Seeing Qin Tian's face flash a little puzzled, Qin Kuo explained:

"the old man has been working hard around Qin for so many years, and has little time to take care of other people, so our skills are all self-taught."

"Self study? It's not so bad to find a master. "

There are many Sanda training classes outside these years. Although he doesn't know Qin Kuo's strength, he can guess that he is not very strong.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Qin Kuo's eyes. "You don't understand. Some of the Qin family's Kung Fu are not spread out. If it's not handed down by the master, you can't learn it outside, and they won't teach you. Although I am also a member of the royal family, I am not favored by others, and I can't compare with one in ten thousand of Qin Fen. "

Qin Tian is a little curious. An unpopular lineage can live such a moist life outside. If it's Qin Fen, he doesn't know how much he should dote on and how much benefit he has received.

Qin Tian suddenly felt like he was going to do something, and the old man despised him and despised his parents, which made Qin Tian very unhappy.

So Qin Tianshen said, "I changed my mind."

Qin Kuo and Li Xinran were surprised by his mindless words.

Two people looked at him at the same time, Qin Tian looked at the three boxes on the table, his eyes were deep, "I want those three boxes."

Qin Kuo didn't respond, "do you want it? That's for the winner

Li Xinran exclaimed in surprise:

"do you want to win the position of home owner

Qin Tian gently shook his head, "I'm not interested in the position of master of the house. I just want those three boxes."

"Three boxes? You mean you only want to win three boxes, but you don't want to be the head of the house. Aren't you hitting them in the face? "

Qin Kuo reacted at once. Qin Tian said with a smile, "yes, who cares what to be the owner of the house. If I win, I only want a prize. Anyway, I will not develop here in the future. What's the use of taking the position of home owner? What's more, I'm a foreigner who sits on the position of householder. Don't I beat them in the face? Let them play by themselves. I'll take those three things and I'll go. "

His words surprised both of them. Qin Kuo couldn't believe it. It was the first time that he saw such an arrogant person.

However, Li Xinran is not surprised, Qin Tian has always been like this, since another encounter, Qin Tian's whole person has changed, from his mouth to say such words, Li Xinran did not feel strange.

Qin Kuo was stunned. He looked at more than 100 people around him, and then looked at Qin Tian. Even if it was a wheel battle, he would be tired to death when it was his turn. What's more, he had to fight against Qin Fen in the end. He didn't know how his strength was compared with Qin Tian. But to be sure, neither of them is weak.

Qin Kuo didn't know what to say, but people all around looked at them one after another!

"What's the origin of this boy? Dare you talk like that?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's some kind of bumpy bumpy. Let him taste it today. "

Qin Tian listened to all the comments around him, but he didn't think so. He patted Qin Kuo on the shoulder, "you'll see later. But you have to pay attention to yourself. No one can help you in the competition. Save your life and watch me beat them down

Qin Kuo was relieved, "well, everything is up to you. You can rest assured that I will be able to stand by and watch you with the whole tail of all whiskers, waving flags and shouting for you."

After all, they are old acquaintances. Although not very familiar with each other, Qin Kuo has more chances to see Qin Tian than others, so Qin Kuo naturally belongs to Qin Tian school.

As for the people around him, Qin Kuo had no time to talk to them. Anyway, he didn't have much contact with them at ordinary times. Only this time, he needed a competition to bring him back.

Qin Kuo usually doesn't stay in the Qin family very much. Unlike Qin Fen, Qin Kuo is the kind of prodigal childe. They seldom meet each other.

The old man likes Qin Fen more, but Qin Tian likes Qin Kuo better. You can talk about it and have no airs. Compared with Qin Fen, Qin Kuo may not be strong, but it is easier to approach.

More than 100 people gathered here, and the old man saw that all the people were coming, so he said in a deep voice: "well, now we start to draw lots. The people with the same number plate will hold the primary election first, and the competition will be held in turn. The winner can be promoted.

You should pay attention to the fact that more than 100 people can choose one. Don't look at Qin Fen differently because of my identity. If you want to be the master of a family, you have to go through the selection at different levels. If you don't have the strength, you still don't want to participate. It's unwise to talk big and waste your energy. "

When the old man spoke, he looked at the direction of Qin Tian. Qin Tian didn't take it seriously. He was not rare to be the master of the house.

However, he also wants to see what kind of talents can sit in this position? There must be a reason why Qin Fen was regarded as an important task by the old man at a young age.

In addition to strength, we should also be better at dealing with people and things. Otherwise, how can we live in such a large family?People line up to draw lots one by one, and people with the same number will compete. This is just the first game.

Qin Tian looked at his number and got to 73. He was confronted by a big five and three thick man. He seemed to be about the same size as him, but he was big and muscular.

Qin Tian looked at his body, and then looked at the other side, can not help but smile bitterly.

The other side said with a smile, "I advise you to give up directly! Otherwise, it will make you look bad later. You are a foreigner, just watch the excitement. Why wade in this muddy water? Anyway, we are all going through a process, and you have said it yourself, so you don't have to try, just abandon your son and surrender. "

Around came a burst of laughter, everyone saw the expression on Qin Tian's face, and then looked at the big guy, all thought he would lose.

At this time, Qin Kuo called out: "come on, let's make a bet on Qin Tiansheng. He took out a stack of money and slapped it on the table. Qin Tian looked at it and found that there were nearly 20000 yuan. People around him joined the game one after another. Qin Tian couldn't help making a fool of himself. This boy never forgets to collect money for himself at any time. As expected, he is a rich second generation. His mind is flexible.

Li Xinran saw this as a good opportunity, so he bet his change, "I also bet Qin Tian, I have 5000 yuan here."

Qin Kuo continued to shout: "come here, one pays ten for Qin Tian, and one pays three for Qin ran!"

Qin Ran is the name of the big guy. Qin Tian was displeased and said, "why do you pay ten for me?"

Obviously, Qin Tian is dissatisfied, but Qin ran sneers, and will fight him to get up! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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