Qin Tian held out five fingers, almost five million in appearance. The old man took a breath. He didn't expect Qin Tian to have this kind of ability. Why didn't those two people say that? He glared at the people behind him. The uncles were very innocent, because they were not their people at all, but sent by the master.

They were also expelled from the Qin family at this time, so they couldn't find a substitute. The old man's face turned red, and then he asked in a hurry, "do you have a way to rescue them?"

This is what my aunt said about the 60 year old pass. He doesn't know the whole story yet. Naturally, he doesn't know how to save it, but it's OK to relieve the pain. Qin Tian nodded, "I have no way to save, but it can relieve your symptoms. However, it may take some time to get rid of it completely. I don't think it's a curse. Although I don't believe in the words of gods and ghosts, the curse is nonsense, so your symptoms are ultimately due to your own reasons. "

The old man didn't believe it. As a young man, he could see where his defect was. He shook his head and took back his hand.

"Forget it, what do you know, you little boy!" Qin Fen was in a hurry and said, "grandfather, you might as well let him have a look. Since he is a doctor, there must be a way to relieve it. If you go on like this, you may not be able to train me in the future."

The old man was about to speak when Qin Tian suddenly took out some silver needles. "If you don't believe me, let me prick a few more needles. You can rest assured that you won't be pricked to death, just to make you feel comfortable. Believe it or not, anyway, I have to charge for these needles in Songshan city. Now it's free for you. You don't want it. You have to think about it clearly!"

Qin Tian's words let the old man's face sink, "how do you open your mouth and shut up all are money?"

Qin Tian smiles, "Qin's blood stream is the smell of copper, have you not heard it?"

Qin Tian's words let the old man suddenly suffocate, "Stinky boy, then you try, if you stab me to death, then you will suffer!"

After hearing his words, he didn't dare to be careless. His face became serious. His hand quickly put silver needles on several acupoints on the old man's body, and then his luck infused the true Qi into his body. The air flow went around the whole body and finally determined the location of the disease.

In fact, his lesions were not strange. He was dizzy because of some blockage of blood vessels in his old age. However, he was not without medicine. He did not know the reason why he did not go to the hospital to see it, but was hooked on the curse.

As for the sixty pass Qin Tian is not clear, but at present the old man's body does not seem to be unable to lift, after a few acupuncture points, sunny day will be his blood block all open.

Half an hour later, the old man vomited out a long breath of turbid Qi. He really felt comfortable. Qin Tian also took back the silver needle and asked, "what do you think? Try your luck!"

The old man ran around for a while and hit a set of boxing skills on the spot. He felt refreshed, ruddy, and his eyes were brighter than before. He couldn't help praising: "good boy, you really have you!"

Qin Fen couldn't help admiring him. The people around him were having a competition. Suddenly, they saw the old man laughing and thumbing up at Qin Fen and Qin Tian. They couldn't help but wonder. What happened?

Seeing this, Qin Kuo pointed his mobile phone at Qin Tian's direction. The people in the group could not help but wonder, "Qin Kuo, go and see what's going on. How can the old man suddenly become so friendly?"

"Before, he looked at Qin Tian in all sorts of ways, but now he is laughing so happily?"

Qin Kuo received a call in the group, and he was very strange, "how do I know? I just saw it. It seems that Qin Tian pricked the old man a few needles, and the old man was comfortable. Don't mention that Qin Tian has a lot of skills. I have to be good at flattering. Today, you can have a good look at the periphery."

Then Qin Fen put the mobile phone to that place and ignored it. He trotted to Qin Tian and asked, "brother Tian, what are you just doing? Laughing so happily? "

The old man glared, "God brother is also you call." It was just an accident just now. The boy hit and hit the right place by mistake. Now the old man is back to his former state.

Qin Kuo was stunned, "what should I call it?"

Qin Tian smiles, "my friends call me Tiange. If you are younger than me, it's OK to call me Tiange. It's nothing. It's a family anyway."

The old man finally changed his outlook on Qin Tian. Seeing that he looked like this and had some skills, he told him, "don't take the next competition lightly. Although you helped me, I won't change my view on you!"

Qin Tian had expected that the old man would say so, and he also said, "don't worry. In the face of a strong enemy, I will never take it lightly, let alone look down on Qin Fen. I also want to see what kind of ability the Qin family has to be able to stand in the imperial capital."

Qin Fen also had a different understanding of Qin Tian. He didn't expect that this man would be so much. Just a few stitches made his grandfather's face ruddy, and his breath was stable! Go on like this, if Qin Tian can stay here a few more days, grandfather's symptoms can be cured?Thinking of this, Qin Fen grasped Qin Tian's wrist. "Qin Tian, even if the competition is over later, I hope you can stay in the Qin family's courtyard for a few more days, OK?"

What is Qin Tian? Do you still want to compete or not let me go? "

"No, you misunderstood me. I think you should be aware of the symptoms of my grandfather. I want to ask you to do me a favor and cure my grandfather's illness thoroughly before you leave, OK? No matter who the position of the head of the household is, the old man is also your elder. Look... "

Qin Kuo is waiting for Qin Tian's answer. Qin Tian looks at the old man. The old man hums coldly and doesn't speak. He turns and walks away.

The old man is still very proud, Qin Tian deliberately did not speak, waiting for the old man to turn around. But the old man didn't seem to care at all, but his back was a little old. Qin Tian thought that he was also an elder, so he agreed. "I promise you, no matter whether you win or lose, I will stay here for a few more days. The food and accommodation are all for you. Moreover, you should do your best to treat me well. Otherwise, I won't try my best if I don't eat well."

The old man heard the speech and stopped for a moment. He turned around and glared at Qin Tianran and left.

Qin Tian knew that the old man was angry again, but he still had to change his temper. He smiles and doesn't speak. He turns and pulls Qin Kuo to the other side. He doesn't want to have too much contact with Qin Fen. He is also afraid that the old man will say that he has damaged Qin Fen.

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