Qin Kuo agrees, because Lin Xiaoyao is also his own child after all. If something happens to the Lin family, Lin Xiaoyao can't be alone!

So Qin Kuo called Lin Xiaoyao several times after he got off. Unfortunately, no one answered. Qin Kuo had to send her a message, but Lin didn't return.

In the room upstairs, Lin Xiaoyao was sitting on the sofa in a hurry. In front of her, several young people were making fun of her.

"Xiaoyao, if you come today, you can play with some friends. You say that you are a member of the Lin family, how can you stay out of it? It's not easy for us to fight outside. How can you enjoy all this? "

Lin Xiaoyao widened his eyes, "why do you take me with you in the second room? The money I spent is not yours, but I earned it by myself.

I have my own position in Lin's, and I have negotiated every list myself

"Xiaoyao, it's wrong for you to say that. Although you are also relying on your own efforts, you still have your back on the Lin family. Lin's position is not for you to spend money to play. You can see you go to Songshan city for several months. What did you do during this period? You have no contribution to Lin, but you are just a vase. What's wrong with my friend? "

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyao was about to explode, and he said in a loud voice, "how come you didn't contribute? I didn't talk about the list of Songshan city? You think I'm going to play! "

"You're just going to play. You're going to find a man with your best friend!"

The young man in front of him is Lin. He immediately threw out a piece of information. Lin Xiaoyao took a look at the photos of himself, Qin Tian and Li Xinran.

"You investigate me? What do you mean

Lin Xiaoyao was furious. Lin Zhi laughed but said nothing. Lin Xiaoyao stood up and said, "you mean I have to stay no matter what I do today, right?"

Lin Zhi nodded, but did not deny that, "accompany them well, this matter will be ignored, otherwise..."

"With you, uncle!" Lin Xiaoyao took the wine, splashed Lin Zhi on his face, and said in a sharp voice, "don't be shameless. It's just the garbage of the second room of the Lin family. I'm the young lady of the big room. If you dare to let me be the hostess, you will lose all the faces of the Lin family

Lin Xiaoyao's words made Lin Zhi's face livid, and the young man beside him laughed.

"Man, this is a senior club. There are many young ladies looking for a hostess. Why should I be so angry?"

"Yes, the girl has a tough temper. I'm afraid she can't leave today."

Lin Xiaoyao's face was pale. She silently covered her mobile phone in her pocket. She didn't know who was calling. However, Lin Xiaoyao was still a bit rational. She forced herself to calm down and quietly pressed the answer button, but she didn't say anything.

The voice clearly reached Qin Kuo here. The more Qin Kuo listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

Qin Tian looked at one side and frowned tightly, "what's wrong with you?"

Qin Kuo quickly reached out to stop him. Lin Xiaoyao's call came from the phone. Qin Kuo suddenly stood up and said, "there's something wrong with brother Tian. Xiaoyao is in danger! Xiaoyao, where are you? Xiaoyao

But there was no response.

Lin Xiaoyao knew that people in the mobile phone would be able to hear it, but now there is no way to explain, so he yelled: "you dare! This club is opened by my Lin family. You have the ability to touch my hair. I'm sure you can't bear it

Lin Xiaoyao's hair has been tightly grasped, his face is red and swollen, and his clothes are torn to reveal his shoulders.

Lin Zhi looked at Lin Xiaoyao with a grim smile on his face: "what if it was my Lin family? As a boss, how can you not treat the guests well? If you don't treat my brothers well today, you can't try to crawl out alive! "

Lin Xiaoyao clenched his lips and said, "I'll wait for you in the 38 box. If you have the seed, you'll kill me today. Otherwise, I will not let you off as a ghost. "

Qin Kuo downstairs a listen, immediately greet Qin Tian, "Tiange has an accident, Xiaoyao is here in room 318."

Qin Tian heard of an accident, without saying a word, rushed up with his brother. The waiter looked at the posture and quickly stopped him. Qin Tian knocked him unconscious with a machete.

"It's shameless to give you a face. I'll give you money. You're meddling with your business!"

After the fight, the monkeys immediately let people drag into the box to lock people up. Although Li Xinran was afraid, it was more dangerous here, so he followed Qin Tian to have a look.

The monkey sent two brothers to protect her. A group of people rushed up.

"Here it is!"

Room 318, Qin Tian kicked the room open, only heard a scream, and then rushed out a girl into his arms, it is Lin Xiaoyao.

"Xiaoyao, are you ok? I'm Qin Tian. "

Qin Tian hugs Qin Tian, who covers his face with tears of pear blossom and rain.

"It's OK. I'm here."

Qin tianrou voice comfort, Lin Zhi see the fire!

"Our Lin family's affairs are not in the charge of the Qin family! Where are you from, son of a bitchLin Zhi was very ashamed, Qin Tian sneered and sneered: "br >

" Lin family? Who admits you are a forest family? You said the Lin family, born by a little wife! "

Qin Tian broke him up without any politeness. Lin Zhi's face was white, but Qin Tian said it was right. He was born by the second house boss's wife, but nobody dared to say that in this place. But now people just opened this layer of paper, no wonder Lin Zhi's face is white.

"Who are you? I dare to take care of Laozi's business. You should know that this is the forest house's territory!"

"What about Lin family? No one can stop the people I want! "

Qin Tian scolded him back without any politeness. Qin Fen stayed aside and saw it for the first time. No one dared to go wild in Qin's house when he was in Qin's house before, so he couldn't see such a wonderful scene.

Lin Xiaoyao was in the arms of Qin Tian and said softly, "he is my cousin Lin Zhi, forcing me to accompany wine."

"He has lived for a long time. My cousin pulls out to accompany wine. You are a bitch. The blood in his bones is not as good as selling it yourself?"

Qin Tian's words aroused Lin Zhi's anger. Lin Zhiqi made a strong drink:

dare to play wild here! Come on, blow it out for me! "

The horse behind him was in a crowd, which means that it was actually the friends who played with him.

Because Qin Tian was locked in the door, they didn't know how many people he had.

But it depends on him and Qin Kuo, Qin Fen and monkey standing there to think they are few, plus two women, Lin Zhi thinks the winning ticket is in hand, so he dare to be so arrogant.

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