But his palms had not fallen down, his wrist seemed to be clamped by something, followed by a sharp pain, and before he could shout out, his whole body flew out!

Li Xinran was stunned, and then thought that it should be Li Xiaoshuang who helped her, so she roared: "if you don't want to die, you'd better let us go, otherwise, you'll have a good time later!"

The men looked at each other and found that after their companions were thrown out, they didn't believe in evil and surrounded one after another. Li Xinran put on a martial arts move and urged one of them. Before his fist touched his face, the man flew out.

Li Xinran's heart is happy, it seems that Li Xiaoshuang has already known her intention, and quickly poses to those people.

Li Xiaoshuang cooperated with her and knocked these men to the ground. They saw Li Xinran and looked at her in horror as if they had seen a ghost.

"What's going on?"

Several of them found something wrong. The woman didn't touch them at all, but a strong attack unexpectedly knocked them down one after another.

"I've seen the ghost, my brothers. It must be the evil spirit."

"What shall we do? If you can't pay the work back, the little ancestor must jump off! "

At the beginning, the driver fell down on the ground, rubbed his hurt chest and said: "don't worry about her, I won't believe in evil. Take out our things, there is one thing. Anyway, we can't let them leave today."

They winked at each other and picked up the iron bars at hand. Some of them besieged Li Xinran, while others bound Lin Xiaoyao, leaving Li Xiaoshuang indifferent.

Her mission is to protect Li Xinran, but Li Xinran is anxious to protect Lin Xiaoyao. For a while, Li Xiaoshuang is unable to do what she wants.

Li Xiaoshuang is very embarrassed. She has to make a choice on both sides. It's such a stupefied effort that Lin Xiaoyao is taken away because those people can see that Lin Xiaoyao is not in charge of.

Li Xinran was in a hurry, commanding Li Xiaoshuang to buckle the driver. She could see that the talent was their head.

"If there's something wrong with my friend, you can't escape!"

The driver yelled: "Stinky bitch, if you dare to move me, don't you dare to be known by our people and rape you first and then kill you!"

Seeing him dare to be arrogant, Li Xinran said angrily, "can you try to get close to me? I tell you, I have bodyguards around me. If you don't want to die too ugly, you'd better cooperate. If Xiaoyao is short of a hair, I'll peel off your skin. If you don't believe it, try it! "

With the help of Li Xiaoshuang, she threw the man on the ground, stepped on his face, took out a knife from his pocket and aimed at his neck artery. She snapped: "if you touch Xiaoyao again, I'll pierce his artery. I'm a nurse. I know how to do it the fastest and most accurately. You don't believe you can try it!"

Li Xinran is ruthless and doesn't care about anything. Lin Xiaoyao suddenly moves for a moment. When you wake up, you are stunned to see Li Xinran. Then you see those strange faces and scream: "who are you?"

"Xiao Yao!"

Li Xinran's voice let Xiaoyao quiet down, look around, she realized that she was kidnapped.

Lin Xiaoyao immediately calmed down, and his brain quickly turned to understand.

"What do you want? Did Lin Zhi ask you to come here? "

Hearing Lin Zhi's two words, the driver was obviously stunned. Li Xinran understood that it was a stinky boy again!

"You don't know how he broke his wrist when his leg was broken by our men?

If my husband knew you had kidnapped me, you would be dead! "

Li Xinran's voice let them several look at each other, they also thought that if it was really like this, it would be too much to lose. They only gave them two million, and they didn't have to die for these two women.

So the driver raised his hand to surrender: "forget it, forget it, this time I'm in bad luck, let her go!"

Two million is more important than one's own life.

"But the boss

Those people are not willing to give up the two million.

"What else can you do? We can't do them. Let them go

Hearing what he said, those people had to let Lin Xiaoyao go. Xiaoyao quickly walked to Li Xinran's side. Li Xinran asked Li Xiaoshuang to lift the driver high. In front of them, the driver was suspended in the air, which made them pale.

Li Xinran threatened them: "if you dare to do it again, I promise he will become a sieve.

Try it if you don't believe it

With that, he took Lin Xiaoyao and ran out. Li Xiaoshuang stopped behind, but those people couldn't get out.

When they saw this, they realized that the two women were indeed evil, and they were immediately afraid and did not know what to do.

The first driver frowned painfully and scolded: "let me down! Is Lin Zhi kidding us? If we find these two women, we can't earn two million dollars. Where do we put our face? ""Boss, what should we do now?"

"What else can I do? Catch up! Avoid that woman and just catch Lin Xiaoyao. "

Anyway, we have to take it back to hand over the work, even if it is not for the sake of two million yuan, we have to breathe out. We can't let a group of big men be fooled by two women. After this is spread out, who else will come to them?

Several men all nodded and rushed out. Li Xinran took Lin Xiaoyao and said in a trembling voice: "call Qin Tian and let them come to save us!"

It looks like a suburb. Even if the two of them run, it will take a long distance to see the car.

Lin Xiaoyao felt on her body. She had just lost all her bags in it. She was worried, "sister Xinran, what should I do now? My cell phone is gone. "

Li Xinran felt on her body. She must have fallen when she was struggling with them.

She couldn't help but regret and called out to the void behind her: "Xiaoshuang, please help me to inform Qin Tian."

Li Xiaoshuang clenched her lips, looked at her, and then looked at the position behind her. Those people had already caught up. Now, if she's going to leave, she can't.

It's too late to inform Qin Tian. It's better to solve it all at once!

Li Xiaoshuang rushed out behind him and knocked them all to the ground. The ghost claws were stretched out and several people screamed. Li Xinran heard the voice and looked back. His eyes widened. The shirt on the front of the driver's chest was scratched, with bloodstains and blood oozing on the ground, and several of his people were also rifled.

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