"You see, guess what strength he is, I guess Qin Fen today should not be his opponent."

Only a glance at the old man can see that Qin Fen just made the best of it. Qin Tian probably only made seven or eight success, but he was able to retreat.

If a few of my family's disciples fight against each other, they will be beaten by Qin Fen and fly out, but Qin Tian can stay still. This also shows that qintian's comprehensive strength is above Qinfen.

The old man was a little worried, but he just let his uncles and brothers see for themselves, and didn't say anything else.

Qin Tian looked directly at Qin Fen in the field and saw Qin Fen. He drew a strange circle, and then he rushed towards himself. Qin Fen's whole body disappeared. What's the matter?

Suddenly, a gust of wind came from behind his ears. Qin Tian instinctively raised his hand to block it, but he was pushed far away by Qin Fen. Looking at Qin Fen again, he didn't know when he was on his side. His speed was not fast, but there was an illusion.

After a while, a lot of shadows appeared in front of him. Qin Tian couldn't tell which one was Qin Fen. He made wind under his fist and soon scattered those shadows, but he couldn't get to the entity.

Qin Tian looks around. Qin Fen's body is still spinning. This boy wants to shake himself dizzy. Let's see his strength.

Qin Tian released two air currents and rushed to those shadows. If it is a virtual body, it will soon be dissipated by these two breath, but if it is an entity, it may be unbearable.

Sure enough, after a while, he heard a bang. Qin Fen's body flew out of the circle. When he got up again, a smear of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. He covered his chest and looked at Qin Tian, and his eyes flashed with amazement.

"You, you have reached the peak of the master!"

Qin Fen was surprised, Qin Tianchen said in a deep voice: "you can see it!"

His voice just fell, and he took a breath around him. What kind of genius is this?

Young can achieve this realm, the old man is also a shock!

Did not expect that Qin Tian would reach such a state, he quickly stopped and said in a trembling voice, "you and you have really reached the peak of the master, and is the ghost spirit on your head the way of cultivating ghosts and gods?"

Qin Tian didn't deny it. He just saw the expression on his face. Qin Tian was a little stunned.

"I'm not sure, but I can see that they can also practice with them."

Hearing this, the old man called out: "OK, you go on! You go on

The old man retreated and watched them compete. Qin Fen looked at the old man and Qin Tian, and he began to smile. "Qin naivete has you. You are stronger than I imagined."

Qin Tian said with a smile, "it's nothing, but my social experience is better than you. You are well protected. We must remember that war is not without fraud, and at the same time, strength is the king's way! "

Qin Fen nodded and agreed with him. But the next second, both of them rushed out of the yard. Qin Kuo was stunned. The next second he responded, "don't run. What can I do if you run?"

He ran after him with his mobile phone and followed the sound to live.

Now Qin Kuo began to regret, the group has become a pot of porridge, did not think how suddenly no voice. They talked about Qin Kuo online, which made him worried.

Qin Kuo said in the group, "don't say anything. They both flew out. I'm looking for them."

This time, the group is full of frying pan!

"Qin Kuo Qin Kuo, you must find them, otherwise our money will be wasted."

"Qin Kuo, if something happens and we can't see the result, it will be miserable."

Qin Kuo was worried. "I'm more anxious than you. I made this bureau. If I lose money, I can say it. But if I don't know what the result is, it's too depressing."

Qin Kuo closed his cell phone and rushed out.

Qin Tian and Qin Fen have already come to another yard. They fight against each other. Qin Tian's original idea is slightly better than Qin Fen, but Qin Fen is not weak. When he sees Qin Tian's ghost, Qin Fen dare not be careless.

All he could hear was a sharp drink, and his clothes were shattered. Then his body seemed to have grown several times and his strength was much stronger. He rushed straight to Qin Tian. Qin Tian did not show weakness and gathered his true Qi on his fist.

The sound of being broken constantly came from the yard. Li Xinran didn't dare to go there. Only the sound of ping-pong came from inside, which made people scared.

After a while, the battle was over, Qin Tian and Qin Fen came out naked, and the corners of their mouths spilled blood.

Qin Kuo hurried to the courtyard. He was shocked. The trees were knocked down and the water tank was cracked. Everything was destroyed. It looked like he had experienced a war.

He quickly asked, "which of you won, who?"? Tell me, I'm still in the group

Qin Tian and Qin Kuo looked at each other with a smile. Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't expect that the martial arts of the Qin family's disciples were so powerful. I lost."There was a glimmer of light in Qin Kuo's eyes, and then he understood what Qin Fen wanted to say. Qin Kuo took his mobile phone and said to them in a loud voice: "everybody heard that. Qin Tian lost, Qin Fen won! Qin Fen won! Take a look at the fight in the yard. It seems that our disciples are still powerful! "

There are a lot of cheaters in Qin's big group

Qin Kuo didn't think so. He turned the lens back and aimed at himself, "I lied to you? It's you who urged me to start. Now who can blame you for losing? If you win, come to me. If you lose, don't force me in the crowd!

This competition is over, as for the future if there are similar competitions, I will inform you! "

Qin Kuo quickly kicked all the losers out of the group and set up another group to appease them and give money to the winners.

Of course, he will not be too much to these losers, because after going out, he has to make friends with them. Of course, he will not offend them.

Qin Kuo is also a disciple of the Qin family, so even if he said a few important words, we would not dispute with him. Besides, the Qin family is also rich. This time they are just playing games. They just complain when they lose. They are soon appeased by Qin Kuo.

The old man looked aside, and a doubt flashed in his eyes. But in front of the people, he didn't say anything. Several of his family's uncles and brothers came up and surrounded Qin Fen in the middle.

"Qin Fen, good Qin Fen, you really give us a long face!"

Qin Fen's face is not good-looking.

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