Lin Xiaoyao embarrassed to stick out his tongue: "I, who let you not play with me at that time. Every time I call you, I always make an excuse, so I give you a nickname called "little antique". It's very appropriate. But now you seem to have changed a lot. Only in this way can you go out and get in touch with more people. It's a pity that you look so handsome and don't make a debut. "

Lin Xiaoyao's words made Qin Fen a little embarrassed. In front of everyone, he shook his head: "don't be kidding. Do you still want to be a monk? I want to inherit the family precepts for the future development of the Qin family. If I become a monk, my grandfather will be very angry. "

Puff Chi, Lin Xiaoyao laughed out, "I'm just talking about it. You're really not suitable to be a star. It's too straight, straight man!"

"What is a straight man?" Qin Fen didn't understand again. Qin Tian interrupted them, "OK, Lin Xiaoyao, don't tease him. He is an honest boy. You don't want to use such avant-garde network language. Can't you say it well? "

Lin Xiaoyao curled his lips. "Forget it. We should keep in touch with each other in the future. I don't have many friends in the imperial capital.

Qin family is a good place to go. My grandfather often has a strict family style. Let me learn more from you. Let's walk around more in the future. "

There is another person who wants to make friends with Qin Fen. Of course, Qin Fen is willing to. Qin Kuo is pounding Qin Tian's arm. "Look, they're so excited when they talk. If they can make a good friend between Qin and Jin, the old man can be relieved."

Qin Kuo's two thumbs are relatively curved. Qin Tian frowns, "you think too much. Lin Xiaoyao can talk with anyone. She's just talking with Qin Fen. "

Seeing this scene, Qin Kuo already thought of all the things about Qin Fen's marriage and having children.

Seeing that he didn't believe him, Qin Tian continued: "you still said that she was a little girl. You don't know? Xiaoyao can talk with everyone. He can't walk the road when he sees a handsome boy. Maybe it's just the feeling of Qin Fen like he was when he was a child. You can't make a mess to avoid embarrassment. What can we do when we don't communicate? "

In fact, what he said is right. Lin Xiaoyao is not Qin Fen in her heart. She just thinks that they are childhood playmates. Especially when Qin Fen and Qin Tian stand together, her eyes can't help moving to Qin Tian.

Lin Xiaoyao knew that Qin Tian's position in his heart could not be changed. Seeing Qin Tian, he suddenly thought of Li Xinran and the events of that day, so he asked in a deep voice: "when I ran away with sister Xinran that day, I heard a scream behind me. Later, I didn't know what happened to those people, so I was ripped open. It's bloody. It's creepy to think of it today.

And they flew out when they caught us. Qin Tian, do you think there is a strange force in this world? I never believed it before, but I had to believe that there were ghosts in the world. Isn't there anything like that around Xinran? "

Hearing that Lin Xiaoyao asked, Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "sometimes what you see may not be true,

baojiaxian! There should be some Wong Tai Hsien, especially in the countryside. Maybe you've met the landlords and landlords! "

Lin Xiaoyao looked disgusted, "but that's a fairy. Don't tease me! Those gangsters were rifled, which immortal would be so cruel? I think only ghosts can do it. "

Qin Tian doesn't admit it. He just makes a fool of her. But Qin Fen's heart trembles. He knows that Qin Tian has this kind of thing around him.

On the first day of the competition, he saw it, so while Lin Xiaoyao was making trouble, Qin Fen said, "in fact, some people will encounter this kind of thing if their fortune is too bad. Maybe you can run fast that day, otherwise it will be your turn to the next one. What's more, you also said that it was in the suburbs that day. It was very sparsely populated. That kind of place is very easy to appear. Don't go there next time. "

When Qin Fen explained this, Lin Xiaoyao understood. He was so frightened that he could not help but feel cold. She stuck out her tongue and asked no more.

Qin Tian smiles. It seems that Qin Fen is still very clever.

After sitting for a while, several people left the Lin family and made an appointment for the meeting time. After coming out, Qin Fen asked, "in fact, I saw all that day. There seems to be something wrong with the jade pendant on your chest. I saw a black air floating out of it, and I saw my aunt again. Qin Tian, are you... "

Qin Fen did not finish, but Qin Tian admitted, "you are right. I have never denied the ghost, and I did receive a lot of souls. But don't talk about it casually. The most taboo of a monk is high-profile. In this world, these things are not recognized, so even if I said it, no one knows

Qin Fen was overjoyed and took Qin Tian's arm and asked him, "can you see the ancestors? Ask him what's going on

Qin Tian was stunned, "ancestor? When I entered the Qin family, I didn't feel the existence of any wronged spirits, so I couldn't get the spirits of the ancestors you mentioned.

And these souls are all obtained by me unintentionally. It's not that you can see what you want to see. I'm not a great God. How can I catch ghosts? "

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Qin Fen's eyes suddenly darkened. He really wanted to know, if there were really 60 levels, could grandfather survive?But if the spirit of our ancestors is there, we can ask what happened in those years? In this way, we may get some clues and break the big barrier.

Qin Tian knew what he thought, so he patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "in fact, I haven't finished yet. We don't know the details of the sixty passes you worry about or the curses of our ancestors. Only look at grandfather's body, if there is no problem, plus conditioning, I think he should be able to pass that pass, you should be more careful, there is nothing terrible. Accidents and people can be avoided as long as you pay more attention. "

Until now, Qin Tian still thinks that it's all man-made. Qin Fen doesn't speak any more. He just nods and looks serious. Only when he reaches his 60th birthday, can he see if there is a way to crack it.

Several people came home together. Mr. Qin was already sitting there waiting for them to come back to dinner. Seeing Qin Fen and Qin Kuo and Qin Tian entering the house, the old man said in a deep voice, "have a good time outside. How's the Lin family today?"

Qin Tiangang was about to speak when he heard Qin Kuo open his mouth. He was very excited. "Grandfather, Lin Zhi of the second room of the Lin family suddenly suffered a stroke. We all saw it in the past. His mouth was crooked and his mouth was flowing. I heard that he was stimulated by something. He had a stroke for no reason! Mrs. Lin is crying. She wants to come to the Lin family this time and it should be quite peaceful. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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