"Grass!" The remaining a few Huns a look, immediately, take out the knife on the body stabbed to Qin Tian!

Qin Tian's eyes twinkle, not retreat, but into the air, at the foot of a body to soar up, see him in the air in a rotation, two full of explosive muscles of the thigh horizontal sweep out!

"Bang bang bang bang"

in a blink of an eye, all seven or eight children lay on the ground, rolling and wailing, and no one could stand up again!

Qin Tian slowly turned around and looked at the tiger master standing on one side, with a sinister smile on his face.

"Master tiger, you can think about it. How did it feel to shake hands just now?"

Tiger master has been scared silly, looking at the man street can not afford the younger brother, legs a burst of tremor, which mind to answer Qin Tian's question?

He knew that he was kicking the iron plate! A hard iron plate that you can't kick!

"Brother... Brother, have something to say, which road are you from? Brother, I have a lot of industry. If you want money, I will never frown... "The tiger master completely counsels!

At present, this person is very fresh, with such strength, it can almost be called cross river dragon!

As the saying goes, "if you are not afraid of the local villains, you are afraid to cross the river dragon". If you suffer from a local villain, you will have to bring someone to the door to find the place tomorrow. However, cross the river dragon is different. Today, people will work here, and tomorrow they will leave. They will be dumb and suffer!

Therefore, tiger decided to spend money to avoid disaster!

"Which way is it?" Qin Tian made a deep thought, showing some embarrassment, "I'm a small security guard who looks at the gate. Is this the way?"

"Little... Little security guard?" Tiger Ye's face was forced, "brother, are you really a security guard?"

"Of course, I am our youngest security guard!" Qin Tian looks proud and charming!

Tiger Ye looked at Qin Tian's appearance, suddenly that fear was pressed down, replaced by a ferocious face!

"I grass mud, horse, a stinky security guard dare to pretend to force me here!? I advise you to be sensible and let me go, or I will kill your whole family

"Oh? Threatening me? " Qin Tian sneered.

Suddenly, a powerful hand suddenly stretched out, a pinch in the tiger's neck, a little force, more than 200 kg of body suddenly soared!

The tiger master's body was full of red, his hands and feet were constantly dancing in the air, but Qin Tian's hand, like a pair of pliers, fixed him in the air!

Qin Tian had a flash of cold in his eyes, and suddenly burst out a murderous air on him, just like the essence fell on the tiger master, which made the temperature of the whole alley drop by three points, and the tiger master was like falling into an ice cellar!

"It's easier to kill you than to crush an ant!"

Tiger looked at him in the air. He had already forgotten the struggle. The breath of death was cold from head to foot. It seemed that there was not a person standing in front of him, but a ghost horse face from hell. The ghost gate was in front of him!

Who the hell is he!?

All of a sudden, a yellow liquid trickled down to the floor along the tiger's pants legs, and a smell of urine came out from the pants and crotch.

Qin Tian frowned and snorted coldly. As soon as he shook hands, the tiger master's body of more than 200 Jin was thrown by him on the wall!

"I won't kill you today. Listen to me clearly. From now on, all debts between you and Xiaoya's father and daughter will be written off. If you have any opinions, come to me, Qin Tian will accompany you to the end! If you dare to trouble their father and daughter again, I will kill your family! I do what I say

Qin Tian took a cold look at the tiger, which was cold to the bone!

Qin Tian, this name he remembered! Even if you die in the future, you can't provoke this guy!

"Well, what are the people over there doing?"

All of a sudden, a Jiao drink came from the distance, and then he saw a figure rushing towards Qin Tian and others.

Qin Tianzheng is ready to go. He is attracted by this charming drink. He turns his head and looks at it. He is surprised and can't close his mouth!

I saw a beautiful woman in police uniform, who was walking towards her.

