If people of the Qin family come to Songshan in the future and dare to harass his family, he will never be polite.

Qin Tian thought of this and walked directly to the gate of Qin family with Li Xinran in his arms.

Because today is the day before the game, there are many people around the gate, which is very lively. Qin Tian felt as if he had entered a big house.

After arriving at the place, the man at the door looked at him, looked up and down, but let him in without asking.

Maybe there are too many people in qintian, so I didn't ask. However, after the gatekeeper saw Li Xinran, there was a shock in his eyes. He had never seen one with a woman.

After Qin Tian went in, he found that there were many people around. He saw Qin Kuo at a glance, so he took Li Xinran and patted Qin Kuo on the shoulder.

Qin Kuo was shocked to see him, "Why are you really here?"

Qin Tian quickly covered his mouth and mentioned him to remind him: "listen, pretend not to know my strength, understand?"

Qin Kuo was stunned by his words. What did he understand? No, it's low-key, he understands.

Qin Kuo nodded, "yes, I understand all of them. But just like this, do they all know you?"

Qin Tian looked around, saw the two familiar faces, nuzzled in their direction, "they both know me."

"The two of them?"

Qin Kuo looked over there and understood.

"I know, but it's just the two guard dogs of the Qin family. It doesn't matter if they know you, and no one wants to listen to their words. In this way, you can follow me. When we have a competition later, we'll have a walk. Anyway, it's settled."

Since Qin Tian wants to keep a low profile, Qin Kuo simply doesn't hide it. Qin Tian thinks it will be the result, but he is still very surprised.

"Who are they supposed to be?"

Qin Kuo pulled him aside, pointed to the young man standing in the middle of the hall, wearing a suit and chatting with a group of people in their 40s and 50s and said, "that's him. His name is Qin Fen. He's a famous young talent of our Qin family. He's handsome and good at Kung Fu. Anyway, he's very strong. In the future, no matter what you do, give him a face and let him sit in this position smoothly, and we will pass the test. "

Qin Tian did not understand, "Why are all the descendants of the Qin family, by what he can stand out, because he is tall and handsome?"

Qin Kuo laughed and looked at Qin Tian like an idiot. "You're the first day you come out to mix. Do you see, does he look like the old man over there? That's Qin Shouye, the current head of the Qin family. Qin Fen is his grandson. His fat water doesn't flow to other people's fields. Such a good job, of course, is for his own grandson! "

Qin Kuo's words made Qin Tian a little confused. He didn't understand what was wrong with him. Didn't he say that his father was the master of the house? His aunt told him that. How could it be wrong?

But regardless of these, the position of the master of the house doesn't matter. The key is those things that help cultivate.

That's what he wanted. So Qin Tian patted Qin Fen on the shoulder and said, "I don't care about the rest. I just want to know what kind of things the Qin family will give to help cultivate if they win the competition?"

Qin Kuo was surprised, turned his head and looked at him in amazement and asked, "do you want to practice? What's your rank now

Qin Kuo was so excited that Qin Tian pressed his shoulder to keep him from being so loud.

"Don't ask, just tell me what I'll give you. If the things are good, we will fight. If the things are not good, I won't want them. The competition is not interesting. It's just cannon fodder. "

Qin Tian was direct, and Qin Kuo didn't feel surprised. He had heard of Qin Tian's reputation for a long time, and he knew a lot about Qin Tian from Zhang Lingling.

Now that Qin Tian is so interested, Qin Kuo talks: "I tell you, if you win the game this time, there will be a lot of good things. Do you see it? Three boxes in the hall over there? They are all boxes made of agarwood. There are good things in the boxes. The first one is Zodiac jade. It is said that if you collect twelve pieces of zodiac jade, you can find the treasure. So the Qin family is also collecting these things. This box contains one of them. I don't know which zodiac is. Don't forget to tell me if you win.

The second contains an ancient sword, which is said to be made by the general and moye. I don't know which handle it is. It's all installed. The third one is like a map. Maybe it's treasure. It's all good stuff anyway. If you win, you can take it back! "

Qin tiankan lost interest in hearing him say so. Zodiac jade can be snatched. As for the ancient swords and maps, he was not interested. If it's a treasure, he wants it, but he has to get it. The twelve zodiac jades have not been collected yet. Does the treasure have anything to do with this map?

Qin Tian didn't know, but obviously there was nothing to help him practice.

"Are there no pills like pills?"

"Pills? You think it's from ancient times. There's no pill. Now it's 21st century, big brother! "Qin Kuo's words let Qin Tian lose interest, so he followed Li Xinran to stand by and watch the excitement.

There are many children of this generation in the Qin family. There are about 20 or 30 people of their own lineage. In addition, there are more than 100 people standing in the yard.

Because it's an antique building, it's a bit out of place to stand here in suits.

Qin Tian is still wearing casual clothes, Li Xinran beside him has attracted the attention of all the people. In a crowd of men, Li Xinran is particularly eye-catching.

Soon someone noticed Li Xinran's direction. There was no woman in the men's pile. Li Xinran standing here seemed too attractive.

Soon, Qin Tian also felt that he was not strong enough. He patted Qin Kuo and asked, "how come there are no women in Qin family. Has there been no girl in Qin family for so many years?"

Qin Kuo said with a smile, "girls are all competing in another hall. The Qin family says it's fair to let men and women compete separately. In fact, the established owners are all men. How can a woman be the head of the house. So the women of the Qin family are all over there, but your wife seems to be a little eye-catching here. If you don't want to be noticed, let her go there. "

Qin Tian immediately shook his head, "that's no good. We're not familiar with this place of life. My wife can't do anything. What can I do if I'm bullied? She'll be here with me

Qin Kuo shrugged his shoulders.

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