"Xiao Dahai, you old vegetables, look at you! If you didn't have a daughter to remind me of, I would have killed you! " Tiger Ye Pei's one, a mouthful of thick phlegm spits on Xiao Dahai's head.

Xiao Dahai, Xiao Ya's father, likes to drink and gamble. Recently, he has been addicted to the habit of taking drugs. He took all of Xiao Ya's savings, but he actually borrowed a usury, ready to take his daughter to pay back the money!

Now the usury comes to our door. This is a group of ghosts!

"Don't worry, tiger master, my daughter is the most filial. I'll persuade her to follow him. If she doesn't agree, I'll crash into the wall and show her..." Xiao Dahai said, smoking while his body was obviously addicted to drugs again. "Master Tiger... Please give me another bag..."

the man called "tiger master" sneered and nodded, and his gangster grinned grimly Take out a package of white powder, put it on the tin foil and bake it with a lighter.

"Thank you tiger master, thank tiger master..." Xiao Dahai saw that he had some goods for himself. He quickly got up and rushed to the past. While sucking, he showed an expression of intoxication and enjoyment.

"That's right. As long as your daughter follows me, you are my father-in-law, and your business is my business. Isn't it a small idea to be filial to your several bags of powder?" Tiger master laughed.

At the moment, Xiao Yazheng trotted all the way into the residential building, panting and sweating.

"You all go away! Dad, what are you doing! How can you suck this stuff! " Seeing his father kneeling on the ground like a smoker sucking the white mist on the tin foil, he rushed up like a mad lioness!

Xiao Dahai is very happy, but she is pushed away by her daughter. She is very angry. She slaps Xiao Ya in the face and says, "get out of my way. Don't delay my powder sucking!"

"Dad, what are you doing!? It can't be sucked

Xiao Ya tried her best to stop her father, but she was pushed away by him again and again.

Sitting on the sofa, the tiger master saw Xiao Ya in professional clothes, and his eyes flashed green.

"Hey, hey, hey, Xiao Ya is back?" The tiger master swallowed his saliva, "how do you say that? Did you get the 500000 your father owed me? In addition, I'll tell you, your father gambled with me in the past few days, and owed me another 230000! Add up, a total of 730000, brother tiger will erase a small change for you, 700000! "

"What?" Xiao Ya turned and looked at her father angrily, and her tears brushed down, "Dad, you promised me not to gamble? Why on earth is that? "

Xiao Dahai has almost sucked at this time, and her mind has occupied the highland again. When she saw her daughter crying, she immediately slapped herself with regret, "Xiaoya, Dad, I'm sorry. I want to win back all the money we owe him, but I didn't expect..."

Xiao Ya understood immediately when she heard it!

In the set, knowing Xiao Dahai can't afford it, he lent it to him. The tiger master didn't have any good intentions from the beginning!

"Tiger Lord, I will pay back the money we owe you. I have raised 200000 yuan. I can get it for you later. You can take it first, and I will pay you back the rest as soon as possible...

" 200000 yuan? Xiao Ya, don't say that my brother doesn't take care of you at this time. Even if there is less than one point today, things will not pass. I have to take all of them today! In addition, I know that your father and daughter are in a difficult life, and brother tiger doesn't do that desperate job, and I'll show you a way out! "

Tiger Ye narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Hai, who was shrinking behind Xiao Ya.

"Xiaoya, the tiger master just told me that as long as you are willing to follow him, we don't have to pay back the money we owe. Moreover, tiger also promised me that he would pack all the powder I smoked in the future..."

"Dad!" Xiao Ya suddenly turned around, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Dahai with hatred, biting her lips and shaking all over her body, "Dad, you are forcing your daughter to the desperate road!"

"Xiaoya, you should follow the tiger master. Our family can't afford it..." Xiao Dahai patted his thighs, pointed to the house with no family walls and cried: "if you don't agree today, I'll run into and die here, go down to find your mother who died early. Anyway, I'm a burden to you, so I'd better leave early, so as not to drag you down..."

"Dad..." two lines of clear tears slide from Xiaoya's cheek Fall, eyes also from the beginning of the stubborn, into the later hesitation.

Maybe, it's all life!

