Relying on Qin Tian, Qin Kuo made a lot of money. Although he is losing money constantly, as long as the last battle is in accordance with their plan, Qin Kuo will certainly be able to turn over, and the old man of Qin family can also get a piece of the cake.

In this way, everyone is happy. Qin Fen, as always, guessed Qin Tian to win. However, it seems that there are still variables in the end, although their own strength may be comparable with Qin Tian, in the final analysis, who wins depends on psychological endurance.

Looking at Qin Tian's appearance, he is not very afraid of the final battle. They are about ten meters apart. Standing under the corridor, Qin Fen looks at the direction of Qin Tian's side. Seeing Qin Tian's hands in his pockets and his face happy, Qin Fen can't help being curious. What's the origin of Qin Tian? How can he be so calm?

Even if you are in such a situation, you have to be nervous.

But now looking at Qin Tian, he looks confident. Recalling what he said to the old man just now, Qin Fen can't help but be curious and walk towards Qin Tian. Just two steps away, the old man stopped him and asked him to come back.

"Now you two don't have too much contact. Every word he says may arouse your dissatisfaction and shake your mind at that time. You know this guy doesn't have a good voice. Don't be angry with him

The old man was very wary of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian doesn't take a normal way up here.

Therefore, seeing Qin Fen walking towards the other side, the old man called Qin Fen back and refused to contact them.

After Qin Fen heard this, he just wanted to chat with Qin Tian. After today, the competition is over. I don't know if they can stay in the Qin family courtyard.

For example, those on the periphery may leave after watching the live broadcast. Those disciples of my family will stay. They usually watch more and don't want to see it any more. But Qin Tian is different. He invited him back from outside. It is said that he has been in the imperial capital since he was a child, so Qin Fen is very excited to meet Qin Tian this time. He wants to have a good relationship with Qin Tian, especially someone with such strong strength.

But the old man refused, Qin Fen had to go back to the original place and sit down.

But he didn't expect to see this scene in Qin Tian's eyes. He saw Qin Fen's eagerness to try, and Qin Fen's desire to stop. So he put down Qin Kuo and Qin Tian walked towards Qin Fen alone. The old man can stop Qin Fen from coming, but he can't stop himself from looking for him.

Seeing Qin Tian coming, the old man looked nervous and protected Qin Fen behind him like an old hen. Seeing Qin Tian coming, he said in a deep voice, "how come you have any bad ideas?"

Qin Tian chuckled, "don't be nervous. I'm not like you. In the middle of the night, I'm prying around the wall to eavesdrop on us. I've always been open and aboveboard, and I never do anything that's not to be seen. "

Qin Tian's words made the old man blush. However, Qin Fen was still reluctant to admit what he had done before. He just didn't want to talk to Qin Tian. However, Qin Fen said behind his back:

"let me talk to him! It's going to be OK. So many people are watching

Qin Fen said so, the old man is not good to stop, so can only retreat to one side!

But still do not forget to remind Qin Tian, "you can't play any tricks, bring us Qin Fen!"

Qin Tian was a little discontented, "I eat and drink everything. If you are so afraid, don't let me come. Your people invited me here. Are you afraid that I will damage him? If he wanted to be crooked, he would have been crooked. Do you think there are so many people in the Qin family, and there are no losers? "

Qin Tian rolled his eyes and went straight to Qin Fen, regardless of the old man beside him blowing his beard and staring at him. He was so angry that he almost fainted. He just said in a deep voice, "whatever you want to say, I'm not like some people hiding it. But if you change your mind, you can speak up. It's still time." Qin Fen nodded. He didn't expect Qin Tian to be so direct, but he would not shrink back.

But in his heart, Qin Tian is really comfortable. He can say what he wants to eat and drink, and play whenever he wants. This is also the lifestyle Qin Fen yearns for.

"In fact, I envy you very much. If you win, please give me my freedom."

Qin Tian couldn't help being surprised, "freedom? What's the matter? You've been kidnapped. You're forced to open a business. If you're kidnapped, you blink. "

Qin Tian's words made Qin Fen cry and laugh. He didn't know what he meant. Why did he misinterpret it?

Qin Fen could only smile bitterly, "I mean you understand. What I mean by freedom is... "

Qin Fen looked at the old man beside him, and then lowered his voice and said, "in fact, I don't want to be the master of the house."

Qin Tian shook his hands repeatedly, "that's not possible. You are the hope of the whole family, and I don't want to do it. I have my own territory in Songshan, and I have my own business. I just came here just to teach those gangsters a lesson. They harass my family. I just want to make them more restrained. However, I have an idea. Let's make an exchange. You can give birth to Xiao Yu Give it to me. I'll tell them. How about it? "

Qin Fen knew that he would not agree. As for the zodiac jade, maybe Qin Tian could get it by himself, could he still be needed?He was about to speak, and the old man heard it clearly and jumped out at once. "This is not the two of you who has the final say! Qin Tian, you don't take the comparison as a joke, even if you have this strength, you can't play with others! "

Qin Tian laughed, "why don't you agree?"

"I don't agree, I just don't agree! Everything in the Qin family is up to me! This competition is very important. If you don't want to go out! "

The old man was almost angry with him. I really don't know what the two people think. He invited such a Buddha back!

Qin Tian disdained to look at the old man, "you don't get excited. If it happens later, don't blame me." The old man stepped forward and said angrily, "what are you talking about?"

Qin Tian suddenly clasped the old man's hand and carefully put on his pulse. After a moment, he replied, "do you always feel dizzy and dizzy, and there is a trace of pain near the heart pulse, which will happen once in a while?"

Hearing Qin Tian accurately say his symptoms, the old man was very surprised, "you will Qi Huang Shu?"

"I don't dare to. After your people go to Songshan City, they should find out my details. I have a Chinese Medicine Museum in Songshan city. All the big and small people in Songshan city want to sell me Qin Tian a face. I don't want to blow it. If you want to ask me to go out for a visit, it's the minimum number." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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