Lin Zhi tells his mother that the more she thinks about it, the more angry he feels. Lin Xiaoyao, a stinky girl, actually joins the Qin family to make herself so miserable. Looking at her broken wrist and leg, Lin Zhi's first thought is to break her muscles and bones for a hundred days. Three months later, he gets up again, and then he can clean up Lin Xiaoyao. However, he can't move in these three months Legs are wrapped in thick gauze, move on the heart of the pain.

Lin Zhi has never had a fracture, so I don't know whether the pain is normal or abnormal. Always thought that he broke his hands and feet, my father should love himself when he came back. Did not expect Lin Fu to come back, the first sentence is to ask: "Lin Zhi, where is this little beast?"

The second room lady felt something was wrong when she heard it. She pointed to the upstairs and said, "he was injured upstairs. What happened to him?"

Mr. Lin didn't speak, but went straight to the second floor. Seeing this, Mrs. Lin immediately followed her. Opening the door, she saw Lin Zhi lying in bed.

Lin Zhi was also shocked by the look on his father's face. Seeing his father standing in front of him, he said, "Dad, how did you come?"

Hearing this, Lin Fu's face was full of anger: "little beast! If I don't come, I don't know. You should have made such a disaster for me today

Lin Zhi didn't understand, and the second lady of Lin was not happy when he was listening, "did he make trouble? He was beaten like this, and he made trouble for you. Are you confused? His wrist was broken and his leg was broken. Obviously, it was our fault. Why did he make trouble? What's more, it's not the little bitch's hand that moved first

"It's all you, and you're protecting him! Little beast, I'd like to take Lin Xiaoyao to the wine. Are the ladies of the Lin family comparable to those women of the dust? So you don't know what you're going to take back, son of a bitch? Even if you get married and have children in the future, there is no inheritance of a dime. Our two rooms are all implicated by you son of a bitch. Can you tell me if you made a big mistake? You must be killed today

Lin Fu said, turning to look for rattan family law to serve. When his father ran to the door, he couldn't see how far he could get out of the bed.

A cane pulled on his body, and he grinned with pain.

"Dad, Dad! Don't do it. Listen to me. I didn't mean to

Lin Zhi is worried. Knowing that his father is really moving this time, he quickly asks for mercy, but his father doesn't buy it.

"Why don't you explain! I always told you to do nothing about them. You don't believe it. Now it's OK, because your inheritance right has been cancelled. In the future, what position can I have in Lin's family? Finally, the director will get it. As a result, all of them are destroyed by you. You are such a broom star

Lin Fu angrily took a cane on his body. Lin Zhi showed his teeth in pain, but he did not dare to speak. He was afraid that his father would not be happy if he spoke.

Mrs. Lin looked aside and kept crying and pleading, "please don't fight. He knows he's wrong. We won't mess with him in the future. Lin Xiaoyao, let's not make trouble again in the future. Master, don't be angry

Mrs. Lin's second wife cried bitterly. Lin's father took a long time to stop.

"You little beast, please make yourself at home in the future! When I see Lin Xiaoyao walking around me, if you mess with her again, I won't let you off first! "

Lin's father was so angry that he threw down the cane and turned away. The second lady of Lin was shaking and stroking Lin Zhi's face. He cried and said nothing.

Lin Zhi, with a gloomy face, endured the pain and said: crying means crying! You must know that he dares to do this to me because you are useless

"But what can I do?"

Mrs. Lin began to cry wrongly. How could her son dislike her?

Lin Zhi couldn't help rolling his eyes, and he didn't know why his father chose her. If a woman like her mother was changed, he would never touch her. It was helpless.

Lin Zhi's whole body aches, not only because of his wrists and legs, but also because of the place where he was beaten by his father. This time, Lin Zhi completely hates Lin Xiaoyao.

Lin Xiaoyao went back to the Lin family and went to see the old man with his elder brother. The moment he saw him, Lin Xiaoyao began to cry without waiting for him to open his mouth.

After hearing the whole story, Mr. Lin was so angry that he called Lin Zhi on the spot.

Knowing that the old man had to settle accounts with himself, Lin Zhi couldn't help but howl, "his mother broke his hand and foot, what else should he say! Lin Xiaoyao, do you dare to complain? OK, we are not finished! When I'm ready, let's see what I can do with this little bitch

If Lin Xiaoyao doesn't let him go, let this little bitch look for evidence by himself. Anyway, he didn't let Lin Xiaoyao go to the club. She came to the box by herself.

Lin Zhi's words reached the old man's ears. The old man's face was full of anger. He pointed to the servant and said, "if you let him climb for me, you should also climb here. If I don't climb here, I'll let someone throw him out in an hour and let him live and die on his own! Don't go back to the Lin family in the future! "

Although Lin Zhi complained, he didn't dare to do the right thing with the old man, so he went to the old man's room in a wheelchair."Grandfather, do you want me?"

"Don't call me grandfather!"

The old man was so angry that Lin Zhicai saw Lin Xiaoyao looking at himself with pride. He knew that she was trying to find fault.

So he said, "grandfather, are you misunderstood?"

"What misunderstanding? Look at it

Lin Xiaoyao cleverly put his head on the past, and the old man glared round his eyes and said angrily, "look at this face, which you beat. It's also called misunderstanding. She is your cousin. You even let her go to accompany the wine. You've lost all our faces in the Lin family. You're willing to degenerate. You dare to make Xiaoyao's idea! Do you think you should die? "

What master Lin said made Lin Zhi feel cold. He didn't expect him to look at himself like this. What's more, he didn't expect Lin Xiaoyao to pursue him. First, he was beaten by Qin Tian and then beaten by his father. Now he is in the master's bedroom and scolded by the old man in front of Lin Xiaoyao!

Half an hour later, Lin Zhi apologized and slapped in the face. Then he came out in a wheelchair. Lin Zhi secretly vowed that if Lin Xiaoyao was not allowed to die, he would never give up!

They are all the children of the Lin family. Why can Lin Xiaoyao enjoy all the love and love, and he will suffer great humiliation. All of them belong to the Lin family. Because he was born by his little wife, he has been ridiculed since he was a child. So far, Lin Zhi has a shadow in his heart, so he must suffer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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