Qin Fen recalled himself. When he was a child, his uncles and brothers saw that he was only greeting on his face, and they had no friends to speak of. After Qin Tian came, Qin Fen seemed to have found a new world, and he hated to meet Qin Tian too late. But I don't know if he thinks he can talk with Qin Tian unilaterally. Anyway, Qin Tian is a good friend. After sitting down, Qin Fen couldn't help but look at Qin Kuo and Qin Tian, and finally asked.

"Today's daytime competition, why do you say that? You won."

Qin Tian said with a smile, "I told you that I don't want to be the owner of the house, and the old man was happy to see you win yesterday. Besides, what's the relationship between your winning and my winning? Anyway, we are all from the Qin family, and we have the same strength!"

"No, how can we say the strength is equal? Qin Tian, do you know where my short board is? Obviously, in the end, you hurt me, but in order to let me, you also make some blood, just to give me face

Qin Kuo listened to this and realized that the final winner was Qin Tian! He was not surprised at all, but did not expect Qin Tian to do so for Qin Fen.

So Qin Kuo patted Qin Fen on the shoulder and comforted him: "in fact, Qin Tian means that you two have the same strength. If you have to decide whether to win or lose, both of you will be badly hurt. Qin Tian is a family member. You don't have a look. They don't even have children. In case of injury, Qin Tian can't give birth to children in the future. What should we do

Qin Tian quenched him in one side, "go to you, I'm in good health!"

Everyone laughed, Li Xinran blushed, and Qin Fen also laughed.

Qin Kuo continued to comfort him: "look, you are also injured. If it is too serious, in the next year, in order to treat you, the old man did not teach you anything else. Can you make him feel at ease? Think about your grandfather. He's his age

Qin Kuo can't hide the rumors about the 60 passes of the Qin family. Qin Kuo had already guessed that the old man was so quick to establish the master of the family to avoid this pass. If he could not, Qin Fen would be the master of the family, and he could lead the Qin family to continue to develop.

So after listening to Qin Kuo's words, Qin Fen stopped talking, but he was still unhappy.

He wanted to have a formal fight with Qin Tian before he left to see how powerful his strength was. Qin Tian saw his idea and said, "if you really want to win or lose, you can, I will satisfy you before I go. But during this period of time, you should be responsible for our food, drink and accommodation in the imperial capital. "

Smell speech Qin Fen smile, "you can rest assured, Qin family still can afford this money!"

Hearing this, Qin Tian couldn't help but wonder, "you Qin family, no, what business do we Qin family do? There is such a big house in the imperial capital, but it seems that there is no Qin family in these families."

Hearing what he said, Qin Fen recalled: "it's true that I asked when I was a child. Every time I went to those family gatherings, the Qin family always didn't show up, but it had a good relationship with several other remote families. At that time, I asked my grandfather, but my grandfather didn't say it at that time. Later, I asked in a hurry, and my grandfather told me that the Qin family's history of making a fortune didn't you know? "

"Is it because of the treasure?"

Qin Tian took over his words and asked, Qin Fen admitted: "yes, but the treasure is in the tomb. After they were sixty years old, everyone of Qin's ancestors came out

Listen to him say so, Qin Tian some understand, that should not be a curse, but in the poison or a genetic disease in the blood.

Otherwise, how can we solve the problem in the hospital for so many years? Besides, why doesn't anyone except the owner of the house have the curse? Look at those people who are not doing well?

Therefore, Qin Tian is more convinced that the 60 pass of the old man is the psychological function. In fact, if you want to recuperate, you can still do it, but the time is too long. There is a long time for Qin Tian to stay in the imperial capital for a year.

So after thinking about it, he didn't say the fact for the time being. He just wanted to go back and make a detailed diagnosis and treatment for the old man.

At that time, dozens of people had a hot meal in this hotel, which was paid by Qin Kuo.

This kid has made a lot of money by this opening. Qin Tian certainly won't let him go. Qin Kuo yells when he checks out. It's really a loss.

Qin Tian patted him on the shoulder, "do you want to come back again in the future? If you come and go, you still care about this money? Inviting our brothers to dinner is to give you face. I won't give them a chance if they want to

Qin Kuo said, "yes, I have the greatest face. Thank you."

Li Xinran laughed. She looked at Qin Kuo and made him feel embarrassed. Her face turned red.

"Qin Kuo, where are we going next? You see, everyone has had dinner, it seems that they are still very excited. It's our first time to visit the imperial capital. We've been bored in the Qin family for the past two days. Now we can't easily relax and tell us where to play? "

"Yes, Qin Kuo! It seems that you are good at playing. I asked the monkeys to find the club twice. They didn't play very well. Do you know where to have fun? Take us to the world. "Li Xinran and Qin Tian sing and sing together. Qin Kuo immediately supports his forehead when he hears it. Unexpectedly, Qin Tian can really pick the time. Just take them.

"In addition to the emperor and the club you went to that day, there is one of the most interesting, called the big world. But it depends on whether you dare to go. I'll pay for the membership fee. As long as you dare to play, we can have a good time! "

"Dare you? Is it a ghost house The monkey took over the quarrel, and Qin Kuo said with a mysterious smile, "no, it's that this club is different. It's built on the mountain. It's almost on the edge of the cliff, and there's sea water under it. I'm afraid you're afraid of water."

Qin Kuo's explanation made them more excited. Of course, they were going to go.

"What about you, Qin Fen?"

Qin Tian asked. Qin Fen raised his eyebrows. "I don't know about these things. Just take me there."

Qin Fen put his hands in his pockets, looking at Qin Kuo, it seems that he will eat him today.

Qin Kuo saw them clearly. It seemed that they would not let themselves go easily today. So he said in a loud voice: "you all come with me. Today I will sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman. I will spend all the money I win to you."

Qin Tian laughs, this kid just wants money. This time, he can earn at least ten million yuan. This little money still counts.

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