Soon Qin Tian was promoted, no accident, he won the first few games, people outside the field marveled at the strength of the devil sunny day, but also glad that he did not match up with Qin Tian, otherwise he would certainly be hanged.

The old man looked at Qin Tian and boasted in his heart. However, he said, "this boy has some strength, but he is really too arrogant! I'm afraid it's hard to be tamed

Several of his uncles tried to persuade him, "in fact, sometimes it's OK to be rebellious. If he has such strength, why is he not qualified to be proud? In my opinion, Qin Fen was too obedient when he was a child. He may not be able to take charge of his own affairs after he became the head of the family. However, Qin Tian is such a good candidate for the master of the family. "

Smell speech old man son cold eye one stare, that person immediately did not speak.

"Who dares to say that I am not a good candidate for home owners? Qin Fen is obedient, but he has his own ideas. If I let go, he can also break out of the world. Take care of it! No matter who wins today's war, we will face the Qin family. If we lose, we will not lose face. It is a blessing to the Qin family that they have come to this state at a young age. "

The old man saw it very well. No matter Qin Tian or Qin Fen, as long as they won, they were all from the Qin family. At that time, they would not have to work for the Qin family.

And he also knew that time was running out. Qin Tian should have seen it when he was checking his pulse just now.

Although the body is no big deal, but the important thing is the psychological pressure. The urgency of the coming of the 60 mark makes him breathless.

Therefore, taking advantage of the last year, he began to cultivate the master early, and hoped that Qin Fen could follow his path and lead the Qin family to continue to develop.

Several big families in the imperial capital check and balance each other. The Qin family is not the strongest, and it is not very impressive in these big families. If you just take it out to see its strength, no one will accept it. However, in terms of force, the Qin family is the strongest, which is the reason why the old man can have a foothold in the imperial capital.

Now Qin Tian or Qin Fen, who takes over doesn't matter. After all, they are all from Qin family.

And Qin Tian's Kung Fu may be even better in the eyes of the master. This is not the point. The point is that Qin Tian has someone in his hand. Even if he loses, he will support Qin Fen in the future. The old man is very relieved.

Through just now he also saw clearly Qin Tian's behavior, although this kid's mouth is not reliable, but still is a root seedling red good child.

The old man saw it very clearly, so he assured them to fight with each other. Even if he wanted to use Qin Tian, he should also see his real strength.

Qin Tian didn't think so. Anyway, it's time to do it. It's nothing to be afraid of. He has no scruples, the goal is very clear, is the zodiac jade.

Before the last scene came, Qin Kuo shut down the live broadcast on the pretext of network jam and changed it to voice broadcast. Therefore, people outside the venue were worried because they couldn't see the picture for a while.

Qin Kuo's phone kept ringing, so that he had no choice but to turn off the phone, pull them into the group with another mobile phone, and play some live pictures to them from time to time.

With these little videos, they don't yell. Qin Kuo is full of sweat, thinking for a while, no matter what the result is, he has to think of a perfect way, otherwise it will be miserable.

Several people were waiting in the field, and it was the last game. It was no accident that Qin Tian and Qin Fen fought against each other. The defeated disciples did not leave, but stayed in the field to watch. They did not participate in Qin Kuo's wechat group. So I was surprised that Qin Kuo was so busy.

Li Xinran paid close attention to Qin Tian all the time, and he didn't have time to record for Qin Kuo. Qin Kuo had to record and manage the group. He was very busy. From time to time, Qin Tian and Qin Kuo had already stood face to face. At the command of the old man, they were in a posture.

This time, Qin Tian didn't dare to underestimate the opponent, and the ghost whirlpool on his head all came out. When Qin Fen looked at this posture, he understood that he could see the ghost spirit. Naturally, he could see Qin Yue, Li Xiaoshuang and others. Qin Fen was surprised by the ghost generals around Qin Tian, but also very excited. After waiting for so many years, he finally arrived at the wizard in his grandfather's mouth.

Qin Tian seems to be the hope of the Qin family. So Qin Fen put on a posture and rushed to the past. The speed was so fast that even Qin Tian was quite shocked. Almost only Wanheshan has such a speed among those who are against him. So fast, it is worthy of the talent cultivated by the old man. Qin Tian boasted that he was really angry, and took Qin Fen's fist. He didn't expect that it was like hitting a steel plate. In an instant, both of them were shocked! Shocked by a force, Queen Qin retreated several meters, and Qin Fen was the same.

The first contact, both of them have a general understanding of each other's strength. Qin Tian didn't expect that Qin Fen didn't have this chance of his own. He couldn't help admiring him for being able to achieve such a state under the cultivation of the master.

In this way, he did not dare to be careless and concentrate on fighting against the past.

"Qin Tian, let you have a taste of authentic Qin martial arts today. Don't regret it!"

"I won't regret it. Qin Fen, let me go. I want to see what the Qin family has in the end." Two phase confrontation, people around see scared, the old man is more on the top of Qin Tian black gas has a trace of curiosity."Master, do you think Qin Tian is me or the wizard we have been waiting for for years?"

"Do you have to see? Besides, Qin Fen told me before that he could see those people. So I think he should be. But it has nothing to do with the struggle for the position of the head of the household. "

The old man slightly deep voice, looking at the two people in the field, with spectrum in mind, it seems that Qin Tian is the person he is looking for. But it can't be said that Qin Tian is a genius.

For many years, the Qin family has been looking for ways to remove the curse. According to what the ancestors left behind, it is to find a person who is proficient in the art of ghosts and gods to crack it.

But Qin Tian didn't know whether he was the one he wanted to look for just according to the ghost on his head.

But who else but him? They have been looking for Qin family for such a long time, but they haven't seen any match.

Now when the competition to see Qin Tiantou ghost whirlpool, it seems that these days he has been in the convergence of their own strength.

However, looking at Qin Tiangang's confrontation with Qin Fen, combined with his ghost spirit, the old man estimated that he should have reached the master's level. But he was not sure what stage it was.

Qin Tian's age, should not reach that level, after all, he is still young. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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