Seeing the life of successive family owners, Qin Tian said with emotion: "it's really unexpected that it's not easy to be a master. If I'm as tired as they are, not to mention 60 years old or 50 years old, I won't be able to survive."

Every generation of family owners, especially the previous ones, are very hard-working. They not only have to support the whole Qin family, but also face the changes of the times and the impact of various factors on this family. It is really not easy.

That generation was really hard work. It was not easy to get to this generation, but in the big environment, the Qin family had to face it positively.

The reason for the present achievements is also the wealth accumulated by previous generations. So the burden on Qin Fen's shoulders is heavier.

Qin Tian patted Qin Kuo on the shoulder, "you should help Qin Fen well after I left, or I'm really afraid that he will die of overwork."

Qin Kuo took a look at him and said, "bah, what crow's mouth, what's the death of overwork? How old is Qin Fen? Besides, don't forget that Qin family has so many side disciples. Even if Qin Fen can't do it alone, we will help. How can we let him die so young and young?"

Qin Kuo's words made Qin Tian laugh, "can you be serious? I'm just worried that if he's too burdened and under great psychological pressure, he may die suddenly, but it's just for prevention and control. I'm in the Qin family these days. I'll give them a diagnosis and treatment. You'll learn from it. If you're young, don't always go to the bar and dance, pay attention to your body, so as not to let Zhang Lingling disappointed. "

Qin Tian said and began to gag, Qin Kuo rolled a white eye, "you still care about yourself, I see sister-in-law look at you these two days are very sad."

In front of Li Xinran's face, Qin Kuo made fun of him. Qin Tian glared at him and turned his head to comfort Li Xinran, "don't listen to his nonsense. This little dog can't spit out ivory."

"If a dog spits Ivory out of his mouth, everyone has a dog. What else does he keep an elephant for?"

Qin Kuo's fallacies make Qin Tian speechless. He really admires Qin Kuo and can answer anything.

"Well, I'll stop talking to you. I'd better go and see the brothers in the side branches. I'm too sorry to win them so much money that day. I have to comfort them and invite them to dinner. By the way, I'll inquire about the information of the Lin family, so that Lin Xiaoyao won't suffer. Lin Zhi is not a fuel-efficient lamp." Qin Kuo's mind is still very careful.

Qin Tian thinks it's very reasonable. Indeed, Lin Xiaoyao hasn't contacted them these days. He doesn't know what's going on with Lin's family. They never expect Lin Xiaoyao to be so wonderful after he goes back.

Sure enough, a rich family is a rich one, and the relationship is complicated. Although it makes a lot of money, it is not as happy as that of a poor family.

Lin Xiaoyao has lived in the Lin family since childhood, enjoying everything the eldest lady should enjoy, but also bearing great pressure.

For example, in the complex relationship between men and women, Lin Xiaoyao was born by Dafang Fang, and Lin Zhi was born by the second wife.

Lin Xiaoyao's second uncle had a happy marriage when he was young. Unfortunately, he was disturbed by the second wife of Lin.

Since Lin Zhi was born, uncle Lin has been going downhill. The old man blamed all this on Mrs. Lin, so he didn't have a good face for him.

Now Lin Zhi has provoked Lin Xiaoyao, and the old man will not let him go easily.

Lin Xiaoyao also knew that, so after finding a supporter, she settled down in the Lin family and lived a comfortable life for a few days. She thought of Li Xinran and didn't tell her when she came to the imperial capital.

Lin Xiaoyao looked at these days, Lin Zhian stabilized a lot, so he called Li Xinran to go shopping. Li Xinran was so bored at home that he agreed.

Because Qin Tian had to help the old man of the Qin family to take care of her, they went out alone.

Two people walking in the street, did not notice that someone behind them was staring at them, saw two people talking and laughing, the video came to Lin Zhi, angry Lin Zhiya itching, little bitches like to go shopping, right? Let them hang out for a while!

Lin Xiaoyao and Li Xinran did not notice that their every move was seen in the eyes.

The two of them went to a boutique store. Xiaoyao saw her favorite earring ornaments, and quickly pulled Li Xinran into the selection.

"Look, Xinran, I'll give you one later. I haven't thank you for that day."

Li Xinran chuckled, "what's wrong with that, but is your family OK recently? Is your cousin still bothering you

Lin Xiaoyao curled his mouth and said, "he was taught a lesson by the second uncle and my grandfather. Now he can't get up in bed. He can finally stop."

Lin Xiaoyao thought that Lin Zhi was not like this when he was a child. How can he be like a changed person now.

"Forget it, don't talk about him, you choose!"

There are a lot of people in the jewelry store, and they are separated by several people. Li Xinran didn't pay attention at the beginning, but after picking it up, she saw Lin Xiaoyao's soft body leaning against a man. She was scared and cried out: "Xiaoyao, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Xiaoyao did not have a voice, but the man anxiously said: "is there something wrong with her? Take it to the hospitalLi Xinran also did not know what was wrong with Lin Xiaoyao. He was about to talk. The man helped him out. Li Xinran followed up.

She didn't think too much, just felt Lin Xiaoyao fainted at this time, is it some uncomfortable!

In a hurry, Li Xinran did not think why the stranger was so enthusiastic, and thought that everyone in Beijing was so so, so he followed a small car on the side of the road.

After the man got on the car, he turned back to Li Xinran and said, "the nearest hospital may be in five minutes. You have been sitting still and helping her. We will start now."

Li Xinran nodded and thanked her. Li Xinran was supporting Xiaoyao all the way after the vehicle started. She didn't notice the outside. When he looked up again, she felt that the road was getting wider and wider. She was surprised. She looked around and asked, "isn't it five minutes away?"

The driver didn't speak. Li Xinran was anxious. The hospital where he came looked like nothing around him and was becoming more and more remote. Li Xinran realized that he was in danger.

She just had to take out her cell phone, and the car stopped on the road suddenly. Then she was forced out by several people from all directions. Li Xinran knew that he was kidnapped again.

"What do you want to do? Do you know it's illegal? "

The driver laughed, "breaking the law? You are the first time to visit Beijing. Don't you know this is your territory? Let's play with you today. You say how tender and slippery this face is! "

He said that his hand covered Li Xinran's face, and Li Xinran raised his hand and gave him a slap, which made the man furious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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