After several people have gone out, the old man left alone in the room and sighed!

Now Qin Fen is firmly in the position of the master of the house. However, the master is full of water. No one knows what happened in the last war. Qin Fen doesn't speak and just stuffs himself in the room. The old man knew that he must have been unwilling, and he also knew Qin Tian's strength. If Qin Fen could win, it would be very difficult to win. However, the two men were unhurt, but there was a little blood on the corners of their mouths and so many things were broken in the yard. You can imagine how fierce the battle was. But after he came out, Qin Fen said nothing about it.

The old man didn't know what he was thinking. After thinking about it, he decided to ask Qin Tian, but the servant said that they went out to celebrate together.

The old man shook his head. Speaking of stability, Qin Fen was better than Qin Fen. Qin Kuo, the boy, took everyone out to celebrate, not to mention pulling Qin Fen together.

Qin Kuo is really wronged. It's not that he doesn't invite Qin Fen, but Qin Fen insists on not going. He seems to be a bit out of place. Now that he is the owner of the house, he is deliberately distancing himself from them.

This makes Qin Kuo disdain. We are all young people. Why should we do this? We can't say who is more noble than others. However, as the head of the family, he really shouldered the heavy burden. Qin Kuo understood it very well if he didn't come out.

Qin Tian looked at Qin Kuo's excited appearance and couldn't help laughing: "you boy, what you've made this time is full of pots and bowls. You didn't participate in anything. You've been here for two days and you've made so much money. Your business ability is OK. Have you ever thought about going to Songshan to help me?"

Qin Kuo widened his eyes, "Pine Mountain? Come on, I know what you're doing from those two people, or I won't go. Zhang Lingling also told me that you have made a lot of noise in the pine mountains. I still don't want to go through the muddy water. I'll just hang out in the imperial capital. Anyway, if there's an old man here, I can still help me

Qin Kuo could see clearly. Qin Tian understood that this boy was too clever. If he cooperated with him, he would have to suffer losses, so he could only smile and not speak.

But Li Xinran asked in one side: "after we leave, will you follow Qin Fen together? I think he looks isolated

Wen Yan Qin Kuo waved his hand, "don't look down on him. He is not isolated at all. Although he bought Qin Tian to win this time, he actually defeated Qin Tian at the last time. Do you think this boy is clever? If you want to say, he also has some. We isolate him. He doesn't exist. He's just superior and doesn't play with us. "

Li Xinran said that he understood very well. Generally, people with talent and ability like this are so arrogant. However, Qin Fen is different. It seems that Qin Fen doesn't isolate them. He doesn't know how to express it. Seeing how they play in wechat, Qin Fen doesn't join in and makes a lot of money. Although he changes his mind in the end, it seems that Qin Fen has some heart.

"Qin Tian, why don't we call him out? Qin Kuo, don't you have his phone number? Call him and ask him to come out to play with us. Anyway, we all have to live in the imperial capital for several days. We can't help but meet each other during this period of time. If we are familiar with each other, we can still have contacts in the future. "

Li Xinran is right. Qin Tian agrees, so Qin Kuo can only call Qin Fen.

Originally thought Qin Fen would not agree, after all, he did not come out at the beginning, but this time Qin Fen agreed!

The old man was also a little strange. Seeing Qin Fen dressed up and ready to go out, he asked, "where are you going?"

Qin Fen stopped, turned to look at the old man, and honestly replied, "Qin Kuo and Qin Tian asked me to go out to play. I'll meet them."

The old man was a little surprised, but still nodded, "young people should go out and walk more. You should have a good relationship with them in the future. After all, these two are still your dependence and can support you to be the master of the house."

Of course, Qin Fen understood, but he didn't quite agree with the view that his supporters were the owners themselves. After all, he knew exactly how the owner came from.

But Qin Fen is still very curious about Qin Tian. His kung fu is so powerful. Why would he say that during the day? Fortunately, I have changed my position, otherwise, I would have lost a lot?

This is also the reason why Qin Fen wants to go out and ask clearly. Seeing that the old man no longer stopped himself, Qin Fen raised his feet and went out. The old man was sobbing in the back.

My uncle ran over and saw this scene, and he couldn't help sighing: "it seems that Qin Tian's attraction is greater than ours. Master, you have taught him for so many years. He dare not say no to you. He doesn't go out when he has nothing to do. Qin Kuo will go out as soon as they call him. They think that they should guard against these two boys in the future. "

The old man said in a deep voice: "look at Qin Fen, he's very old. Find a chance to let him have a family. It's not good to delay him. Children of his age like him usually like to go out to play. Only Qin Fen of our family, who practices martial arts all day long, is forced by me to be the master of the house. His psychological pressure is too great. I really love this child. "

The old man suddenly said this, but the uncles all said that they didn't understand. It was not the old man himself who oppressed him to learn martial arts? Now come to love Qin Fen again? What did you do? At that time, in order to let Qin Fen go out to play, they were also scolded by the old man, saying that they did not take care of their work and damaged their children. Now they have changed their words. What a lot of uncles could not help but say has the final say, and I don't know what will happen to Qin Fen's family owner.Qin Fen according to the place they sent, as promised. Qin Fen was surprised to see Qin Tian sitting there with dozens of people behind him.

He went over and widened his eyes. "These are your people, not all your friends? Isn't it your first time to visit the imperial capital

Smell speech Qin Tian look at the monkey, they smile, wave at the monkey, the monkey immediately came.

"This is what I told you about Qin Fen, the owner of my own family. These are all brought by my brothers from Songshan city. They are worried about my safety, so they come to protect me. They didn't expect it would end so soon. So you don't mind if you take them out for two days? "

Qin shook his head. "Of course not. Your brother, your friend is my friend. How can I mind?"

The monkey looked at Qin Fen and saw that the boy was honest, so he went back to greet his brothers to drink.

In fact, Qin Fen envies Qin Tian for having such a group of good friends and brothers.

From childhood to adulthood, he had few friends in the Qin family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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