Sure enough, Qin ran struggled for a few times, completely threw himself on the ground, and could not get up again!

This time, the people around are stupid, have to look at Qin Tian, Qin Tian shrugged his hands, a face innocent, "I did nothing, he just like this, I do not know how to go about."

The people around were not happy and called out to Qin ran: "Qin ran, do you mean to let me lose money? Do you know how much money I lost for you, one for three, I lost several hundred thousand!"

He didn't do anything. He just watched the excitement and lost hundreds of thousands.

Qin Kuo on one side laughed, "I said, do you want to play again? Have fun. Maybe you'll turn it over in a while

The onlookers were eager to have a try. The table in front of Qin Kuo was full of money. In such a short time, he collected more than 3 million yuan.

Li Xinran looked at him with a smile on his face. The three million yuan was enough to eat any big meal. Apart from the money allocated to them, Qin Kuo made so much in the past few minutes. He was worthy of being a rich man and his brain was flexible.

Qin Kuo looked at Qin Fen standing on one side and was excited: "brother, I'll give you this money later!"

Qin shook his head and said: "no, remember, Qin Tian played many games, I guess he won, all the money is to him."

Hearing this, Qin Kuo was astonished. Unexpectedly, Qin Fen had a good head, so he patted his shoulder and praised him: "good boy, you have good eyesight. I'm good at you!" Qin Fen was stunned for a moment. This was the first time someone had talked to him like this. He looked at his shoulder. Qin Kuo reacted and immediately let go. He stood aside with a dry smile.

At this time, Qin Tian came over, took a look at Qin Fen, and looked at the cash on the table, and said in a deep voice, "so much, how do you want to take it?"

"Not much, not much. I have a way." Qin Kuo said and took out a big bag from his arms, or the kind of luggage bag with zipper.

"You see, there is still a lot of money left. Don't worry, we will make a lot of money today."

The people around him were red eyed and yelled, "Qin Kuo, you have brains. This is all our money!"

Qin Kuo's head did not lift back a sentence: "who let you all have no eyesight to see!"

The man disdained to say: "I don't believe it. Today Qin Tian can win every time. Damn it, I'll bet him to lose today!"

"Yes! We'll bet him to lose. I'll see how many games he can win today. I don't believe he can win every game

The people who took part in the bet were restless again. They all wanted to see how Qin Tian was beaten down. They paid more attention to him than Qin Fen, which made the old man very unhappy.

Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders and looked at each other. Both of them understood the meaning of each other's eyes.

Qin Kuo stood up and said in a loud voice to them, "that's what you said. I'll bet Qin Tiansheng today. If you have seed, you'll follow. If you don't come, you'll be grandson!"

"Yes, who doesn't come! I won't believe it if I follow him. There are so many people in Qin family who can't deal with him! "

The man yelled, but in the end, he won all of them. They would not believe that Qin Tian could win Qin Fen.

Foreign guy old man don't think highly of him, they will run the train on his mouth, what strength can he have?

However, Qin ran was helped up here with blood all over his face. He looked at Qin Tian's direction and heard the sound of the urn. He said, "I don't know what's wrong with me. I just tripped over him. Then he pushed me behind me, and I fell to the ground and couldn't get up."

The same is true of outsiders. However, Qin Tian's strength in his hands is three or four percent. If it was not for protecting Qin Ran's heart pulse, he would exert all his strength. Qin Ran's heart pulse would have been broken by him, could he still climb up?

People around him shook their heads one after another, and someone teased him, "Qin ran, did you spend the night in the pile of women last night? I don't have the strength. My leg is weak. If he trips you, he can trip you up. I can't get up for half a day

Qin ran was angry, "you are nonsense! I went to bed early last night. If you don't believe me, go and ask them, they can do evidence for me! At this time, I can still play with women? "

However, Qin ran wanted to show off in front of the public. As a result, he was knocked down by Qin Tian. He lost his face and was even ridiculed.

Qin ran was filled with resentment and took a hard look at Qin Tian's direction. Qin Tian didn't take it seriously. He could see that these people were strong outside but hard at work. No wonder the Qin family wanted Qin Fen to be the master.

He can see that these people also have no real talent, but Qin Fen, do not know his strength?

Qin Tian is suddenly very interested and wants to fight a world war with Qin. Unfortunately, a small minion like him may have to take several rounds in the Qin family to make the final fight.

Qin Tian is not in a hurry. Anyway, there is plenty of time.

Today's first round should be able to eliminate more than half of the people. Qin Tian was waiting, watching Qin Kuo count money by the way. Qin Kuo shrunk his neck when he saw the old man's eyes. Then, seeing that he did not say anything, he was relieved."Qin Tian, today you can cooperate with me well. It depends on you if we can eat the fragrance and drink spicy food later."

Qin Tian cried and laughed, and then thought of what, and asked, "why didn't you see you compare?"

Qin Kuang turned a white eye. "What else is more important than trying. It is important to do the game. I gave up directly. You can tell me, even if I win, can I go to the end? Rather than being beaten by them then, I would give up myself and make some money to stay here. I will make nearly 2 million in this time. You say I can give up this good opportunity? So I gave up at all. "

Qin Kuang said this, the old man's eyes have been tightly locked in him, he saw that he was a little bit of a heart, he can not help but stand behind Qin Tian, separated the eyes of the old man.

Qin Tian smiled at it. "Don't you care? Why are you afraid now? You can't eat it, old man! "

Qin Kuo whispered behind him: "you don't know, I fear his eyes most. His eyes are like two eagles, staring at me dead and dead! I was afraid when I got to his eyes. Qin Tianyou blocked me. I relied on you in the back. But if he kept staring at me, I would not have dared to play it. You see I don't shout for a moment, they dare not come over. ".

Qin Tian looked at it. People around him wanted to try to add it again. But the old man looked at the whole scene like a snake. The people around him were silent and quiet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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