Brother Lin took Lin Xiaoyao and left. Lin Xiaoyao asked softly, "when we go back later, how can you explain to them? The people in the second room are not idiots. It's really troublesome to make trouble again at that time."

"Don't worry. I've told my grandfather that if these punks dare to do this to you, they will never come to a good end. I taught them a lesson today, and they won't dare next time. "

When he said that, Lin Xiaoyao understood, but he was still worried. But she's afraid of nothing here.

"Thank you today, brother."

"Thank you, my family. Besides, that friend of yours is a real person. He doesn't speak too much, and his hand is quick and accurate. This time Lin Zhi has suffered a lot. I looked at his wrist. Even if he is a professional bone surgeon, this hand may be useless in the future."

Lin Xiaoyao is not surprised to hear that. Lin zhidare to move his heart.

"Brother, you don't know. Qin Tian is a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Songshan city. If he does it, he will have no problem. I'll see what Qin Tian will do about it

She knows Qin Tian's character. If the second room's people ask for help, Qin Tian will agree. Maybe he will make a mistake. This is a later story. However, Lin Xiaoyao guessed it, and Qin Tian did.

He never pays attention to people who look bad. But if people ask hard, he will also reluctantly agree.

But whether it can be cured or not depends on the amount of medical expenses.

Lin Xiaoyao knows Qin Tian very well. Elder brother Lin sees it in his eyes and asks intentionally: "it can be seen that you know him very well."

"Of course, when I was in Songshan, I spent most of my time at his home. Sister Xinran and I are very good friends

When she said this, brother Lin understood, "is he from the Qin family? I didn't expect to see Qin Kuo and Qin Fen come out just now. It's really strange. "

When he said this, Lin Xiaoyao's eyes lit up. "I didn't pay attention to it just now. How could Qin Fen come out with this little antique?"

"Don't say that. They are only about your age."

"Why is he not a little antique? He was taught by grandfather Qin. It's not fun, it's not fun! "

Elder brother Lin said with a wry smile, "if you have been locked by the old man for more than ten years and can't practice martial arts, you will be like this. Qin Fen also had a hard time doing so. In the future, we should move more with the Qin family. When you meet Qin Fen, you should not tease him all the time. "

"Yes, brother." Lin Xiaoyao laughed. When she was young, she saw Qin Fen as a little old man, so she teased Qin Fen.

At this time, elder brother Lin reminds him that Lin Xiaoyao spits out his tongue mischievously. When he was a child, he was really carefree. At that time, the people in the second room of the Lin family were not so arrogant, and the relationship between her and Lin Zhi was also very good. I don't know when everything changed. The second room began to breed his own desire, greedy and frequently dealt with them.

In order to stay away from the dispute, Lin Xiaoyao went to Songshan city.

However, I didn't expect that the people in the second room were still chasing after each other. They actually made such a thing in their own club today.

When the incident reached the ears of grandfather Lin, the old man of the Lin family was so angry that he was about to teach the second room a lesson, but he heard a report from his servant that Lin Zhi had been broken in his leg and his wrist. It seems that all this has something to do with the Qin family.

Mr. Lin's anger suddenly disappeared, and waved them down.

The little lady of the second room wanted to say something more, but she was stared at by the old man's eyes. Suddenly, she did not dare to speak. She could only go back and hug Lin Zhi and cry.

Lin Zhitong's face is full of cold sweat! Met his mother is still crying beside, immediately upset.

"Mom, don't shout there. I'm like this now! If you make your grandfather unhappy again, I'll give you a scolding, and my injury will be in vain

Hearing this, Mrs. Lin stopped crying. Looking at her son's face, she couldn't help but feel heartache. "You said that you should go and ask Lin Xiaoyao to do something. You don't know that she is the apple of the big house. You're still going to provoke her. Well, we're not flattered to be beaten back like this. I'll be scolded by the old man. "

As soon as Mrs. Lin saw her son like this, she was very angry. This guy didn't succeed enough, but he failed more than once!

Lin Zhi was in a cold sweat and said angrily, "it's not for you. If it wasn't for you, how could I be so angry? I didn't want to move Lin Xiaoyao, but she told me that I was born by a concubine. How can I not teach her a lesson? In the Lin family, no matter how good I am, the old man is not very pleased with me. He can ride on my head regardless of his age. How can I swallow this breath? "

Lin Zhi's angry voice made the second room wife of the Lin family say in a deep voice: "we just have to bear it. You say you are a family. If you become a family, marry a wife and give birth to a child, you will have more property. Now, you play around and get infected with these friends. How can I explain to your father when I come back?If you knew you had moved Lin Xiaoyao, it would have been another fight! "

Hearing his mother say so, Lin Zhicai knows how powerful! Lin Xiaoyao really has the ability to deal with the Qin family and help them. He is not a vegetarian, and this is not the only one in the Qin family.

Qin Kuo is like a grandson when he is outside. Now he's OK. He doesn't know what kind of shit he's gone. He's got a relationship with Qin Tian. He dares to beat himself!

Lin Zhi's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness. Looking at her mother, she reminded her: "after a while, when my father comes back, you can tell him that all the things are caused by me. Let him come to me. And then I'll give my dad what Lin Xiaoyao said to me today. I'll keep my tears and cry until then. Do you hear me

Lin Zhi gave advice to his mother. The second room lady heard this and nodded.

"I know. Don't worry. This time I have to let this little cheap hoof know how powerful and move my son. I will not let her feel better."

Lin Zhi waved her other hand and asked her to step back. With this mother here, no matter what she does, she just knows how to cry and be jealous.

Every time Lin Zhi thinks of his own unhappy life, he wants to fight for something, but his second wife is always here to hold him back.

It's not crying for the master to make decisions for him, or to buy and buy them. So the old man doesn't look up to their mother and son. She can't help with all the things in the Lin family, so she only spends money. What big family likes such a woman? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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