relatives? "

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment. Then he thought of the excuse of yesterday, so he said with a dry smile: "the relatives are not in a hurry. Today, team D will accompany team d here. Anyway, we have arrived in the imperial capital. We haven't had a good time to have a good time. I haven't had a good time to stroll about a series of things in the club these two days. It's not too late to go back after shopping. Anyway, I didn't fight with them in advance Whoa Hearing this, Li Xinran agreed and took Ding Hanxue's hand and said, "it's hard for Ding team to come here. Since it's a business trip, it's good to go shopping by the way."

Ding Hanxue thought for a moment. It seemed that she had asked for two days' leave with the team. She came here last night. Today is the first day, so she agreed.

What's more, if you can have a chance with Qin Tian, why not?

After eating, they took the monkeys with them, and a group of more than a dozen people took a ride around the whole imperial capital.

There are too many scenic spots too late to watch, so they chose some representative ones.

After wandering all day and returning to the hotel in the evening, Qin Tian saw two people standing at the door of the room. He could not help frowning. Li Xinran pulled his sleeve and asked, "is it for you?"

Before he could speak, the two men met him.

"Qin Tian, we are from the Qin family."

Qin Tian thought for a while and realized that these two people should be the people who went to find their parents before!

So he nodded, patted Li Xinran's arm and motioned to her: "you go to the room of team D and I'll talk to them about something."

Li Xinran nodded and turned to follow Ding Hanxue.

"Come in!" Qin Tian opens the door and signals them to come in. They are very angry.

"Qin Tian, we don't talk nonsense. We had agreed that you would go to the Qin family to take part in the competition. There are still three days to go before we see you."

Qin Tian laughed, "isn't there another three days? Why are you afraid I can't find the door! Don't worry. Since I have come to the Qin family in the imperial capital, I must go. You are not here to inform me? "

The two men looked at each other, and one of them, who looked almost 30 years old, said: "actually, it's not all. I just want to advise you that it's better to keep a low profile in the imperial capital. We already know about the Zhangjia affairs. The reason why we didn't do anything was because all the problems were solved, and he was also responsible for his own mistakes. So we will not investigate this matter any more !”

After hearing this sentence, Qin Tian sneered: "investigate? What are you entitled to pursue? Or you are the umbrella of Zhang Jia. If you want to investigate, I will tell Ding team that Qin family is their umbrella. Do you want the police to invite you to have tea? "After hearing Qin Tian's words, they were stunned for a moment. Then the white man said, "don't get me wrong. We are also nodding friends with boss Zhang. I heard that boss Zhang went to take a look at him. But Qin Tian, don't be too arrogant sometimes. If you come to warn me, I will tell you that I've never been threatened by anyone. He tied him up first My wife! As for the rest, it was his own fault!

However, I would like to offer you a word, I must go to the Qin family competition! When I become the master of the house, I will clean up all the evil spirits like you. Now the door is there. You can go out. Don't delay me to rest! "

Qin Tian was so cruel. Although they were not happy, they could not bear to think of his identity. So they nodded and turned away.

Qin Tian's heart is filled with an indescribable feeling. At this time, Qin Yue floated out of the jade pendant, stood by the window and said in a cold voice: "I didn't expect that the people of Qin family have become so disgusting. When your father is here, they dare not be so bold!"

Qin Tian said with a bitter smile: "Auntie, there are too many things we can't control. I can only say that I will be merciless this time. Aunt, do you have any old friends in it, do you want me to release water?"

Qin Yue shook her head. "Nothing. As long as you know, even if there is no master of the house, you should pay attention to these villains. After all, there are so many people in the Qin family, and some things still need to think twice before you act!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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