Qin Tian heard the sound outside and looked at Li Xinran, urging them to go out to play.

Qin Kuo and Li Xinran don't believe it. How can they get out of the deep courtyard?

Besides, the door is guarded.

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Qin Tian laughed, "I tell you, there are two people staring at us outside now. No matter what we do, they will find out."

Qin Kuo was shocked, "what? Staring at us, why? "

Then he reflected that they were aiming at Qin Tian! Qin Kuo's flexible brain melon seeds can be understood at a thought, and he said in a trembling voice: "is it the old man who wants to give you a lesson? Qin Tian, are we too high-profile? " Qin Kuo is right.

Qin Tian nodded his head and said, "you are really smart, but you are not only taught me a lesson, but also a lesson to you. Who wants you to do business here in such a big way? Although the old man asked you to hand it in, after all, you are the Qin family. They should want you to be more peaceful. "

Qin Tian's words surprised Qin Kuo, "the old man still wants to teach me a lesson. If he only says a word, I will obey immediately. He said that if I don't open it, I won't open it. Why do you have to fight so much? Qin Tian, I think they are aiming at you. "

Qin Tian didn't speak with a smile. He just wiped his mouth, stood up and said to them in a low voice: "you wait for me here. When I put down the two people outside the door, we'll go out and have a look."

Without waiting for their reply, Qin Tian went out.

After a while, they heard two muffled hum coming from outside, and then Qin Tian's voice rang out, "let's go!"

Li Xinran was stunned for a moment. Then he took Qin Kuo and said, "let's go. Your luggage will be put here for the time being. The remaining transfer fee will be calculated separately. I'm sure the Qin family will not just look at your boxes. "

Qin Kuo thought about it, so he went out with Li Xinran and Qin Tian!

Although the Qin family was guarded by someone, he didn't expect Qin Tian to really dare to go out, so he just put two people at the gate.

Qin's family was empty. After dinner, no one remembered. Three people in the yard ran away from the back door while they were eating. Two people were knocked unconscious by Qin Tian and woke up for a long time.

When I go back to report with the old man, I will go to find Qin Tian. Where is the shadow? Fortunately, Qin Kuo and their luggage were still in the room. The old man said in a deep voice, "they will come back. Don't worry! Later in the evening, you can go and have a look. You two have a bad start. Go and get the punishment yourself. "

The two men were sent out by Qin Fei. Seeing Qin Tian's reaction, they were stunned by him. However, Qin Tian's strength can be seen from this. So they said in a deep voice: "master, Qin Tian is unfathomable. We had a face-to-face meeting. Before the two of us reacted, we were knocked out by him. Even if Qin Fen saw us, he had to hesitate for a moment. He hardly gave us time to react."

Their words let the old man ponder. It seems that Qin Tianren's strength is unfathomable. At first, he was unprepared. Now it is too late to know.

"Forget it, you'd better not look for him. He's so generous that he won't give any face. If he's really pissed off, it's hard to clean up.

As for tomorrow's contest, I'll wait until Qin Fen wakes up. "

Qin Fen here is knocked unconscious by Qin Fei. Wake up after the first reaction is whether they have trouble with Qin Tian? So he quickly got up and went to find the old man. He just heard that they were discussing this matter. When he learned that Qin Tian had beaten the people sent to him directly, Qin Fen laughed.

It seems that this man is quite interesting. But also for the old man did not listen to their own hands and feel angry.

This time, the old man was completely relieved. Seeing Qin Fen, he took the initiative to say: "this time, I will not stop you from fighting with him. Finally, Qin family has come up with a person who can compete with you. I also want to see what strength he is and what his origin is."

In front of the people, the old man turned to the other two people and asked, "you two went to Songshan City, didn't you hear everything?"

The two men told the truth when they couldn't hide it. The old man's face sank, "take over the Qin palace, unify the underground forces in Shanghai and the sea area. You two don't report such a big matter. Instead, you hide it and let me be ridiculed by him in private. If you two do not do well, you will be punished by yourself. In the future, you will not have to come into Qin's courtyard again! "

On hearing this, the two men knelt down and opened their mouths, but they could not say anything, so they were dragged out directly.

The Qin family had a clear reward and punishment system, and they did not do a good job. They may have a chance to tell the truth. But the two of them concealed Qin Tian's strength, and let the old man speak harshly in front of Qin Tian. They were all ridiculed. Now we can see that these two people are obstructing Qin Tian, so it is necessary to punish them.

Qin Fen was relieved at last. Now they are not here, Qin Tian goes out, and he can have a good rest and prepare for the next day's competition.

Qin Tian, Li Xinran and Qin Kuo had a good time outside. They went from the bar to the nightclub and then to the roadside snacks. They played until late at night.This time, Qin Tian did not go through the back door, but swaggered in from the gate. At first, Qin Kuo was still a little alarmed. He stopped Qin Tian and refused to let him go through the gate.

"Anyway, we have already come out. Those two people will report to the old man when they wake up. Do you think the old man doesn't know? Now, if we go through the back door, are we not ridiculed by them in vain? It's better to go through the gate. Isn't this your home, anyway? "

Qin Tian insists on going to the gate. Qin Kuo can't stop him. Instead, he is dragged in by Qin Tian.

Unexpectedly, Qin Tian was right. When they entered the gate, someone opened the door for them. When they saw the three of them coming back, the man didn't say anything. He just nodded at Qin Kuo, took a deep look at Qin Tian and let them in.

Qin Tian shrugged, looked at Qin Kuo and said, "you see, I say it's ok?"

Qin Kuo was astonished! It took a long time to react, "Qin Tian, you are really divine. How did you expect that?"

Qin Tian laughed, "the old man loves face so much. If he doesn't let me enter through the gate, I'll yell here. He won't let me in."

Qin Kuo couldn't help but turn his eyes. "It's your nature to play a rogue with a shameless face!"

Qin Tian shrugged and admitted, "isn't that your nature? In the end, we all have the blood of the Qin family. Isn't this the nature of the Qin family? "

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