Qin Kuo explained, "isn't it that you don't know your strength? I'll see. I'll pay you ten. You don't have a problem, do you? Come and make a bet

People have taken out their bank cards to bet. Qin Kuo shook his head, "who the hell wants your bank card, all take cash!"

Qin Kuo said that he took out a bag from his pocket. Li Xinran could not help but wonder, "you have already been ready for it."

Qin Kuo said with a smile, "I tell you that you should seize all the time to make money in the Qin family. If you miss this village, you will not have this shop. I have prepared two big bags today. After we win, we can go out and have a good meal."

Li Xinran couldn't help laughing. She really admired Qin Kuo's head. She didn't forget to make a lot of money at this time. Everything depends on Qin Tian. Li Xinran winked at Qin Tian, and Qin Tian shivered. She didn't expect Li Xinran to fight with Qin Kuo so soon. So she twisted her neck and said to the big man opposite, "hurry up, wait for them The note is over, we are about to start. I may be very busy today. "

Qin Tian suddenly changed his mind and thought it was good to have a wheel fight like this!

Although there is no time to rest, but for such an opponent, it will not take much effort to earn a lot of money.

He suddenly felt that it was a very good idea, so he gave Qin Kuo a thumbs up in private.

Qin Kuo laughed and didn't speak. He still called for people to bet. When he heard the voice, he looked this way and shook his head. He said to the people around him, "look at what those people think of this competition. They are actually making money privately."

The man next to him looked almost in his forties and said respectfully, "young people, let them play. Anyway, it's more lively. Take a look at Qin Fen. He is calm. Although he is strong enough, he lacks his aura.

I don't know if he can play with them. They are almost the same age. It seems that they never talk. "

The old man didn't think so. "He is the future owner of the house. Naturally, he should be more serious. If he laughs with them, what kind of system is it?"

The middle-aged man beside him was silent. Qin Kuo was still shouting. After a while, the table in front of him was full of cash, which reached more than 3 million yuan. It seems that the people of the Qin family are not short of money.

"Qin Kuo, you lost miserably today. If this boy can win today, I will eat this table." Qin Kuo said with a smile, "OK, I'll show you how to eat this table with my mobile phone later."

His words made people laugh.

"Qin Kuo, do you know something inside? Don't pit us!"

Qin Kuo said solemnly, "as you all see, I've met him for the first time. It's just that we hate to see each other too late. That's why we talked so well. But I never knew about our strength."

Qin Kuo's words made Qin Tian roll his eyes. It's strange that he believed him. He couldn't help but love those people of the Qin family. It seems that today's millions of yuan have been wasted.

Qin Fen took a look at this side, but it was not his turn yet. The old man gave his number to roukong, so he had to sit and wait.

When the people below came up one by one, he did not make the final duel.

Although people are dissatisfied, there is no way. Qin Fen's usual strength is known to all. Instead of wasting time to fight him and be beaten by him, it is better to wait for him to be eliminated and finally let the strong fight him.

So for the old man's decision, although we are dissatisfied, but there is no objection, Qin Fen is also happy to sit on the side, watching them bet.

He was suddenly very curious about the magic power of Qin Tian, which attracted everyone to watch.

Looking at the excited look on Qin Kuo's face, Qin Fen felt that something was wrong.

Just now he saw the black gas coming out of the ancient jade on Qin Tian's chest. He knew that this man was not a weak man, so he took out 20000 yuan from his pocket and put it on the table. He said coldly, "I bet Qin Tianying."

His words surprised everyone. They didn't expect that Qin Fen would join them. Qin Kuo was even more astonished, but he quickly responded.

"I'll write it down for you in a minute."

One side of Li Xinran quickly registered his name, put the money away, Qin Fen turned to look at the field of Qin Tian, a deep voice: "I look after you!"

Qin Tian doesn't think so. Who the hell wants him to look after it!

The old man is also very surprised, did not expect Qin Fen to join their ranks, can not help but some unhappy.

When the child was taken askew by them, but he was not satisfied. Qin Fen didn't come back now. He just stood beside Qin Kuo and looked at Qin Tian in the field. His eyes were full of expectation. He couldn't wait to see Qin Tian's strength.

The whistle sounded, and the duel between the two began. The people around them soon formed a group, and everyone joined in their own duel.

Here Qin Tian looked at Qin ran and pointed to him and said, "hurry up, I don't want to waste time."

Qin ran can't help but feel a little upset and rushed to the past with a big drink!In the past, in the Qin family, like Qin Tian, he could be knocked down with one punch, and today is no exception!

Qin Ran is very confident in his strength, but he didn't expect that Qin Tian was only short, and he immediately hid. His huge inertia made Qin ran unable to stop his feet and rushed out. Qin Tian then held out his foot and caught him. With a push, Qin ran felt that he was patted on the back and flew out in an instant.

Only heard a bang, Qin ran this big man actually rushed out, immediately lying on the ground, fluttering up a piece of dust.

I don't know what method Qin Tian used, but this one foot hook, Qin Ran has never been able to stand up.

People around watching the crowd gaped, did not expect just a few seconds Qin ran fell down. They scolded their mother.

"Qin ran, what's the matter with you? Get up

Qin ran raised his head, nosebleed on his face, pointed to Qin tianweng and said in a voice, "you boy, you are playing tricks!"

Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders and looked innocent. "The big guy saw it. I just dodged and pushed you. How can I say I'm a troublemaker?"


Qin ran was in a hurry and wanted to get up, but he didn't expect that his back hurt so much that he didn't get up after struggling for several times.

"Qin ran, you didn't mean to let us lose money, did you?"

"That's it. Get up and fight on!"

Around the cry let Qin ran red face, he looks like up, but how can't make strength, really he so evil door!

Qin Tian touches his nose on one side, waiting for him to get up. The appearance of slightly raised corners of his mouth makes Qin Fen frown. This guy is deliberately hiding his strength. Qin Ran is definitely not his opponent!

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