Lin Xiaoyao also guessed, but she was not afraid. Now in the Lin family, her grandfather would send someone to protect her. With this experience of the Lin family, Qin Fen and others went back to talk about it with the old man. The old man's face was a little gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "you'd better not interfere in the Lin family's affairs. It's more complicated. Those rooms are not fuel-efficient lamps. Although Lin Xiaoyao's house looks beautiful, it is not very good in fact, especially in Lin Zhi's room.

That woman got in touch with Lin Zhi's father when she was young, but now she's old enough to know that's not the case at all. The relationship of the Lin family is complicated. You must not be shot at by others. "

Qin Tian didn't think so. He was about to speak but was stopped by Li Xinran's eyes. It's better to listen to the old people.

After Qin Tian received Li Xinran's eyes, he had to hold back. Qin Fen was surprised to see that Qin Tian didn't speak or refute. It's really strange that Qin Tian didn't speak or refute.

After dinner, several people sat around chatting. Qin Tian took the initiative to tell the old man, "I gave you a needle before, and almost all the blockage in the blood vessels has been cleared out. However, I may not be able to pass the 60 mark in the end."

"Do you know that the 60th National Congress is a matter of concern?"

The old man was a little surprised, but when he thought of Qin Fen being with him, he must have said it.

Qin Tian nodded, "the Qin family knows everything about this. I've heard more or less from them. Don't you choose the owner because of this? So I know it's no surprise. But I really want to find out one thing. What does this have to do with the curse of the ancestors of the Qin family? After all these years, can the curse be chosen automatically, and only the owner can be cursed? "

It's not going to happen, is it? Qin Tian always wanted to know that there must be another secret.

The old man didn't know. He replied, "that's what the last owner said to me. Every family will die suddenly at the age of 60. I don't know why. Even if the family is well behaved, it will be the same at home. We suspected it was an accident before, but..."

"But in fact, if it was not an accident,"

Qin Tian took over the argument, "if only someone deliberately made a game to make you think it was a curse?" The old man was stunned and didn't expect that there would be such a possibility. But on second thought, it seemed impossible, so he shook his head. "The ancestors of the Qin family have passed through several generations. If there is someone to do the game, then this person must have a close relationship with the Qin family. But at that time, it seems that no one else except the Qin family knew about it, so this possibility is not very high. "

Qin Tian frowned, "so if it's the Bureau of Qin's own family, it's not strange at all. It is not uncommon to fight for the position of the head of the family. So I said that in the final analysis, there is a ghost saying, but I don't believe in cursing me. Let me see what your body is like

Of course, Qin Tian believes that Li Xiaoshuang and ghost Dou are not all ready-made examples. It can be said that the curse, or the curse of the tomb, Qin Tian does not believe it.

If this is the case, why did Li Xiaoshuang have to wait for so many years to get revenge? He had already cursed his enemy to death.

Therefore, Qin Tian felt that the symptoms of his illness were still in the person himself, so he wanted to persuade him to carefully regulate his pulse to see if he could survive the 60 mark.

The old man held out his hand in disbelief, but Qin Kuo and others did not dare to give out the atmosphere, for fear that something might disturb Qin Tian.

Qin Tian felt strange that the old man's pulse was very stable, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with that day except those needles. Moreover, the old man practiced martial arts for a long time, and he was in good health. Basically, there was no big problem.

So Qin Tian meditated and took a long time to take back his hand. Then he said, "it's no big problem. You're in good health. After the injection that day, all the remaining obstructions in the body have been discharged. Basically, there is nothing left. How are you feeling recently? Just two days. "

The old man really felt different from the past. He felt refreshed and relaxed, so he nodded: "it's really comfortable, but before the 60 mark, no one can be sure. The last few owners are healthy, every year physical examination, also did not find any problems. But at the age of 60, he died inexplicably. Maybe, forget it. Don't give me a diagnosis. Everyone has his own destiny. Let's leave it to God. Anyway, the owner has been selected. I don't have any regrets. Even if I die, I can teach you well in the last year. "

The old man's words look open-minded, in fact, Qin Fen's eyes have been red, he tried to bear it, turned his head and no longer looked at him.

The old man patted Qin Fen on the shoulder! What's the matter? Put away your tears! In the future, the Qin family still needs you to take part in the battle. You must not let me down. "

Qin Fen sucked his nose and said in a deep voice, "I know, grandfather."

Qin Tian looked together and couldn't help shaking his head, "do you think I'm dead? I said that I would not let you have anything to do with it. There is no such thing as curse. Many people are people-made. Most of the time, death is man-made or coincidence. Sometimes it looks like an accident, but it's not an accident. I don't know how the previous owners died? Is there a record? "Qin Tian wants to find out, which is also very important for him.

The old man told people to prepare some information for him, "the life of the masters of all dynasties is here. Take a closer look. Anyway, my father has seen through the 60 levels. It's no big deal. I've lived and flourished in my life. It's nothing. You young people don't have to bear so much psychological burden. "

The old man said to get up and go, Li Xinran in the back of admiration, "did not expect the old man this age, can be so open-minded."

On the contrary, they are a little fussy.

Qin Tian knows that the old man is comforting Qin Fen. After all, Qin Fen has been with him for nearly 20 years.

From babbling to adulthood, he has been deeply taught by the old man for so many years. Now he suddenly hears the old man say that there is only one year to live. Of course, Qin Fen's heart is depressed. He is so flustered that he can't sit still.

"Take your time. If you have any news, please contact me. I'll go down first."

Then he got up and left. Qin Tian nodded and studied Qin Kuo and Li Xinran carefully in the room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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