Xiao Ya closed her eyes and let her tears wash away. What can she do? Do you really watch your father crash to death on the wall?

The tiger master sitting on the sofa fluttered his fat head. Knowing that there was a way to deal with today's affairs, he could hardly wait to hold Xiao Ya to the bed and ravaged her severely!

"Xiaoya, if he wants to die, I think you'd better help him. If you think it's too slow to hit the wall, it's a good choice to jump from the window!"

All of a sudden, a voice full of lazy breath came from behind. Xiao Ya suddenly turned back and saw Qin Tiancha's pocket, one step at a time, walked into his home.

"My God, this matter has nothing to do with you, you go!" Xiao Ya can't care for the tears on his face and hastens Qin Tian to leave.Tiger master is a famous gangster in shantytowns. He runs casinos, usury and clubs. In addition, he sees the peddlers and poisons he sees today. Basically, he catches the big crime of shooting. Such people eat people and don't spit out their bones. Fighting and fighting are common. It's not uncommon even to cut people with knives.

Xiao Ya knows about Qin Tian's situation. Her son-in-law is too busy to take care of her own family affairs. In the face of these vicious bastards, she is really afraid that she may implicate him.

"You son of a bitch, who is special? The crotch is not clamped, and you are exposed?" Seeing that someone was making trouble, the tiger master's face suddenly showed a look of impatience. As soon as his eyes were staring, several younger brothers surrounded Qin Tian.

Qin Tian, seeing someone around, smiles and pretends to be scared and says, "Oh, tiger master, don't be angry. My name is Qin Tian. I'm Xiao Ya and I'm friends. I've heard of tiger's name for a long time. I'd like to be with you for a long time. Please take care of me."

Say, Qin Tian ha waist stretched out the past.

"Hum, you will come here!"

Mixed black. Dao, mostly mixed face, mixed with fame, tiger ye see Qin Tian so sensible son, the look on his face also eased down, a proud smile, put his hand in the past, with Qin Tian to hold together!

But it didn't matter. The tiger's face changed immediately!

Qin Tian's hand is like a pair of tongs, tightly hooped. The cold sweat on tiger's head came down, and his face was twisted in pain!

"Mr. tiger, I've heard about you for a long time, and I feel that there is some misunderstanding in today's affairs. Do you think we should let the father and daughter avoid first, and let us have a chat alone?" Qin Tian's hands again, but his face is still flattering and laughing, I don't know that he is tiger Ye's younger brother!

"Good, good..." the tiger master has almost heard the voice of bone fracture. If there were not so many younger brothers watching, he would have knelt down for Qin Tian!

"Let them go, quick!"

You look at me, I see you, I don't know what happened at all. I can only get out of the way.

"Tian Ge..." Xiao Ya looked at him and didn't dare to go. How could the ferocious and terrible tiger master become a good talker?

"You drive your car and take your uncle away. We are brothers. We need to have a good chat." Qin Tianyi looks back and says to Xiao Ya with a smile.

Although Xiao Ya is puzzled, her father is full of blood now. If you don't deal with it, I'm afraid there will be problems. She still leaves with a step and three steps.

Xiao Ya disappeared in the dark corridor. Qin Tian slowly released his hand and asked with a smile: "tiger master, how do you feel?"

"I feel you scold the next door! I'm impatient to live. I dare to make fun of you tiger master! Give it to me, brothers, and get rid of this meddlesome scum

The tiger master covered his hands, his face was ferocious!

Xiao Yafei, who finally got his hand, shook his hand and was put aside by the grandson. The tiger master was so angry that at one command, seven or eight younger brothers surrounded Qin Tian again!

Qin Tian looked around and said, "Lord tiger, this place is small, or... Let's go out to chat?"

The tiger master sneered, "what? Do you have any demands on where you die? Well, then I will help you

Said, tiger ye a wave of hand, a group of people carrying Qin Tian to go outside, finally, in an alley downstairs, everyone stood still!

"Are you satisfied with the place? Brothers, give it to me Tiger ye a wave of hand, a few younger brother suddenly rushed to Qin Tian!

Qin Tian sneered, green energy flow in the body, suddenly slapped in the face of a gangster in front of him, and suddenly fell on his back and fainted.

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