Qin Fen, however, was used to such a look, and took out a bank card from his arms and snapped it on the table.

"There are five million of them you look at. Anyway, I am determined to win Qin Tianying today."

Qin Fen's words caused a great noise in the whole scene. Everyone took a breath of air conditioner. The old man coughed. Qin Fen walked by, and the old man looked deep and said, "come with me."

The old man called him in, and when they left, the scene suddenly began to boil, and all the people surrounded Qin Kuang and asked, "Qin Kuang, what is the matter?"

Qin Kuo was also surprised, "I don't know what this is. You ask me, I just know this kid is so rich!"

"We asked not how he was so rich, but how he suddenly came to the game. He never played with us before!"

Because the old man is too eccentric, they are not together at ordinary times, but Qin Fen's behavior really surprised them today.

Qin Kuo also did not know, he touched his face, suddenly suddenly realized that:

maybe my charm is too big, I said you add or not, and add it immediately! In an hour, the next game will begin. "

Qin Kuo's words reminded them that all the people bet. Li Xinran recorded it aside. After a while, Qin Kuo bag was not enough to be loaded, so he could simply scan the code to transfer money.

For a while, it was as lively as the food market. Several elders of our family saw it, shaking their heads. Qin Kuo didn't practice his kung fu very well, but his business mind was the first.

If Qin family business can also be handed over to him in the future, it is not worrying about not having money to earn.

Qin Tian in one side of the hands into the pocket, helplessly turned a white eye, this guy use his own money, also do not know how to divide.

In a while, the money on Qin Kuo's account doubled a few times, and the cash in front of Qin Kuo was also a lot of trouble. Looking back, Qin Tian stood aside and pushed him. "I said you could help me to find a way!"

"What do you think?"

"Get me some bags to hold the money!"

Qin Tian turned a white eye, "you might as well find a suitcase to pack it. I am not familiar with it. You can think of a way for yourself!"

Wen Yan Qin Kuang takes a picture of his head and immediately pulls out his cell phone and calls for the luggage!

All three suitcases are full. Qin Tian didn't expect Qin family people to be so rich! Just a comparative test can let Qin Kuo in so much.

It was a red eye to see the elders of their family, and they all regretted not coming.

Almost twenty minutes later, the old man came out, Qin broad saw the appearance, quickly hid everything, silent stand aside, honest.

At this time, the game in the field is close to the end, the first group has been eliminated by half, nearly 50 people enter the next batch of competitions, the time is set in an hour later.

Taking advantage of the gap between rest, Qin Tian turned around Qin's home and abroad, of course Qin Kuo was his guide.

Although the antique architecture is magnificent, it is still not comparable to the Royal Palace visited a few days ago.

"Qin family is so big, and there are some people who live here. You should not live here too?"

Qin Kuo shook his head. "It is all the direct relatives who live here. I am not qualified! Like Qin Fen must be here, and there are also the old men and some of the elder uncles of our family, who live here. But in our generation, most people went out, and we would not come back until the old man asked us to come back for a meal.

You also saw those who were directly related just now. They didn't participate. In their eyes, we were all in a crowd. It is not worth mentioning. Although they are red, they can't put their face down and they don't care to contact us at all. After today's competition, you should be able to see what the Qin family is

Qin Tian understood that, indeed, these people are all foreign strong and middle-aged. However, the group that compared with him are all affiliated. Like the two or thirty people of the lineage have not yet taken part, the Qin family has protected them very well.

The first 50 people who can break into the first 50 are also hard-working people. So this comparison is to choose the master of the family, which is actually a deterrent, and also in the selection of people who can assist the family leader in the future.

The lineal group has not yet taken the hand. If they fight with them, they must be roller compacted.

Li Xinran, who was on the side, suddenly pointed to a figure in front of him and shouted, "isn't that Qin Fen!"

Hearing the voice Qin Fen turned around, he saw them nodding at them and walked away. Then the old man appeared. When he saw Qin Kuang, the old man hummed coldly, and Qin Kuo immediately went forward.


"Qin Kuo, your boy has a head. He made a lot of money by comparing this trial. Remember, this is in Qin's house. Everything you earn is from Qin family. 80% of what you earn in the meeting will be paid in the future."

Qin Kuang was stunned, and Qin Tian was unhappy.

"It's a little interesting for the old man to say this. If Qin Kuan is not available, how can Qin family be so lively? This is Qin Kuang's ability. Otherwise, your people can't expect to make money by using this comparison and try!""Qin family affairs can not be interrupted by you!"

It is also this Qin Tian, the old man is a little dissatisfied, everywhere he!

Qin Tian smiled and said, "now I can't get in the way. But after the test, I am qualified to manage. If I have to pay the money for Qin's vast, I has the final say."

The old man was stunned, and did not think that Qin Tian said such a big words, he couldn't help laughing.

"I'd rather see what you can do, don't say too much."

"You don't worry about it. You just need to look after your good grandchildren. Don't let him lose to me."

Qin Tian satirized him. The old man turned white and gouged out a hard look at Qin Tian and left. He didn't want to talk to the unknown. Qin Tian also didn't want to quarrel with the old man. He feared that if he had poisoned his tongue, he would have killed the old man half dead, and it would not be good.

Qin Kuan looked at the two people and stared at them. After the old man left, Qin Kuang raised his thumb and praised him: "Qin Tian you are really my idol. You dare to talk to him like this!"

"So what? He is not my grandfather. Can I respect him so much? Besides, it's your money, and there is also one of me. I haven't said any money yet. He is thinking about it. I think Qin family are so shameless, mostly inherited. "

Qin Tian said that he thought of himself, and he might have inherited the non essential face in his personality to the old man, but he was not willing to admit it.

The hour soon passed, and the remaining fifty people were on the scene, and the rest of the bets were waiting outside.

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