As a result, when they rushed up, Qin Tian kicked the man and flew over. Then the monkey roared at the back, "brothers, give them a lesson!"

As a result, a dozen people gathered around them.

The box was as silent as death.

Lin Zhi was stunned. He didn't expect that the boy had brought so many people. At the moment, his face was pale and he called out: "cheat the less with more, right? Do you dare to make trouble here? Believe it or not, someone will invite you to the police station for tea soon! "

Lin Xiaoyao dials his brother's phone at this time. The elder brother of the Lin family rushes to see his sister being bullied. He looks at Lin Zhi, and immediately understands.

Elder brother Lin came forward without saying a word, but slapped Lin Zhi in the face.

Suddenly Lin Zhi is furious. He is usually ridiculed by Lin Xiaoyao. Now he has to be slapped in the face of others. Lin Zhi is very angry!

"You dare to hit me!"

"What happened to you? What else can you do to me

Lin Zhi couldn't help but start at the words of Lin's elder brother. But seeing the people around him, especially Qin Tian's gloomy eyes, he immediately shook.

"Well, it's not over today! Let's go

Said Lin Zhi with his friends is about to go, Qin Tian step forward, tall figure will block him.

Lin Zhi a Leng, "what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Did I say you could go? Who hit her face just now

He lifted up Lin Xiaoyao's hair and printed a palm print on his face.

Lin Zhi was stunned and then roared, "what's wrong with my fight? Who told her to scold me

"You're calling? Which hand did you hit? "

"It was his right hand. It hurt. He tore my clothes!" Lin Xiaoyao complains in the side.

"All right, then take away his right hand."

At that time, Qin Tian did not hesitate to reach out and hold Lin Zhi's right wrist. With a slight pinch, Lin Zhi called out like a pig, and everyone trembled!

His wrist was pinched and broken. Lin Zhi was speechless and fell on the ground with cold sweat on his face!

"It's a lesson to meet for the first time. Dare to move my friend on my head, you are still a little tender

Qin Tian looks at him coldly.

Lin Zhi looked at him with a cold sweat on his face and forced his clothes to ache and asked, "who are you?"

"Who am I? Didn't anyone tell you? "

The people next to Lin Zhi looked at Qin Tian and the photos on the table and said in a trembling voice: "brother Zhi, he seems to be Lin Xiaoyao's friend Qin Tian."

Qin Tian nodded, "you boy still has some eyesight, I am Qin Tian, how, don't you feel familiar?"

Qin Tian's words made them tremble, but Lin Zhi said, "even if you are that, what? This is the imperial capital. It's not Songshan city. What kind of big head are you playing here with so many people? Be careful that you will be taken as a gangster. "

Qin Tian Xiaoxiao was about to speak when he was stopped by elder brother Lin, "I'll solve this matter. You take Xiaoyao out first."

Qin Tian nods. Anyway, the boy's wrist has been pinched by himself, which can be regarded as anger for Lin Xiaoyao. As for the rest, it's up to the Lin family to solve it themselves. So Qin Tian nodded and stopped talking. He took Lin Xiaoyao and turned out.

Back in the box, the waiter who was knocked unconscious by himself just woke up and saw Qin Tian bringing people back. He was about to speak. Qin Tian raised his hand and slapped him in the past, "what's the matter? Want a message, right? Did you see who she was? Do you dare to do so in the future? "

The waiter nodded in fear. "I know I'm wrong, brother. Forgive me, and I'll never dare again."

Qin Tian waved his hand and let him quit. The waiter left in a hurry with his walkie talkie. Qin Tian glared at him and scared him to flee.

At this time, Lin Xiaoyao sat by his side, Qin Kuo quickly brought ice to her to deal with, while comforting: "nothing has passed."

"Thank you. If it wasn't for you today, maybe I would..."

Lin Xiaoyao hoarse, Qin Fen in the side to see the heart is not taste.

At the end of the day, the Lin family also made friends with them. Qin Fen sighed that it was still simpler for the Qin family.

But if it's not like this, how can you meet the Lin family?

Qin Tian sighed, "fortunately, Qin Kuo made that phone call. Otherwise, we don't know what happened to you. How could you come out to such a place with your cousin? It's a clubhouse, but it's dangerous if there's no one to follow. "

Qin Tian said so, Lin Xiaoyao's face turned red. She didn't say anything, just shook her head.

Li Xinran smashed Qin Tian's arm and said, "don't ask. She's a girl's family is also forced. Otherwise, who will come here? "

Qin Tian understood that Lin Xiaoyao had her own difficulties. Today, she was lucky to meet them and play here. Otherwise, it would be over.Lin Xiaoyao also felt that he was afraid. It was the first time that he had encountered such a situation.

"Forget it, you don't have to say it. You scared Xiaoyao. She is a girl who needs to be comforted! Today, everyone is out to play. Don't let Xiaoyao feel the burden is too heavy and the pressure is too big. "

Li Xinran's words let everyone agree, she patted Lin Xiao Yao's shoulder, helped her to arrange clothes, comb her hair, only then looked at her face, has already eliminated many with the help of ice, then lay a foundation, then basically can not see.

Lin Xiaoyao looked at Li Xinran gratefully. "Sister Xinran is right. In fact, I came here to play today. Anyway, it's my own place. I didn't expect to say hello when I met him on the way. But this guy If I don't tell my grandfather when I go back, let him teach him a lesson

When Lin Xiaoyao thought about it, he felt very angry.

"You don't have to teach."

All of a sudden, a voice came over. Lin's elder brother came in. Seeing Qin Tian, he nodded, "thank you for today's business."

"Thank you for everything. It's all friends. Xiaoyao's business is my business. How are you doing? " Elder brother Lin took a look at Xiaoyao. "I'll talk about the family affairs at home. I'm afraid the boy can't get up for a while and a half. I had his leg broken. "

Lin's elder brother is understatement. Qin Tian admires him. It seems that Lin's elder brother is also a cruel man! He is not soft on his family.

But who can like such a brother? I dare to think of my sister.

Lin Xiaoyao saw his elder brother's eyes and got up to thank him, "thank you for today's business. I'll invite you to dinner some other day, and I'll go first. "

Lin elder brother here, they also inconvenient to say anything more, Qin Tian and Li Xinran then got up to see him off. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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