Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao screamed at the appearance, and the soul was scared.

Li Xiaoshuang returned to her and shouted in her ear, "go away, I will deal with this matter, and no one will guess it is you who did it."

Look at this, and the wound is definitely not made by ordinary people.

Li Xinran calmed down his mood a little after he was stable, and pulled Lin Xiaoyao to continue running forward. "Xiaoyao, you just don't see anything. We went back and went shopping, and we didn't see anyone else, understand? "

Although Lin Xiaoyao did not understand, he nodded. She can't think about it. She was stunned by the scene just now. She has lived for so many years and has never seen such strange things.

Li Xinran, who was unwilling to say it, would not ask, but it was always in her mind, and it could not be settled down for a long time.

After running for more than an hour, they finally came to the road to stop a car and left. Because they had no money, Lin Xiaoyao took his Earrings down and paid for it.

When they finally met Qin Tian in the city, the monkeys looked around, learned the story and looked at the pale faces of the two. Qin Tian comforted: "don't be afraid, those are just the little mischievous who collect money and work. They die when they die. There are not many big events in the capital. Besides, it is involved in Lin family. The influence of Lin family has not succeeded in this matter "The question."

Qin Tianzhen followed Lin Xiaoyao and told her, "Xiaoyao, you go back and say to your brother. Don't irritate Lin Zhi again. This time he dare to treat you like this, you must take a few more people next time you go out. As for those mixed people, Lin Zhi will be in a smooth manner. "

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Lin Xiaoyao understands.

"You can rest assured. We will not sit down and ignore it. I understand. Just I am still afraid. Today, this scene is so weird. Will there be any other trouble? "

After all, he died, but he died in that way. Lin Xiaoyao was worried.

Li Xinran knew that it would not be accepted to do anything like this for anyone.

Lin Xiaoyao is more worried. If this incident is passed on, it will surely make people think that she and Li Xinran are different. It will be bad to have any trouble when it comes to that time.

Li Xinran calmed down and comforted: "nothing, Xiaoyao. This is the first time we saw this kind of thing, maybe God has an eye, or maybe the place itself is not peaceful. But didn't we escape? We will be fine, you don't think much, go back to a hot bath, a good sleep, that's all. "

After finishing Li Xinran gave Qin Kuo an eye, Qin Kuo immediately understood and took Lin Xiaoyao's hand to comfort: "don't think much, I will call brother Lin to pick you up, and say that shopping is late today, and I will go back after dinner in our house, you know?"

Lin Xiaoyao nodded and let them arrange. Brother Lin was suspicious when he received the call, but he still did not ask.

When he arrived at 7 p.m. to pick up Lin Xiaoyao on time, he looked at Lin Xiaoyao, who was pale except his face, and there was no other place to be hurt, so he was relieved.

When linxiaoyao and others left, Qin Tian said, "it seems that Lin Zhi is still not dead. Originally, the old man told us to stop the Lin family affairs, but it seems that no one can do it. If people don't commit me, I will not make everyone want to commit them. I will fight back with all my strength.

Lin Zhi, who dare to move my people, should be prepared and pay the price. "

Li Xinran hurriedly pulled his hand. "Forget to get in trouble. After all, this is the capital. If we make too much noise, Lin family will also take the hand. Lin Zhi is also a Lin family person after all. If you do this, Qin family will be in a dilemma."

Li Xinran was worried that the Qin family was difficult to do. After all, the two were world-class friends. If they were too ugly, the Qin family's father and son were not good at explaining it, but Qin Tian didn't care. Although Qin family and Lin family are world friends, Qin Kuang also said that it has been out of contact for many years, but only in recent years has there been a meeting.

So it doesn't matter if you don't offend. Besides, Lin Zhixian started it. Then Qin Tiantian will not be spared lightly.

Qin Kuang said: "Lin Zhi was born by the second house's wife. Anyway, it was not the second room in charge. We learned the lesson. The old man who wanted to come to Lin's house would not be too careful."

Qin Kuan's words let Qin Tian let go. Yes, anyway, it was not valued. A small man dared to provoke him to his head. Qin Tian couldn't bear it.

Although he promised Li Xinran on the surface, Qin Tian still took Qin Kuang and Qin Fen to the room to discuss countermeasures in private.

Qin Kuo said: "since I decided, I just let go of my hand. Anyway, it is not a big deal of people. People have never liked the birth of a little wife. Since they decided to do it, I would do it. Anyway, I support you."

"Lin Zhi is not a good thing to move our family."

Qin Fen nodded at one side, "you said it would be OK. I will do it if you need help."

With their two support, Qin Tian was relieved. Anyway, Qin family support themselves, they moved their own people naturally to pay a price.Qin family father did not expect Qin Tian to be so bold, with Qin Kuo and Qin Fen, one to pay for one effort, and the two people so openly and grandly carry things, went to Lin family to see Lin Xiaoyao, this excuse is very good, Lin family father happened not at home, Lin Xiaoyao saw them come very surprised, and then responded, this should be for Lin zhilai.

Seeing Qin Tian, Lin Xiaoyao pointed to the position of the upstairs, "Lin Zhi is on that top. When are you going to do it?"

Looking at Lin Xiaoyao, Qin Tian was surprised, "do you know we are here to find trouble?"

Lin Xiaoyao picked up his eyebrow: "of course, or are you really coming to see me?"

Hearing her so direct, Qin Tian simply did not pretend.

"Since you know, I will not deny it. Indeed, we are here to teach him a lesson. Who let him be happy with you like this? My wife I can not give up to move a finger, although it is the capital, I also do not allow people to bully her. "

Lin Xiaoyao admired his words, but then agreed with him, "indeed, I have never been treated like this since I was so big. Qin Tian, you should teach him a good lesson! I'm for you! "

Lin Xiaoyao raised his fist and hated going up himself. But Qin Tian left her, and she didn't refuse. She just waited downstairs and told them that Lin Zhi was cultivating his body and mind.

Because he was taught by the old man, Lin Zhi would not dare to go out for a while, but it doesn't mean he has no action. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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