She is twenty-three or four years old. Her pupils are clear and bright. Her willow eyebrows are bent. Her long eyelashes are slightly trembling. Her white and flawless skin shows a light pink color. Her vermilion lips are delicate and tender like roses!

The figure is even better, no words, even the standard police uniform can not cover the delicate body below, especially a pair of bulges on the chest, which is more magnificent and continuous!

It's Ding Hanxue, a policewoman.

Qin Tian looks at the little policewoman to approach, smile slightly!

"It's really a narrow road for enemies." The little policewoman drank again, raised her hand and pulled out a black iron pimple from her waist. The black muzzle of the gun pointed to Qin Tian, "hold your head in both hands and squat down!"

"Hello, Hello, comrade police, is there a mistake? I am a good citizen Qin Tian shouts as he raises his hands on his head.

"Good people? You think I'm blind? What happened to the wounded all over the place? What happened to the one who was scared to pee his pants? " With a sneer, the little policewoman obviously didn't believe what Qin Tian said.Qin Tian shook his head. "I don't know. I didn't play anyway."

"Not you? Is it hard for them to fight by themselves? You are my idiot! " The little policewoman was furious. He was upset when she met last time. Today, she was caught by herself!

Qin Tian listened to it, and suddenly his eyes were bright. "Well? I remember you say that. Comrade police, you are right. They fight by themselves! Don't believe you ask them! "

Qin Tian took the corner of his eyes and glanced at the tiger master who still sat on the ground breathing. The tiger master suddenly shivered!

"Tiger, comrade police asked you what you said, you must take the truth!"

Tiger Ye is crying, in this one no one knows nobody knows, the scenery infinite tiger master, unexpectedly in blink of an eye became a small tiger!

But he dare to stab with Qin Tian. He could not help shaking his legs when he thought of the breath just now.

"Comrade police, the people lying on the ground are really fighting by themselves. I guarantee them with my personality!" Tiger Lord is flapping his head, busy to testify to Qin Tian!

The little policewoman glanced at the tiger master, and also guaranteed that you had a fart personality, a prostitute, a casino, a usury, and nothing you didn't do. Your record in the bureau can be twice as thick as anyone else!

"You are not a good thing, too! Hold your head in your hands and squat down for me! "

This time to do any cases are not smooth, Ding Han snow mood is very bad! Just two days ago, he pursued a strong one for more than half a month. The case of adultery, so that the criminal could not be traced. Because of the fierce start in the process of arrest, he interrupted his dog legs. He criticized the whole situation this morning and asked himself to write a review!

Hum! Kill and don't write!

The sad Ding Han snow even did not eat work meal, drove the police car out of the Bureau, straight to the slum shanty area!

No other, because there are all the people here, there are many people fighting, caught by themselves, and they will repair it well and get angry!

Good luck. As soon as I got here, I saw a group of people in the alley fighting, and they were scared to shit and urine all over the place!

This kind of person is not repaired, in vain for the people's police!

"Hum, anyway, I don't care what you say. I'm unlucky to meet me today. I will go back to the bureau with you. Whoever dares to refuse to arrest, don't blame me for being polite!" Ding Han snow looks at Qin Tian, and he is ready to torture him with handcuffs!

Qin Tian looks stupid, this girl is too tiger, right? Torture people without asking?!

Seeing her play really, Qin Tian hurriedly retreated. "Comrade police, you can't bully us not understanding the law. All said I didn't beat people, no evidence, and besides, I also gave evidence by tiger. You can't treat a law-abiding citizen like this! If I am so young, if I stay at the end of the case, my daughter-in-law runs with others. You will pass on my family to my family? "


Seeing Qin Tian's mouth is not bad, Ding Han Snow's fire immediately dawdle up and run up, simply handcuffs are not used, pistol is plugged back to the gun sleeve, body a twist on Qin Tian rushed past!

Straight legs suddenly push, light body in the air for a week, right leg do a sweeping force, toward the chest of Qin Tian kicked past!

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