Only the old man waved to Qin Tian, "Stinky boy, you come with me!"

Qin Tian followed him and went in, "I don't know what the old man is looking for me, but I didn't let him go according to what you said."

The old man snorted coldly: "in the end, did you not count it in your heart? Don't play tricks with me. Talk about what you want. "

Today, Qin Tian gave Qin Fen enough face, so the old man will try his best to meet his requirements.

At first, the old man didn't want to, but he changed his mind after seeing the ghost whirlpool above Qin Tian's head and his true spirit.

Qin Tian smiles. It seems that he is right to protect Qin Fen's face. Since the old man put it forward, Qin Tian is not polite.

"I only want Zodiac jade, and I don't want anything else." Smell speech old man son some don't understand, "why do you have to zodiac jade? Is there a treasure

The old man guessed right, but Qin Tian didn't know what it was. Maybe he could summon other things. Anyway, he must collect twelve pieces of zodiac jade. So he must get this piece.

Qin Tianzheng was about to speak when he saw Qin come with the box. He put the box in front of the table and said to Qin Tian, "you know what the result is today. This box is all yours. You can choose whatever you like, and the position of the head of the house is also yours. "

The old man said in a deep voice, "Qin Fen, don't talk nonsense!"

Qin Fen iron green face stood aside, "I said, I don't need anyone to let me, win is to win, lose is to lose, there is no need to lie about this small matter."

Qin Tian sighed: "Qin Fen, you're still too young. You need to know how many disciples are starting in Qin Kuo. If I win, Qin Kuo and you can't afford to lose everything. I just do it for you. Second, since you said I won, I am the owner of the house. I can appoint the next owner, that is you. Now I don't want to be the head of the family. You can appeal if you have any opinions, but I am against not accepting your complaint. That's it! I'll take away the jade of the zodiac. As for the ancient sword and treasure, I'll give it to you. Everything in the Qin family will be taken care of.

What's more, your Kung Fu is very powerful, but it's only in terms of speed and variety. You'd better try to polish your real strength! I will teach you to practice during my stay in Qin family. You can rest assured that your Kung Fu will be greatly improved. In the future, you will be the best master of the Qin family. Please don't be polite to me. "

Qin Tian's words made Qin Fen pale, but Qin Fen didn't say anything, just waiting for Qin Tian to take the box. Qin Tian took out the box and opened it. It was a pig of the Chinese zodiac. He couldn't help laughing and sighing: "I'll be rude."

Qin Tian took this piece of zodiac jade and put it in his pocket. The rest of the things went back intact.

Qin Fen some surprised, looking at Qin Tian speechless, Qin Tian pick eyebrow way: "these things you keep, I don't need."

"But the treasure land..."

"Treasure map, you can pick it up by yourself. If you have a chance, you'd better practice Kung Fu first. There are ancient swords. You can use them with your swordsmanship. But I don't know this very well, so you should cultivate yourself. The Qin family's Kung Fu should not be weak. "

Qin Tian didn't know how to use swordsmanship, but he was beside him. He also knew that the old man thought he had only one year to go. So in this year, he must teach all the things to Qin Fen, so Qin Tian still didn't interfere in the sword technique.

Qin Tian can also play other Kung Fu. Now that he got the zodiac jade, he didn't want anything. If you only ask for one, you can stay in the Qin family for a few more days.

So Qin Tian didn't refuse. He took Li Xinran back to the original yard, but he was pulled to the main courtyard by the old man with his luggage. Qin Kuo was surprised and praised Qin Tian with his eyebrows: "Qin naivete has you. How much money have you made this time?"

"I don't know how big a game you played and how much money you made, but just don't forget my share."

Hearing this, Qin Kuo laughed. "Don't worry. I've already helped you with your share. We made a total of 30 million yuan from the beginning to the end. The old man said that he would hand in 80% of the money. What do you think of this?"

Qin Kuo said, looked at the old man, see the old man's eyes moved to here, he immediately silent!

Qin Tian looked at the old man with a smile and said, "I can help you to take care of your body in a few days here. It's probably not enough. It's a gift for our younger generation. When I married my wife, you didn't come."

It was this remark that the old man quenched him and said in a deep voice: "you boy knows how to fool people with some money. You know, we are your elders. Shouldn't you be filial to me when we meet?"

Qin Tian couldn't help but give up his thumb. In terms of his thick skin, he was not as good as the old man. So Qin Tian said to Qin Kuo, "forget it. Take 20% from me to the old man. At that time, I was filial to him."

Qin Kuo laughed, and the old man also laughed. Qin Fen also had a smile on his face.

"Well, an old man can argue with you about these things, but Qin Kuo, in the future, you should learn something about the business of the Qin family. Don't play around all day! I'm old. The Qin family still depends on your young people to manage, but don't let us down. "Qin Kuo nodded and moved. "Grandfather, don't worry, I will. In fact, I have a hand in the business of Qin family, but they don't take me to play. If I play, I will make a lot of money."

His voice made the old man laugh. This boy has a flexible mind and is really a talent. If he helps Qin Fen in the future, the Qin family should have hope.

With a sigh, the old man waved his hand to let them go down. When the competition was over, the old man still couldn't seem to be happy. Qin Tian knew that he was still worried about the sixty mark.

Qin Tian also knows that it can't be accomplished overnight, so Qin Tian is not in a hurry to give the old man a needle at this time, or take a look at it.

The meeting was finally relaxed. Qin Tian got 12 million yuan, and 2 million yuan was reserved for the old man to buy some gifts.

"Qin Kuo, as a native of the imperial capital, you are not allowed to take us out to play? I have many brothers waiting outside

Qin Tian's words make Qin Kuo laugh. There are many brothers outside him!

"Brother, your brothers don't belong to me. Although I have made some money, I'm not as much as Qin Fen." Qin Tian is surprised, isn't Qin Fen defeated? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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