"Qin Tian, you, you treat me..." His face began to skew, and his saliva flowed out. In a short time, he felt his tongue began to harden, and at the beginning he could make several sounds. Basically, he couldn't speak. His face twisted and became more and more ferocious.

Qin Tian knew that he began to be anxious. Anyone who found himself unable to speak would be anxious. However, Lin Zhi's reaction was more intense than he imagined. He kept pounding at the head of the bed. The sound of the thump attracted the second lady of Lin.

But when Mrs. Lin arrived at the door, she heard Qin Kuo shouting: "Lin Zhi! Lin Zhi, what's wrong with you? "

Hearing this, Mrs. Lin's second wife was in a hurry and rushed in. However, Qin Tian was worried about holding down Lin Zhi's legs. Lin Zhi's feet were constantly twitching. After a while, Lin Zhi's face was crooked and his mouth was tilted. Mrs. Lin's second lady was scared and screamed. Qin Tian called out to her, "go and call the doctor quickly!"

Mrs. Lin did not have time to respond, and then turned to call the doctor. Qin Tiancai pulled the silver needles on Lin Zhi's head one by one, and said to Lin Zhi, "you will spend your time in bed in the future. I believe that doctors in the imperial capital or anywhere can't make you return to their original state. I believe that my medical skills will never let you down!"

Lin Zhi was frightened by his words. Although he was conscious now, it was fatal to be unable to speak. Lin did not want to spend the rest of his life in hospital bed, just like those old men who had suffered a stroke at a young age.

This is not the life he wants, so Lin Zhi holds Qin Tian's hand tightly. Qin Tian smiles and shakes his hand away!

"When you do something to my wife, you should think about the consequences. If you are caught by me, you will never let go. You don't know how many people in Songshan city don't know that Qin Tian has always had a revenge

Lin Zhi regretted Qin Tian's words. He didn't expect that Qin Tian would be good at medicine. He also had to blame himself. They didn't investigate carefully before. Qin's family was just Qin Kuo. He knew it and was just a dandy like him.

As for Qin Fen, he is a nerd. But ten thousand did not expect to rush out a Qin day, not only bad his good deeds, but also turned him into this appearance.

Lin Zhi was angry in his heart, but he couldn't say it. He only glared at Qin Tian. Qin Tian sneered at him. Then he heard the footsteps of the second lady of Lin. he patted Lin Zhi's face. "Enjoy the rest of your life. After all, not everyone has your luck. He can lie in bed without worrying about food and drink."

Qin Tian stepped back and saw Lin Zhi's eyes wide. Qin Tian knew what he meant, but his face was red and his mouth was crooked.

Mrs. Lin rushed in to see this scene, and nearly fainted. After less than ten minutes, the doctor came and said in a deep voice, "the young master, this is a stroke."

"Stroke! How is that possible? How could he have a stroke when he was so young? "

Mrs. Lin doesn't believe it. How old is Lin Zhicai? How can he get the diseases of old people?

The doctor pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and explained, "maybe it's stimulated, maybe it's too excited. In short, the disease is younger now, no one can say the specific reason, but also to go to the hospital for careful examination. "

Qin Tian touches his nose on one side, and the doctor is right. He is really stimulated by a lot of stimulation, plus his own silver needle.

"Doctor Mrs. Lin grabbed the doctor's hand and said, "you should treat him. He is so young that he can't stay in bed all his life."

Their second room was in a bad position!

Lin Zhi, as the second wife of the second house, had no achievements at all, and now he has become a waste man. Can the second master of Lin look at him more in the future?

Without her son to help her, the two ladies would not be able to sit steadily! There are young and beautiful young girls outside. She is in a hurry to paste it on the second master Lin. how can she not be in a hurry?

The doctor shook his head. "I'm afraid I'll be hospitalized, and even if it's OK, it will take a long time to recover."

Qin Tian couldn't help sneering at him. He couldn't recover. He planted it because no one could take it.

The doctor is right. It is necessary to be hospitalized. However, rehabilitation treatment is only auxiliary exercise, and can not be fully recovered.

In addition, Qin Tian has killed his facial nerves. In the future, Lin Zhi wants to see people with this face. I think the second master of Lin will not want to let him see others. They are responsible for the fate of the second room.

Seeing that the doctor called an ambulance to pull Lin Zhi away, Mrs. Lin went on the car crying after her. She did not pay any attention to Qin Tian and others laughing behind her back.

After doing all this, Qin Tian and Qin Kuo come to the back garden. At this time, Qin Fen is sitting with Lin Xiaoyao and chatting. When he hears them coming, Lin Xiaoyao turns and says with a smile, "what's the matter? Is everything done?"

"Is it worth saying? One day, I can't do anything wrong. You didn't see Mrs. Lin crying just now. Lin Zhi can't get up all his life. "

Lin Xiaoyao's eyes widened, "Qin Tian, do you really make him disabled?"Qin Tian just touched his nose, "actually, it is not a disability, and he has left a life. If he recovers well in the future, his hands and feet can still move. But it's impossible for him to walk like a normal person. Xiaoyao, you should be careful in the future. I didn't fool him. He still knows something. "

Lin Xiaoyao did not think, "I am not afraid, grandpa has said that he will be ten meters away from me, if dare to approach me, I will never let him go. What else Mrs. Lin Er, why do you call her wife? She forced my aunt away. I don't recognize her at all. She will not be taken seriously at home, and will be able to fight with my uncle to give a powerful hand! "

Lin Xiaoyao said that he was angry. Qin Fen looked at her vivid face expression and laughed.

Lin Xiaoyao turned his head and looked at him, and reached out and patted him on the shoulder. "What little antique do you laugh at?"

Qin Fen was surprised, "what do you call me?"

"No, what are you laughing at, Qin Fen!"

Linxiaoyao quickly changed his mouth. Qin Kuan laughed and exposed her politely. "She called you little antique. You Ya is indeed an antique. She used to say nothing at home, and didn't play with us much. He knew to read books on the side or follow grandpa to practice martial arts. So they all gave you a nickname called a little antique. "

"You should have been the one who started the nickname?" Qin Fen looked at Lin Xiaoyao, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

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