Only when Qin Kuo saw Li Xinran look weak, he agreed.

"OK, just stand up and watch the excitement. Anyway, we'll have a walk in a while."

Qin Tian had planned to do so. Anyway, he was not interested in the position of the head of the family, and there was nothing to help him practice.

As for those rampant villains, the new owner of the house will take care of them.

Qin Tianzheng was about to stand aside when suddenly a black air came out of his ancient jade!

Qin Yue came out.

The place where they stood was shady, so Qin Yue was not afraid, but he did not dare to stay too long.

The surrounding people can't see her, but Qin Fen looks at this side and occasionally can feel the energy fluctuation here. Qin Yue looks at Qin Fen's direction and reminds Qin Tian: "you just let the monk's position. You should know that Qin Fen's strength is not as good as you."

Qin Tian thought about it and said in a voice of only two people: "Auntie, in fact, I don't care about the position of the head of the family. I just want to see what the Qin family looks like. It's nothing to see now. I'm really not interested in this, and I don't want any of these three things

Qin Tian knows Qin Tian's temper, and it's useless to force something he doesn't want. However, Qin Fen, said to be a young talent, but in fact, his strength is far less than Qin Tian. If there is no dispute, it is a pity. Qin Yue is not willing to, encourage Qin Tian, let him go to the competition, go all out, Qin Tian still shakes his head.

"Aunt, look at those three things, which one can attract me? Zodiac jade may also try your best! But I have a killing blade for the ancient sword. As for the map, I'm not interested. I want to accompany my wife now. "

Qin Yue was angry, "you are short-sighted! You know, with women, what can women do for you? If you look at those maps, maybe there is something useful in them. Don't you want to have a try? "

Qin Yueyi was angry. The aura around her had changed. The place where they were standing was overcast. Now it is colder. Qin Kuo couldn't help shrinking his neck. Qin Tian was smiling, but his face flashed a fierce look!

"Auntie, don't push me. It's useless for you to stimulate me. These things don't interest me. I really don't want to come. If it wasn't for Auntie that you asked me to come here, I didn't want to enter the gate of Qin's family. Now I just want to see what's interesting about the competition. But it's disappointing. "

Qin Tian insisted that Qin Yue didn't speak any more. He could only take a look at Qin Fen's direction and turn into a black air floating into the ancient jade.

Qin Fen looks at this side and suddenly turns around and walks towards them. Qin Kuo doesn't respond for a moment. He pats Qin Tian on the shoulder and asks, "is he coming towards us?"

"Are you afraid?" Qin Tian teased him, and Qin Kuo curled his lips. "What am I afraid of? I'm afraid that he sees your strength and wants to come and test with you. You should be careful. This guy is smart."

Qin Tianxin wants to be smart, and he doesn't want the future master of Qin family to be a mallet.

Qin Fen walked up to them and looked at Li Xinran and asked, "why is this lady here? It's very strange. "

Smell speech Li Xinran surprised way: "can't I be here?"

As she spoke, she approached Qin Tian. Qin Tian naturally took Li Xinran's shoulder and asked in a deep voice, "she's with me. She doesn't have to take part in any selection competition. Can't you come and see the excitement?"

Qin Fen heard Qin Tian's words, stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "of course! Just look, if you need anything, tell me, and I'll arrange everything

"Before you become a family, you start to behave?"

After hearing this, Qin Fen was a little embarrassed, but he just said with a smile, "it's just that I haven't seen you, so I'll do my best to be a host."

Qin Tian nodded and didn't speak. However, he felt that the boy was really generous. If he did, he would not be happy immediately.

In fact, Qin Fen is thinking, just now that black gas is floating out of him, what is the origin of this person, how he has never seen before?

This is not to blame Qin Fen, who told him to stay in the Qin family every day and never go out. Those two people belong to the Qin family, but they usually don't have contact with him. Therefore, the news of Qin Tian's return has not been spread inside and outside the Qin family, so Qin Fen naturally doesn't know.

Qin Kuo pushes Qin Tian's arm on one side. The two of them understand each other and ignore him. Qin Fen turns back to chat with his elders.

The old man of the Qin family came to see Qin Fen and said in a deep voice: "while there is still time to rest, I'm afraid there will be no time for rest when the competition starts. You should know that today's competition is specially set for you. I set you as the master of the family, so they are dissatisfied. Don't let me down."

Qin Fen bowed his head, "grandfather, I know, I will try my best, you can rest assured."

"It's not your best effort. It's you who must win the position of the head of the family. If you can't win, I don't think anyone can do it any more."Qin Fen's face flashed a touch of loss. Every time he talked about the position of the owner, his grandfather was very excited and pinned all his hopes on him, but no one ever asked him whether he was willing or not.

At this time, Qin Fen just wanted to see the excitement, just like the man over there.

But he can't say and dare not say, if this is the time to say it, he must be scolded by his grandfather.

He was worried about his grandfather's health, so he could only agree. The old man was relieved.

He looked around and pointed to the two young men. They came quickly.

The old man asked in a deep voice, "have you found the person you are looking for?"

"It's already here, and there's the one with the woman."

The old man looked at Qin Tian's direction. When he saw Li Xinran holding Qin Tian's arm, a trace of disdain flashed through his eyes.

"At this time, I still think about women. It's true that rotten wood can't be carved!"

"What the master said is that master Qin Fen is still very good. He made such achievements at a young age."

"That's also the master of the family. How can the one in Songshan compare with master Qinfen?"

They both rushed to flatter, but Mr. Qin just laughed and didn't speak.

Qin Fen can't help but frown at one side. There is no one in the Qin family to tell the truth. Listening to them is disgusting.

Qin Fen couldn't listen any more. He wanted to go over and chat with Qin Tian and see how happy they were. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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