He walked to the old man and whispered, "grandfather, is it necessary to compete?"

The old man's face sank, and he said, "haven't you retreated?"

Qin Fei's face was red, shaking his head, "it's not retreat, just feel that his strength is really higher than himself."

Hearing Qin Fen's words, the old man was not happy, "how can you know if you don't try? Try your best, and you may be the winner! What's more, Qin Tian and Qin Fei are not at the same level. Qin Fei is not your opponent. Why grow up others' ambition and destroy your own prestige? "

The old man's words gave Qin Fen a shot in the arm. Qin Fen nodded and retreated to one side. Qin Tian looked at Qin Fei and said, "do you want to continue?"

Qin Fei is not convinced. It was his carelessness just now. Now it really begins!

Qin Tian frowned and looked at his shadow. He thought that this guy's flying skill should be good.

However, he was prepared for it. He quickly raised his breath and ran to Qin Fei. Qin Fei was shocked. He felt the shadow flash before his eyes. Then he was hit by a heavy blow on his abdomen. This was worse than the last time. He directly knocked down the wall behind him with a loud bang. Qin Fei fell in the middle of the rubble and couldn't get up.

There were bricks all around him. He only felt a salty smell in his mouth, and then a mouthful of blood spat out!

Qin Tian picked up his eyebrows and snapped his fingers, "is this war over, can you still get up? Continue? "

Qin Fei wanted to speak, but he stood up with his stomach covered. He couldn't say a word. He felt a pain in his abdomen.

The old man waved his hand and let him retreat. There was no need to compare with him.

Now it's up to us to see who can drag on with Qin Tian for ten minutes. Only in this way can we confirm what else he has.

So far, the old man's heart has a trace of excitement, it seems that Qin Tian this boy is really not simple.

Soon an hour later, the contest of 30 into 15 is over, and the final winner will be selected from these 15 people.

In other words, 15 people will have a car fight. Qin Fen did not expect that the old man would suddenly change the rules of the game. Originally, he chose the top one by one. However, he thought that since Qin Tian was here, he should make a quick decision.

Qin Tian has no problem.

Anyway, no matter how compared to these direct disciples, they are not their opponents. His goal is only one, that is Qin Fen.

Taking advantage of the game still has half an hour's rest time, Qin Tian takes the initiative to come to the old man.

"I want to talk to you."

Qin Tian got to the point. The old man didn't know what he was going to do, but he nodded and asked, "what do you want to say? If it's about the result of the game, you don't have to talk about it. If you can't win those three boxes, you can't get them. "

Obviously, the old man already knew what they had said before. Qin Tian nodded and reached out to take the tea cup cover in front of him and hold it in his hand. When he stretched out his hand, there was only a pool of powder left.

The old man's face suddenly changed, and Qin Tian said faintly, "I'm not interested in the throne of the Lord, but I must get the zodiac jade in those three boxes, which is very important to me."

"What are you talking about? Zodiac jade? "

"One of the three boxes contains the zodiac jade. I already have five dollars. If the old man can give up his love, I promise I will support Qin Fen to be the master of the house in the future. "

He was so direct that the old man was a little surprised, "don't you want to be in charge of the Qin family?"

"I'm not interested in the master of the Qin family. I'm only interested in the box. If the old man can give up his love, or exchange the three boxes of zodiac jade for other prizes, I think I will take the initiative to withdraw from the competition

His words made Qin Fen feel greatly insulted. Qin Fen stood on one side and said in a deep voice: "you don't have to be like this. You haven't had a competition. How can you know that you have already defeated me?"

Smell speech Qin Tian nodded, "really, have not compared, I know I can certainly win you. Qin Fen, you are spoiled. You have been training for so many years around the old man. I became a monk in the middle of the road. But now you and I have the strength. You can see it.

Plus I have Forget it. If you have to have a competition, I can do it, but I'll lose too badly. Don't blame me for not giving you face. Of course, I don't want to be the head of the house. I'll do what I say. You can do it yourself. There's only half an hour. In the rest of the competition, I'll solve the battle quickly. "

Qin Tian then turned and walked away with his hands in his pockets. In the eyes of all, he went directly to Qin Kuo.

Qin Kuo asked softly, "what's going on?"

This is related to their business. He has lost all his money in the box. It's the last battle of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian picked eyebrows. "It depends on the old man. If they agree, I'll let you turn over. If you don't agree, you won't even have underwear."

Qin Kuo was impatient and said, "this is no good. There is still your money in it."Qin Tian shrugged, "I don't care about this money. Anyway, I have money."

Qin Kuo rolled his eyes. Was he cheated in? He couldn't wait. He ran to Qin Fen and pushed his arm. Just about to speak, he saw that the old man was serious. Qin Kuo was stunned and didn't know what to say.

The old man repressed his anger, clenched his fist and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

Qin Kuo felt his head and said, "well, I'm buying Qin Tian to win. I've lost all the money I've won, including Qin Fen's five million yuan. If we continue to buy him in the last battle, there may be no suspense. But if we drive a black horse, we can make a profit by reversing it! "

"Son of a bitch, you can make your own money!"

The old man was indignant. Qin Fen's face twitched for a moment, and Qin Kuo said with a smile:

"isn't that what you acquiesce in? But if we continue to be laissez faire now, we are really finished

Qin Kuo specially used the word "we", hoping to win the support of the old man, but now it seems that the old man will not pay attention to him.

But Qin Fen endured the pain and said: "I don't care about that five million, and I'll lose after losing. Anyway, I didn't open the game. It's not so easy for Qin Tian to win!"

Qin Fen's fighting spirit has been completely aroused. He just wants to see what Qin Tian has in the end to say such big words!

The old man looked at him and nodded. This is the son of Qin family. But for Qin Kuo, he doesn't want to give up. The boy's business ability is still OK.

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