This words spread to the old man's ears, angry old man's beard straight up, but also take Qin Tian has no way. Qin Tian is right. When the old man was young, he had such a generous experience, but he didn't expect to let him play his best when he came here.

For Qin Tian, he had no way. So when he heard Qin Tian say this, the old man could only sigh and wave his hand and follow them.

"Tomorrow's competition is real kung fu. You all see what strength he is and what stage he has reached

Several of my uncles nodded, and they also wanted to know who was the first among these disciples. Although Qin's disciples tried hard, they were not surprised by the others?

How can a person break through so many famous places in Songshan?

The restoration of the Qin palace unified the underground forces in Shanghai and the sea area, defeated Wanheshan and cleaned up Zhangjia.

All these deeds prove that he is a talent. But why didn't you hear about it before?

Where did the children of the Qin family come from? They are more powerful than the disciples trained by their own family.

The uncles were very curious, and the old man was also looking forward to it. As for Qin Fen, he became more and more curious. Compared with himself, what has been the experience of people who have always lived outside to have the strength at this stage?

The jade pendant that I saw before, and the black gas that came out. How did Qin Tian do it? Qin Fen was excited.

Think of Qin family finally have a person to talk to. Qin Tian doesn't seem to care about anything, but he cares about the woman around him very much. But when he talks, he doesn't distinguish between the old and the young, which makes Qin Fen admire him very much.

You know, in the Qin family, master Qin is a symbol of dignity. They never dare to contradict each other. Only when Qin Tian comes, they let the old man blow his beard and stare, but he can't help it.

To say that Qin Tian's hidden strength should also be, because it has never been valued by the Qin family before. Now they are called by the Qin family to participate in any competition to serve as cannon fodder. It's not easy for Qin Tian to bear up to now.

If it was not for their repeated ridicule, Qin Tian would not have slapped them like this.

They went back to the room and fell asleep. The next day, Qin Tian was awakened by a whistling sound. I didn't expect that the Qin family's way to wake people up was so strange.

Then I heard Qin Kuo bang on the door.

"Qin Tian is getting up soon. The competition will start in half an hour!"

They had only half an hour to prepare. When they heard Qin Kuo's words, Qin Tian jumped up. Li Xinran got up from his sleep and murmured, "so soon it's dawn?"

Qin Tian printed a kiss on her cheek and said in a low voice: "if you feel uncomfortable, then continue to sleep. I will come back later."

Li Xinran of course disagreed. On such an important day, how could she hide in her room and sleep? So she woke up immediately, got up and cleaned up and went out with Qin Tian. The three people got up too late, which was also the intention of Qin family.

Mr. Qin deliberately woke them up half an hour in advance. He thought that they were in a hurry and had no spirit. But Qin Tian looked very good and was not affected at all. After breakfast in a hurry, Qin Tian stood in the field. Qin Kuo started the live broadcast as usual. People outside were impatient to wait. Seeing this, they all made jokes and asked Qin Kuo: "today is the most important one. I want to buy Qin Tian to win. You must remember."

Qin Kuo shook his head and said, "I don't want to bet any more today. You can rest assured that the old man has ordered that entertainment be banned. I'm just opening a live broadcast to show you the situation."

Without consulting Qin Tian, Qin Kuo interrupted without authorization, and the people outside the venue stopped.

"Qin Kuo, if it's not for Qin Tian's sake, we don't want to watch the competition. Anyway, they have been eliminated. If you don't turn it on, turn off the live broadcast. We don't want to watch it anyway. "

"Yes, Qin Kuo. No more reading The crowd yelled. Qin Kuo had no choice but to take a look at Qin Tian standing beside him. Qin Tian saw the message on his mobile phone and raised his eyebrow and said, "you'd better open it. If you don't, I think the old man will have something to say. Remember that I'll talk to him in the last scene. It's not here yet!"

Qin Kuo thought about it and went on.

Qin Tian was forced to win in the first few games. However, Qin Tian had an overwhelming advantage in the last battle with Qin Fen. He had to let the old man know his own strength. Qin Tian had no need to hide when he was here.

This day's competition is divided into two games. They have 30 people now. Half of them are selected to fight against each other. Qin Tian is facing Qin Fei.

As soon as he shook hands that day, Qin Tian knew his strength, so this time he won without any suspense.

Seeing the picture from the live broadcast, people take a breath. What kind of strength is this? That's tough!Qin Fei rubbed his wrists and saw Qin Tian, who was full of the king's spirit, and was frightened. He was the best of his own disciples. Although he could not compare with Qin Fen, he had no room to react when facing Qin Tian, so he pinched his wrist and threw it out.

At the moment when he was lying on the ground, Qin Fei knew what was called the great disparity in strength. The old man could not help but smack his tongue when he looked at it. It seems that this boy has some skills, otherwise he would not be so arrogant.

However, it is not the time to draw a conclusion. Qin Fei's strength is clear to him. It is not surprising that Qin Tian was defeated in Qin Tian's hands. However, compared with Qin Fen, it seems that Qin Tian has not exerted all his strength, and he can not see the ultimate strength.

If Qin Fen loses this time, he will try to test Qin Tian himself.

So now the old man can still hold his own inner excitement.

Looking around, people around him noticed Qin Fei's group. Qin Tian and Qin Fei were separated into a group. After only five minutes, Qin Fei had been thrown out.

Everyone sighed and thought that Qin Tian was really a genius.

Qin Fen is also frowning at the side, he looks at himself, even if he confronts Qin Fei, he won't beat Qin Fei out so soon.

It seems that Qin Tian's strength is still above himself. Qin Fen feels that there is no need to compare it any more. People with a clear eye can see it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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