So he patted Qin Kuang on the shoulder, "I'm relieved. I will not let you suffer any losses. Take us to play a good time. I will teach you two tricks in the next few days. By the way, he will help you to talk good things in front of the old man, so that you can make more money."

Qin Kuang put his hand at his hand. "Forget it. You say that the old man jumped up. Every time he met you, he either blew his beard and stared at him, or he was almost dizzy by your anger. You still let him go!"

As soon as he said this, everyone laughed. Monkeys also knew what Qin Ping was like when he spoke. It was estimated that Qin's father was also angry with him.

So at this time, Qin Kuang said this, everyone laughed, Qin Fen also laughed at the side: "you put Grandpa, it would be bad if you were angry with me!"

Qin Tian had to shrug, "forget it, since you don't believe me, then it will be! However, we can not get drunk tonight, we should have a good time. Qin Kuang, hurry up, or it will be too late, we are not all energetic! "

Qin Kuo also did not waste words, with them straight to the club, this high-end club was jointly opened by several families in Beijing, usually also saw on the face of Qin family only gave him a membership card, today Qin Kuo brought so many people, the waiter looked at the door a little dark, Qin Kuo quickly plug a stack of money, the waiter's face is better.

Qin Tian was a little upset, "shall we come here to spend and see their face? Afraid we don't have money, don't we? "

Qin Kuo quickly shouted at him, "this card is for me by friends. Today, so many people are afraid of our trouble."

After explaining Qin Kuo to the waiter, he said, "please rest assured. We are all friends coming to the party. You can get us a bigger one. The big one holds five people. We will get together here. "

The waiter asked them to go up quickly, because Qin Tianwen Yan also paid a bunch of money, and saw the money, describing him no longer too much.

At this time, the attitude of the waiter changed greatly, and he didn't say anything hard to listen to, and brought them directly to a large room.

The room is located on the third floor. The club has the largest one on the third floor of the sixth floor. Qin Tian went in and looked at it. He nodded satisfied. This is almost the same. Then they were invited to come in, and the brothers gathered to play.

Because there are too many people, you don't have to ask girls to accompany. It's just the brothers sitting together singing and singing and bustling.

"Tiange, I didn't expect that the club service in Beijing was good, which was that we had less human feelings than ours. The waiter was cold and cold. If I had to change it in Songshan, I would have slapped it

Zhaodonghui sighed at one side, Qin Tian admitted that it was indeed such a truth, but this is incomparable with Songshan City, which is a high-grade club, which is used by the fulminant households at best.

"We don't have trouble here today. It's not my timidity. It's Qin Kuang's face. We should take care of his face!"

All nodded. Qin Kuo smiled and said, "nothing, big guys play well. Don't care about other things. In fact, these waiters are used to rich people, and they are bound to be arrogant. Usually, you are cruel to them, and they will listen to them, and don't care about their service attitude."

The so-called money can be ghost to push, this truth is the same everywhere.

They look at the rich. Usually they are arrogant. They see the guests dressed like this. They look down on people. However, when they see money, their faces are much better.

Qin Tian also knew that he did not care about it. Qin Kuo said the club was led by the forest family in Beijing. His relationship with the young master of the forest family was good.

"The forest family in Beijing? Lin Xiaoyao? " Qin Tian's words surprised Qin Kuo, "Lin Xiaoyao, you know it, she and I are small."

"With you is hair small?"

Qin Tian expressed great doubt. Qin Kuan raised his right hand and swore, "I won't cheat you. Before, the house of Lin family was near our Qin family. Our two families often went and went with each other. But then Lin moved away, and we were broken. But the land and land have been moving around again in recent years, so I say he is a little bit of me.

But Lin Xiaoyao seems to have been to Songshan recently. She won't be there for you? "

Li Xinran nodded and took over the conversation.

"Yeah, Xiaoyao lives with me. I didn't expect you to know each other. The world is too small. It's a big circle to go around. Big guys have been playing together. "

Qin Kuo sighed at the words: "but the Lin family seems to be in a bad mood recently."

Hearing Qin Kuo say so, Qin Tian frowns, "how not peaceful, I don't hear Xiao Yao said."

"Hi, she is a girl, and she doesn't care about it at all. But the boys in Lin's family are not simple. Xiaoyao's brothers and brothers have been fighting for a project very hard recently. The two of them have come up and want to fight them down, so the forest family is very busy in this period."

This is how the big family fights, even if there is blood relationship, fighting is also fierce!

Hearing Qin Kuo say that, Qin Tian has an idea. It's time to contact Lin Xiaoyao. If she needs help, she may be able to make some efforts.However, Li Xinran didn't speak, and Qin Tian didn't answer. After all, it's the Lin family's business. If Lin Xiaoyao is really in trouble, Qin Tian will not sit back and ignore it. After all, they know each other.

Qin Kuo sighed: "Xiao Yao has not been involved in the Lin family's affairs. After all, she is a girl, but I think those brothers of the Lin family will suffer.

These years, the fight between several houses has never stopped. Unlike our Qin family, they are still United. They are really fierce.

Sometimes they have broken arms and broken legs with knives behind them. "

Qin Kuo sighed. Hearing what he said, Qin Tian could not help being nervous. Although Xiaoyao is not the successor, if he really acted seriously, they might all have done it. Yes, after all, it's not impossible to break bones and tendons and use Lin Xiaoyao to pull them around.

Thinking of this, before Qin Tian opened his mouth, Li Xinran took the initiative to dial Lin Xiaoyao's phone, but did not know whether it was too late, Lin Xiaoyao did not answer.

Li Xinran shook his head at Qin Tian, and Qin Tian felt uneasy.

"Qin Kuo, you should pay attention to the Lin family at any time. If you have any problems, please tell me in time. In case of Lin Xiaoyao's accident, I have to go and have a look."

"Don't worry. The club belongs to the Lin family. If something happens, the club will not open for business."

With this sentence, Qin Tian is completely relieved, but a group of people did not expect that Lin Xiaoyao is now in the club, not far from them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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